Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Lawn Industry of Pakistan
Letter of Acknowledgement Ms. Saadiyeh Saad Course Convener Methods of Business Research CBM – Karachi. Dear Madam, As per instructions, we are submittings this case-study like research report on Lawn Industry of Pakistan discussing the factors impacting the intensification of lawn fabrics in Pakistan. We would like to thank you for being so helpful and supportive in the teaching us this subject in such a manner that after its completion, our concepts are literally clear regarding various methodologies involved in researches. Beyond any doubt, it is just an outcome of your comprehensive and procedural approach of teaching that we have made this report without scantiness of any kind. We are really obliged for your support, Madam. Regards, Nasir R. Zaidi Pakistan Business Research (PBR) is a nation wide advisory services agency and market research firm. Primarily, it focuses on assisting retail industry executives and vendors serving retailers to achieve competitive differentiation and market success through business-driven short term investments. PBR provides facts based research and customer centric strategies to enable better offerings from vendors and more effective business investments by retailers. PBR helps clients gain clarity, obtain precise perspective and formulate course of action on critical business issues. Founded in 2009 by a group of IoBM Grads, PBR provides custom marketing research, syndicated research and evidence-based consulting to leading organizations in the financial services, life sciences and consumer goods industries. Through quality research, advanced analytics and deep industry knowledge, PBR delivers data-driven solutions and strategies that enable clients to better understand customers, define products, and shape market opportunities in order to increase revenues and grow the value of their products and brands. PBR’s Key Services: Since its inception in 2009, PBR has providing services of a full-fledge research firm that specializes in helping companies understand current customers, lost customers, potential customers and employees (internal customers) and track the factors that affect customer satisfaction, loyalty, awareness, and purchasing behaviors. Undergoing rapid developments since its establishment in 2009, PBR is a market research company with already many standing client relationships in place and a strategic plan for strong and consistent growth. Core Values: Invest in continuous learning to improve the quality of work and the development of our employees Exhibit an ethical â€Å"can-do†attitude and practice what we preach. Form lasting partnerships with our customers and suppliers; Foster a rewarding and fun environment for employees; Further our commitment to the community. Provide products and services that exceed our clients’ expectations in terms of accuracy, quality and timeliness. Brand Research & Consulting: Brands play a critical role in purchase decision making. They are the customer-facing expression of your business strategy. So why do so many companies know so little about their brands? Whether you are just starting to define your brand or you have an established brand that you are managing – accurate and timely information is available only through adequate brand research. PBR’s branding research concentrates on six key areas to give the critical information you need to manage your brand; 1. Creating a new brand strategy 2. Understanding how far your brand can stretch 3. Brand architecture 4. Brand management 5. Revitalizing brands 6. Brand positioning New Products / Services Research: The failure rate of new product launches is very high. Some estimates are that less than 20% of new products succeed! In order to increase your chances of new product success, turn to Pakistan Business Research (PBR). Our experience in marketing research for identifying, developing and launching new products is second to none. Using both qualitative and quantitative research, we can help you identify customer dissatisfaction and unmet needs, generate and screen new product concepts, evaluate market feasibility (demand and value), identify compelling marketing benefits and messages and track introduction, awareness and trial. Introducing new products without marketing research is like driving blind – much too risky! In short, just let PBR help you navigate your way to successful product introduction. Additional Areas of Expertise Advanced Statistical Analyses: PBR has an on-site online module to conduct advanced statistical functions such as multiple regression (driver analysis), cluster analysis, factor analysis, perceptual mapping (multidimensional scaling), structural equation modeling and data mining. Marketing Surveys: In addition to our market research specialties, PBR is well experienced in conducting different types of marketing research including all types of Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer research studies, advertising effectiveness, attitude testing, marketing effectiveness, market segmentation, positioning and a lot more. Pragmatic Execution: Our business research can help you not only design but also execute the best possible marketing surveys taking into consideration which aspects of your marketing efforts are being measured, available contact information, market segment, market size and structure, available budget etc. PBR’s Marketing Research Process: Our marketing research process includes the systematic identification, collection, analysis and distribution of information for the purpose of knowledge development and decision making. The reasons and times at which your company or organization might consider performing marketing research varies, but the general purpose of gaining intelligence for decision making remains constant throughout. Customers occupy the central role in the marketing research process. As a company or organization, the overwhelming majority of research you are currently considering likely revolves around your customers: †¢ Current customers †¢ Prospective customers †¢ Lost customers †¢ Members †¢ Community †¢ Employees (internal customers) Shareholders (internal customers) Whether you are creating a new marketing research program or perhaps revising an existing marketing research program, what are the steps you should take? While there are dozens of little steps along the way, each of these steps fits into one of the 6 major steps of the marketing research process. They are; Step 1: Identifying and define the problem Step 2: Develop the approach Step 3: Establis h research design and strategy Step 4: Collect the data Step 4: Perform data analysis Step 5: Report and present Problem Definition – The Case : PBR’s two month old client, KOHINOOR TEXTILES wanted to invest some money into opening a seasonal lawn boutique brand. KOHINOOR TEXTILES was aware that rigorous market research and analysis would be required in order to determine potential for such a venture as related to price, quality, sales, marketing, culture and lifestyle and trends of already existing lawn brands. The client, already possessing a favourable market share in fashion industry, had noticed that the demand of lawn products was on the increase during Spring and Summer seasons and a larger number of brands were on a sharp growth pattern when other smaller competitors sprung up and began taking some of the market share. Yet this client also noted that out of 10 or 15 such lawn manufacturing companies, only about 3 or 4 were highly successful. So we were brought in and asked, what factors make lawn exhibitions so successful? – Is the demand ever increasing? – Is the supply meeting the demand? – Is this only seasonal or is it a year round trend? And lastly, would a lump-some investment towards manufacturing and selling high quality lawn be fruitful for a firm? Developing the Approach: With these queries and predicaments in mind, PBR called upon some its most outstanding and proactive researchers to help KOHINOOR TEXTILES embark on a journey to launch their lawn prints. The team consisted of: Mr. Nasir ZaidiDirector – Research Affairs (PBR) Mr. Salman AnisManaging Director – Analysis (PBR) Mr. Ahsan Rasheed Head – Research Coordinator (PBR) Mr. Hassan GhoriResearch Method Analyst (PBR) Establishing Research Objective & Design: The research objective was to find what factors were making lawn exhibitions so successful? After lengthy discussions, it was decided that it would be best to get into the customers’ mind directly (primary research) about what makes lawn exhibitions so successful. The team sat together to construct a way of finding out facts on the growing trends of lawn and the entire fashion industry at the same time. After a lot of deliberations and keeping in view the dynamic state of affairs in lawn industry, it was decided that the target market was ALL WOMEN FALLING IN 18+ AGE RANGE. With further more analysis and options, the following questionnaire was constructed for a survey of a sample of a 100 (hundred) women. Questionnaire We, the final year students of College of Business Management (CBM), are conducting a research into â€Å"HOW BRANDED LAWN IS TURNING INTO AN INDUSTRY†and the â€Å"INCREASING TREND OF LAWN CULTURE IN PAKISTAN†. We shall be thankful if you can spare two minutes of your time and fill this short questionnaire. 1. Never ask a woman her age, but what’s your ‘age range’? a. 16-25________ b. 26-30________ c. 31-35________ d. 36+________ 2. You are currently†¦ a. In school________ b. In college________ c. Employed________ d. A housewife________ 3. In the recent past, how many Lawn Exhibitions have you attended? . 1 – 2________ b. 3 – 4________ c. 5 – 6________ d. 7 and above________ 4. Do you prefer Lawn over other fabrics? a. Yes________ b. No________ c. Depends on the occasion________ d. Only in summers________ 5. Which one of the following factors according to YOU makes Lawn Exhibitions so successful? a. Price____ ____ b. Quality________ c. Availability________ d. Advertisement________ e. Other (please specify) 6. What is the Maximum Price you are willing to pay for a Lawn suit? a. 1’000 – 1’999 PKR________ b. 2’000 – 2’999 PKR________ c. 3’000 – 3’999 PKR________ d. ’000 – 4’999 PKR________ 7. Lawn is best for†¦ a. Formal occasions________ b. Casual wear________ c. Mix of both a & b________ d. Daily use________ 8. How many hours would you say you watch Fashion TV or Style 360 in any given week? a. Don’t watch either________ b. 1 – 7 hours________ c. 8 – 14 hours________ d. 15 + hours________ 9. Which factor has affected / influenced your Lawn buying behavior the most, if at all? (Choose the best option) a. Plain necessity________ b. Media________ c. Growth in the Fashion Industry________ d. Need for purchase of high quality products________ 10. Does television have a direct affect on your buying behavior? a. Never________ b. Rarely________ c. Sometimes________ d. Definitely! ________ 11. What’s your opinion towards Bollywood stars endorsing products of a Pakistani Lawn manufacturer? a. That’s a good thing________ b. Whatever helps sell merchandise†¦________ c. Neutral________ d. It shouldn’t happen†¦ Pakistan Zindabad! ________ 12. What’s the number one source to hearing about so many exhibitions? a. Friends________ b. Television________ c. Billboards________ d. Radio________ 13. Is there a limited availability of high quality lawn? . Yes________ b. No________ c. There are plenty of copies in the market________ 14. Which Lawn manufacturer according to you is the best? (please write down your answer) __________________________________________ 15. What are the two main reasons (in your viewpoint) that have caused a significant increase in the number of high quality lawn manufacturers and the growth of lawn exhibitions in the Pakistani market? a. Increase in demand! ________ b. People becoming more aware of their physical presence________ c. Increasing number of occasions to attend! ________ d. It’s too hot for wearing other clothing material________ e. Any other (please specify)______ 16. Which one of the following exhibitions HAVE YOU attended thus far in 2010? (Please place a ‘tick-mark’) JOFA (HSY) MAUSUMMERY GUL AHMED SONIA BATLA AL KARAM SOBIA NAZIR LAKHANI LAWN SANA SAFINAZ MARIA B. V9 LAWN PRINTS JUNAID JAMSHED FIRDOUS 17. Which Lawn exhibitions DID YOU attend in the year 2009? (Please place a ‘check-mark’) JOFA (HSY)MAUSUMMERY GUL AHMED SONIA BATLA AL KARAMSOBIA NAZIR LAKHANI LAWNSANA SAFINAZ MARIA B. V9 LAWN PRINTS JUNAID JAMSHEDFIRDOUS 8. Rate the following Lawn Exhibitions, only those you have attended, on a scale of 1-5 (1 being the worst possible rating and 5 being the best) based upon price, quality, and design of each, in YOUR mind! (please ‘circle’ your choices) V9 Lawn Prints (Vaneeza Ahmed): Price1 2345 Quality1 2345 Design1 2345 Mausummery: Price1 2345 Quality1 2345 Design1 2345 Gul Ahmed (Ideas): Price1 2345 Quality1 2345 Design1 2345 Junaid Jamshed: Price1 2345 Quality1 2345 Design1 2345 JOFA (HSY): Price1 2345 Quality1 2345 Design1 2345 Sana Safinaz: Price1 2345 Quality1 2345 Design1 2345 Data Collection: With the questionnaire complete, it was time for collecting data from a total sample population of 100 (hundred) women. The objective was to collect data from school and college going girls as well as go a to a lawn exhibition itself to gather data through a survey! The response was overwhelming as it took just an hour to get 50 forms filled in the College of Business Management (CBM) alone although, the remaining were filled at Vaneeza’s V9 Lawn Prints Exhibition which was quite trivial yet fascinating! For the results of the research carried out, lets go to Data Analysis which is self-explanatory. In the recent past, how many Lawn Exhibitions have you attended? [pic] Do you prefer Lawn over other fabrics? Which one of the following factors according to YOU makes Lawn Exhibitions so successful? What is the Maximum Price you are willing to pay for a Lawn suit? Lawn is best for†¦ How many hours would you say you watch Fashion TV or Style 360 in any given week? Which factor has affected / influenced your Lawn buying behavior the most, if at all? Does television have a direct affect on your buying behavior? What’s your opinion towards Bollywood Stars endorsing products of a Pakistani Lawn manufacturer? What’s the number one source to hearing about so many exhibitions? Which Lawn manufacturer according to you is the best? What are the two main reasons (in your viewpoint) that have caused a significant increase in the number of high quality lawn manufacturers and the growth of lawn exhibitions in the Pakistani market? Quality of V9 prints in view of women: Price of V9 prints in view of women: Price of Mausummery prints in view of women: Quality of Mausummery prints in view of women: Price of Gul Ahmed prints in view of women: [pic] Quality of Gul Ahmed prints in view of women: [pic] Price of Junaid Jamshed prints in view of women: [pic] Quality of Junaid Jamshed prints in view of women: [pic] Price of Jofa (HSY) prints in view of women: [pic] Quality of Jofa (HSY) prints in view of women: [pic] Price of Sana Safinaz prints in view of women: [pic] Quality of Sana Safinaz prints in view of women: [pic] Hypothesis Testing H0: People attending exhibition in 2010 has increased than in 2009 HA: People attending exhibition in 2010 has not increased than in 2009 [pic] H0: Attending Exhibitions and watching television are dependent HA: Attending Exhibitions and watching television are independent Significance Level: 5% Test Statistics: Chi-Square test on independence [pic] [pic] How many hours would you say you watch Fashion TV or Style 360 in any given week? [pic] As P>0. 05 therefore we donot reject Ho Conclusion: As the test that the given data provides sufficient evidence to conclude that attending a lawn exhibition depends upon the watching Fashion TV or Style 360 Ho: There is no preference of lawn with regards to age H1: There is preference of lawn with regards to age Significance Level: 5% Test Statistic: Chi-Square test on independence Case Processing Summary | | |Cases | | |Valid |Missing |Total | | | |Count | | | |Do you prefer Lawn over other fabrics |Total | | | |YES |NO | |Pearson Chi-Square |12. 961a |9 |. 164 | |Likelihood Ratio |13. 120 |9 |. 157 | |Linear-by-Linear Association |2. 670 |1 |. 02 | |N of Valid Cases |89 | | | |a. 12 cells (75. 0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is . 45. | | | |Symmetric Measures | | | |Value |As ymp. Std. |Approx. Tb | | | | |Errora | | |a. Not assuming the null hypothesis. |b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. | |c. Based on normal approximation. | As P>0. 05 therefore we do not reject H0 Conclusion: The test suggests that there is preference with regard to age. H0: People seek high quality lawn when paying the price HA: People are willing to pay the price for any quality of lawn |Case Processing Summary | | |Cases | | |Valid Missing |Total | | | |Count | | | |Is there a limited availability of high quality lawn |Total | | | |Yes |No |There are | | | | | |plenty of | | | | | |copies in the | | | | | |market | |Chi-Square Tests | | |Value |df |Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)| |Pearson Chi-Square |8. 791a |6 |. 186 | |Likelihood Ratio |9. 176 |6 |. 164 | |Linear-by-Linear Association |. 45 |1 |. 358 | |N of Valid Cases |90 | | | |a. 6 cells (50. 0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is . 26. | |Symmetric Measures | | | | Value |Asymp. Std. |Approx. Tb | | | | |Errora | | |a. Not assuming the null hypothesis. | |b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis. | |c. Based on normal approximation. | [pic] As P>0. 05 do not reject H0 Conclusion: People seek high quality lawn when paying the price H0: Sources of media hearing about exhibitions has increased attendance in exhibition in 2010 H0: Sources of media hearing about exhibitions has not increased attendance in exhibition in 2010 Significance Level: 5% Test Statistic: Chi-square test of independence |Chi-Square Tests | | |Value |df |Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)| |Pearson Chi-Square |22. 05a |27 |. 711 | |Likelihood Ratio |20. 282 |27 |. 819 | |Linear-by-Linear Association |. 002 |1 |. 963 | |N of Valid Cases |90 | | | |a. 34 cells (85. 0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is . 01. | As p>0. 05 therefore do not reject H0 Conclusion: The data provides sufficient evidence that hearing from the given sources of media have lead to an increase in attending the exhibitions Conclusion / Recommendations for the Client: After conducting the research, we found that; – More and more women are attending lawn exhibitions are every year, the figure of exhibitors is increasing. – Lawn is becoming formal way of dressing. – Women keep the factors of price and quality when they go to purchase lawn suits. – The best price range in which maximum number of prospective buyers come is from Rs. 1,000 to Rs. 2,000. – For promotion of lawn prints, Fashion TV and Style 360 can be used for advertisement as most of the target population watches it. – Famous media persons (singers, models and actresses) should be hired to promote lawn. – Television and Billboards play a pivotal role in reaching target audience. According to most of the women, there are still numerous predicaments in quality of lawn which is being offered in Pakistan, therefore, KOHINOOR TEXTILES can come with better quality lawn and fulfill the demand! The aforementioned conclusions are drawn after they w ere statistically proven and consequently, we recommend KOHINOOR TEXTILES to keep in view the findings of research with respect to women preferences, price sensitivity and quality consciousness and come up with new lawn prints so that their probability of success is increased upto a large extent. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty Research Brand Research Customer Retention & Win Back Solutions Employee Research New Product Development Philosophy Promise People Product
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