Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Overview of Marine Invertebrates
Overview of Marine Invertebrates Aretha Rae Boezak Most South African fisherman depends on marine invertebrates to lure fish in order to catch them. These baits are sometimes also used commercially. Some species of invertebrates tend to be quite popular baits, whereas others wouldn’t even be considered. The use of these organisms as fishing bait can have its pro’s and con’s. The most successful baits have been exploited, especially those that are more successful as a live bait. The success of the baits may be as a result of a chemical or a scent that most fish are attracted to. Also, they are quite meaty. Marine invertebrates are some of the most fascinating organisms on the earth. They are found in a variety of locations and is of extreme ecological importance to most marine organisms. It has been found that a vast number of organisms feed on these invertebrates, as they are quite nutrient rich. Marine invertebrates are classified into 12 different phyla. These include: Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Nemertea, Nematoda, Rotifera, Annelida, Molluscs, Arthropoda and Echinodermata. Some popular invertebrates that are not marine are spikes (also called maggots), meal worms and wax worms. Spikes are th e larvae of some fly species, whereas meal worms are the larvae of the darkling beetle species and wax worms, that of moth or bee moths. The phyla Nematoda, Annelida and Molluscs are the most popular invertebrate baits. The rest are not as popular as fishing baits. The reason for this might be as a result of defensive attributes or assets that those organisms have. Some of these include Cnidarians. Cnidarians mainly use chemicals as a defensive attribute. Some contain dreadful neurotoxins that can be fatal to both man and animal. Though some fish species that feed on these organisms are consumed by mankind, it might seem a bit too dangerous to use them as bait. Some are just as dangerous dead or alive. The problem isn’t the bait itself or fish that might be spoiled, it is the handling of the organism. Given that some fisherman are uneducated or do not pursue in the danger of handling these organisms. In South Africa invertebrates like mussels, lug worms and mud prawns are amongst the famous baits for both anglers and commercial fisherman. Commercially, mostly vertebrates are used as bait depending on the type of fish that are caught. Pelagic fishes like hake and common fish in the Cape, like Kabeljou/kobs, can be lured with invertebrates as bait. Annelids like lug worms are also commonly used for bait. Lug worms belong to the class Polychaeta and are found in rocky shores. Lugworms live in sand mixtures where it forms a U-shaped burrow. They are also called burrowers and are tremendous when fishing for Kabeljou, Spotted gunter, White- and Red stumpnose, Dageraad, Yellowbelly Rockcod, Slinger, White steenbras, Hottentot and Bronze. Another is the free swimming Polychaet, Alitta succinea, commonly known as Rag worms (also known as the pile worm or clam worm). Rag worms are a marine annelid that belongs to the family Nereididae. They can be found on the bottom of shallow marine waters. These worms are an important nutrient source for crustaceans and bottom-feeding fish. Arenicola loveni, commonly known is the blood worm. These belong to the family Arenicolidae. Though they are endemic to South Africa, blood worms is an example of an over exploited bait. They are found in estuaries, where they dig deep, u-shaped burrows with one end forming a funnelled depression. According to Branch et al.(2010: 70) â€Å"water is drawn through the tube, oxygenating the sediment and encouraging bacterial growth.†Their name was derived from the fact that they have haemoglobin present in their blood, therefore when damaged, they bleed red blood. The collection of Pseudoneires variegata, commonly known as the mussel worm is also used as bait, but it’s collection destroys large areas of mussel bed. The Wonder-worm (Eunice aphroditois) and the estuarine wonder- worm (Marphysa elitueni) are also amongst those used as bait. However, the bite of the wonder-worm can inflict pain as it is carnivorous and has large jaws. Both these worms gravel under boulders, but the estuarine wonder-worm also burrows in sandbanks. There are a number of molluscs that fish find palatable. Molluscs work particularly well when fishing for snoek, natal stumpnose and the most common fish in the Cape shore, Galjoen. The only problem with molluscs is the possibility of destroying beds, which destroys the habitat of other organisms as well. Mussels are the most common belonging to the class Bivalves. Branch et al. (2010:146): â€Å"As the name implies, bivalves are enclosed by a pair of shell valves, hinged together along the back by an elastic ligament and extending down on either side of their body.†Mussels are a good bait to use when angling in rocky shores. Fulvia papyracea, commonly known as pencil bait, also known as Razor shells, make tremendous bait. They burrow themselves deeply in clean, firm sand of lagoons and estuaries. Cephalopods like squid are also used as bait. There are also a few famous crustaceans in the bait community. These include crabs, shrimp and prawns. Most anglers also use mud prawns, Upogebia Africana, as bait. These are one of South Africa’s few macro benthic invertebrates. Being very much exploited, mud prawns are found all the way form Lamberts Bay in the West coast to Maputo in Mozambique. These are limited to distribution as a result of temperature tolerances. These species are only found in estuaries that are connected to the ocean or at least exposed to the ocean for the majority of the time. Ecologically, the mud prawn is quite of importance in the estuarine ecosystem. This is as a result of their burrowing and filter feeding. The exploitation of these organisms can lead to severe eutrophication of the estuarine, because of the diverse effects on micro algae and bacteria . There are laws concerning the gathering of the invertebrate organisms gathered as bait in South Arica. With regards to angling, these baits are protected by limitations on number, size and method and by licenses in KwaZulu-Natal. The number per day for bait organisms are: Black mussel 25 ;Bloodworm 5; clam 8; limpet 15; mud crab(giant) 2; other crabs 15; octopus 2; oyster 25; periwinkle 50; polychaete worms 10; prawn(mud and sand) 50; pencil bait 20. Instruments with a blade width of 38mm or less may be used to remove limpets or black mussels and polychaetes may only be dug by hand. Given the vast majority of invertebrates are marine; they can be used for fresh water fishing as well. Fresh water invertebrates can also be used for marine fishing. In South Africa marine invertebrates have proven to be the best fishing bait for anglers, as some species can be used for all types of fishing. However, by using them as bait they are sometimes exploited and can have severe effects on a whole ecosystem. References Beer, A. Maar, D. 2007. Marine fish sea creatures. London: Hermes House. Branch, G M. 1978. The living shores of Southern Africa. Cape Town: C. Struik publishers. Branch, G.M., Griffiths, C.L., Branch, M.L. Beckley, L.E. 2010. Two Oceans. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. Edwards, A. Prichard, M . 1978 . Fishing for beginners. London: William Collins sons and company ltd. Hutchings, L., Augustyn, C.J, Cockcroft, A., Van der Lingen, C., Coetzee, J., Leslie, R.W., Tarr, R.J., Oosthuizen, H., Lipinski, M.R., Roberts, M.R., Wilke, C., Crawford, R., Shannon, L.J. Mayekiso, M. 2009. Marine fisheries monotiring programmes in South Africa. South African Journal of Marine Science, 182-192. Payne, A.T.L Crawford, R.J.M. 1989. Oceans of life off Southern Africa. Cape Town: Vlaeberg publishers. Van Der Elst, R. 2001. Everyone’s guide to sea fishes of Southern Africa. Cape Town: Struik Publishers.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Confronting Fear in Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now :: Movie Film comparison compare contrast
Confronting Fear in Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now  Inherent inside every human soul is a savage evil side that remains repressed by society. Often this evil side breaks out during times of isolation from our culture, and whenever one culture confronts another. History is loaded with examples of atrocities that have occurred when one culture comes into contact with another. Whenever fundamentally different cultures meet, there is often a fear of contamination and loss of self that leads us to discover more about our true selves, often causing perceived madness by those who have yet to discover. The Puritans left Europe in hopes of finding a new world to welcome them and their beliefs. What they found was a vast new world, loaded with Indian cultures new to them. This overwhelming cultural interaction caused some Puritans to go mad and try to purge themselves of a perceived evil. This came to be known as the Salem witch trials. During World War II, Germany made an attempt to overrun Europe. What happened when the Nazis came into power and persecuted the Jews in Germany, Austria and Poland is well known as the Holocaust. Here, human's evil side provides one of the scariest occurrences of this century. Adolf Hitler and his Nazi counterparts conducted raids of the ghettos to locate and often exterminate any Jews they found. Although Jews are the most widely known victims of the Holocaust, they were not the only targets. When the war ended, 6 million Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Communists, and others targeted by the Nazis, had died in the Holocaust. Most of these deaths occurred in gas chambers and mass shootings. This gruesome attack was motivated mainly by the fear of cultural intermixing which would impurify the "Master Race." Joseph Conrad's book, The Heart of Darkness and Francis Coppola's movie, Apocalypse Now are both stories about Man's journey into his self, and the discoveries to be made there. They are also about Man confronting his fears of failure, insanity, death, and cultural contamination. During Marlow's mission to find Kurtz, he is also trying to find himself. He, like Kurtz had good intentions upon entering the Congo. Conrad tries to show us that Marlow is what Kurtz had been, and Kurtz is what Marlow could become. Every human has a little of Marlow and Kurtz in them. Marlow says about himself, "I was getting savage (Conrad)," meaning that he was becoming more like Kurtz.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Color theory
Two more females could also be seen walking away from the flower stall. All the characters in the artwork are seen wearing traditional Malay clothing. The older lady operating the flower stall has a lot of facial expression and she is currently packing a bouquet of flowers together. The younger lady operating the flower stall is sitting on her left with a rattan basket on her lap. There are some flowers in her rattan basket and she is packing them together. The lady customer with a young child is busy choosing the flowers she wants from the basket placed in front of her while the other lady customer is still deciding on what flowers she wants. ) Technical Innovations: This artwork consists of a lot of texture. The canvas itself has a rough surface and oil based paint will leave behind some medium after it was dried. By using oil on canvas, the artist is able to create an artwork which rich in actual texture after it was completed. The artist had also created value in this artwork. Th e characters and objects in the artwork shows value as each Of them have a combination of light and darkness tone on them. The artist had used a combination of different values of the same color when painting the characters and objects.The artist had used a lot of pigmentation in creating this artwork. As a result, this artwork is rich in color. The artist had also minimized the space in this artwork. There is very little distance between the characters and objects in the artwork but the artist had made the characters further away smaller to show that their position is further away. As a result, the artwork gives a very compact yet realistic feeling to its audience. E) Opinion about the artwork I) Subject matters: All the people in this artwork are seen wearing a type of traditional Malay clothing known as the ‘Baja Koruna.The background also features a lot Of Reese and a dirt track, indicating that there is a high chance that this scene IS located in the countryside rather th an in the more developed cities. In my opinion, the artist is trying to tell us that this is a scene from a Malay village located in the countryside. The main characters of this artwork are the old lady and young lady running their flower stall and the supporting characters would be the few customers at the stall. The background of the artwork is yellowish in color, indicating that the time could be in the evening.In my opinion, the two ladies had set up their stall under a big tree to seek shelter room the hot evening sun as it is uncomfortable and it will cause the flowers to wilt faster. The lives of the people living in this village are simple as they could work as selling flowers by the roadside to support themselves. They are not bound by the rules and regulations normally found in the busy city life as portrayed in the artwork above. There are no local law enforcers to chase them away despite they are trading without a proper premise or license.This scene would not appear in large cities as city councils requires the sellers to obtain an official permit to be displayed at their stall or the city council will end in their people to chase them away or confiscate their goods. The flowers are separated based on their colors and were placed inside baskets to be presented to the customers. The flowers are only available in yellow, orange, red and purple. In my opinion, the variety of flowers available are limited due to it is currently not blossom season. The old lady in the artwork shows a light smile on her face when she is serving her customers.This shows that the people in this village are very polite and friendly towards each other. The old lady is holding a bouquet of flowers on her hand which consists of the red and yellow flowers. It is likely that she is wrapping the flowers chosen by her customer which is the lady with the little girl. Judging by the age of the lady, the young girl is most likely to be her daughter. It is possible that the lady was bringing her daughter out for a walk when they came across this flower stall where they decided to have a look and purchase some fresh flowers to decorate their home.There is a younger lady sitting beside the old lady at the flower store. In my opinion, she may be the daughter or granddaughter of the old lady and she is helping the old lady to run the flower stall. She has a rattan basket on her lap with some lower in it. It is possible that she may be packing the flowers according to the customer's demands. There is also another lady customer in dark red Malay dress. She is looking at the three silver buckets with her hand holding her chin. She may be indecisive on which flower to buy. There are also two Malay women walking away from the flower store.It is possible that they had just bought the flowers from the stall and are walking back to their home. Ii) Values: This artwork consists of the social and economy value. The artist is trying to show his/her audience the social and eco nomic conditions in a rural Malay illegal. Social value could be seen from the individuals in the artwork. The two ladies running the flower stall are dressed neatly but their clothes are plain and lack decorations. This suggests that they are not very rich and have a lower status in the society. The other three customers are wearing the same type of clothes but their clothes are more stylish with added patterns.They are also not working but are shopping for goods. This suggests that they are richer than the ;vow ladies running the flower stall and it is possible that they may from the middle or upper class of the society. However, none of the harassers in the picture showed arrogant attitude towards each other despite being from different social classes. The economic factor could also be seen from the artwork. Selling flowers is one of their local job in order to earn income. The two ladies running the flower stall is trading with their customers. Judging by the simple conditions o f the flower stall, the prices of the flowers should not be too high.The flower stall has a lot of customers. This suggests that the local economy is doing well as people have extra income to be spent on decorative items. A) Artwork 2 b) I) Title of the artwork – Koala Kananga Street I) Name of the artist- Ye Amok Sin iii) Media – Water Color iv) Date of origin -? Nil This artwork is a scene of a street in town. There are double storey shop lots painted in white along the street. All of the shop lots have their own signboard. There are Chinese and English writings on the signboards. There is a bakery shop at the left side of the picture with a lot of pastry trays stacked up outside the shop.There are also some stalls outside the shop lots. Some of the stalls have huge umbrellas over them but some do not and here are people selling things in the stalls. There are also a few customers looking at he goods on sale at the stalls under the huge umbrellas. There is a Tristan paddled by a man in the middle of the road. A lady is also seen walking alone On the street while carrying some goods in a plastic bag on her hand. This artwork is a blend of a few art elements. One of the elements found inside this artwork is value. The scene in artwork is an opened area and the artist had used value to show the direction of the light.The light source in the picture is on the upper left side of the picture as it is brighter on that side. Shadows of the buildings and people are also pointing towards the opposite erection of the light source. The usage of value had also given the objects in the artwork a 3-dimensional form on a flat piece of paper. The artist had also used space to create an illusion that some objects and people in the artwork are further away. The bakery shop on the left is bigger in size than the row Of shop lots on the right. This gives the audience an illusion that the bakery shop is the nearer and the row of shop lots are further away.The artist had also used the line element in this artwork. The people in the artwork are formed from vertical lines which could be seen from their straight postures. The artwork captures the scene at a very peaceful street called the Koala Kananga Street. The artists main focus on this artwork is the lady walking on the road, the bakery shop and the man selling things in the stall beside the bakery shop. There are shop lots along the street painted in white color. These shop lots contains traditional design elements which is normally found on buildings from the pre-first world war era.In my opinion, these buildings are painted in white color as it is the current trend of the time. People back then may perceive that white buildings look clean and tiny which could help hem attract more customers. There are also a lot of stalls along the street, indicating that it could be in the morning. There is a lady walking alone on the street with a bag of goods on her hand. She is seen in more modern clot hing. In my opinion, it is most possibly that she is a housewife from the medium or upper social class who is out to buy some raw materials needed for preparing dinner.The facial expression of the lady could not be clearly seen as her face is pointing towards the floor. It is possible that her children had gone to school and her husband had gone to ark, leaving her alone when she goes on her daily routine of going out shopping for family supplies. This could be the reason why she looks lonely and bored as she walks down the street. There is also a bakery shop on the left side of the artwork. It is a bakery shop because the ‘Bakery' word is written on the red signboard hanging outside the shop. There is a lot of pastry trays stacked up neatly outside the shop.These pastry trays are used by the bakery to put their finished products and it is possible that they are stacked outside the shop awaiting collection by customers. Judging from the large number of pastry trays outside the shop, his bakery shop is very profitable and is able to sell a lot of their products daily. This bakery store may be very famous or it is possible that the bread and pastries made by this bakery are very delicious. There is a small stall with a man selling things in it beside the bakery. The stall is hid under the shadow of the bakery shop and away from the sunlight.It is possible that the man chooses to place his stall to avoid the hot sun as he does not have a huge umbrella over his stall like the other stalls across the street. The size of his stall is also small and there is a bucket on the store. It is Seibel that he is selling beverages and uses the bucket to contain the beverages he had prepared. He could be earning a lot of money from the sales of his beverages as the weather is hot and shoppers walking along the street would stop at his stall for a drink and rest to refresh themselves. One of the windows on the second floor of the shop lot located opposite the bakery is op ened.This indicates that it is vacancy on the second floor Of the shop lot. It is possible that the family of the shop owner is currently living there. Most of the families of shop owners during that time live on the second lour of their shop to save up from paying additional rent for a house. It is also more convenient for the shop owners as they could run their business on the ground floor while being at home to take care of their families. All the shops have very clear signboards outside each of them and the signboards consists of Chinese and English writing.It is possible that this is a Chinese based community under the British colony. There are no cars and there is only a Tristan in the middle of the road. The number of cars at that time is very less and the Tristan is the main form of transport. The weather is also very hot as the stalls by the road have big umbrella over them to help them avoid the heat from the sun. The artwork consists of social and economy value. The artis t is trying to show his/her audience the social and economic conditions of Chinese community living under the British colony. The social value could be seen from the people in the picture.The lady walking in the middle of the street is wearing modern clothes influenced by western culture as brought by the British. It is possible that she is from a wealthier family as only the wealthy people at the time embraced the western fashion. She also does not go to work but stayed as a housewife. The owner of the small beverage stall is seen wearing more traditional Chinese clothing. He may be from a poorer family compared to the lady walking on the street. The economy value could also be reflected from the artwork. The artwork consists of shops and stalls on the street preparing to conduct business with their customers.This shows that the economic is in good conditions as the businesses are still going on well. A) Artwork 3 b) I) Title of the artwork – Penance Hill ii) Name of the art ist – Hen Chin Chining iii) Media – Oil Pastel iv) Date of origin -2014 This artwork is about the Funicular Train which is located at Penance Hill, Penance. This artwork is designed to look like three stamps from different era consisting of three different designs of the Funicular Train which was updated over time. The three stamps made up a timeline starting from the bottom and each contains design characteristics of the time.The stamp at the bottom represents the Funicular Train in the year 1923. It contains the Funicular Train in its first design and the picture is painted in black and white. There are a lot of trees and bushes in the background. The word ‘1 c' is also seen on the top eight corner of the stamp and the year 1 923 was stated at the bottom of the stamp. The stamp in the middle consists of Funicular Train in its updated and more modern second design. There are less bushes and trees in the stamp in the middle compared to the stamp at the bottom.The Stamp in the middle is colored and the word ‘ICC' could be seen on the top right corner. The year 1977 was also stated on the bottom of the stamp. The stamp on the top features the Funicular Train in its latest design. There are even less trees and bushes in the background compared to the stamp in the middle and the clear blue sky are also clearly exposed. There is a ‘RMI' word on the top right corner of the stamp and it is recorded as the year 201 1 on the bottom part of the stamp. The artist had used different techniques when creating the three stamps in the artwork to give them a distinguished look from each other.The stamp at the bottom is created using the shading technique to replicate the black and white photos commonly found during the year 1923. Value is also shown in the stamp at the bottom as the artist had used different tone of shading when creating it. The stamp in the middle is created entirely from oil pastels and features the less advance drawing techni ques from the year 1977. The stamp also consists of the color value as it contains high color intensity. The stamp on the top is created from a blend of oil pastels and poster color.Oil pastels are used to paint the picture while the sky is finished in poster color to give the clouds a softer feeling. Value and space is utilizes by the artist to give the top stamp a look which resembles a modern photograph from 2011. This artwork is a combination of three smaller artworks in the shape of stamps. The stamps contain of images of different versions of the Funicular Train found at Penance Hill. The images are arranged from the bottom to the pop and the time of each image was included in the image itself by the artist to create timeline of the evolution of the Funicular Train at Penance Hill and the changes to Penance Hill.The images also contain of the characteristics of pictures found on stamps from their era. The stamp at the bottom consists of an image of the first generation Funicul ar Train at Penance Hill. The entire image is black and white in color and resembles the photos found on the stamps from that era because the artist is trying to replicate a stamp from that era. It was also stated as the year 1923 on the bottom part of the image. This is a message from the artist that the first generation of the Funicular Train entered into service at that year.The train is small in size and the design of the train is simple. The size of the train is small as there is no modern technology to design a train which is capable of carrying a heavier load. There are also less people visiting Penance Hill during that time. Therefore, there is no need for a bigger train as it will incur a higher cost to build it. The Funicular Train also has no windows and the train conductor's seat does not even have a door. This reflects that people of the time values function over form and comfort. There are a lot of trees and bushes in the background.The artist is trying to tell the aud ience that the Penance Hill is undeveloped during that time. ‘1 c' is also written on the top right corner of the stamp and it represents the value of the stamp. The artist is trying to tell the audience about the economic conditions during that time and 15 cents is all that was required to send a letter. The stamp in the middle consists of an image of the second generation of the Funicular Train at Penance Hill. This image is colored and the drawing style highly resembles drawings found on stamps from that era.The year 977 was stated on the bottom of the image which is the year that the second generation of the Funicular Train entered into service at Penance Hill. The design of this train is more modern and has windows. This shows that the people at the time had started to value comfort and safety. The train is also larger in size and there are less trees and bushes in the background. The artist is trying to tell the audience that the Penance Hill is more developed at that ti me and there are more visitors. Therefore, the train is larger in size to cope with the increased number Of visitors. ‘ICC' is written on the top right ornery of the stamp.This shows that the local economy had bloomed and more money is required to send a letter compared to year 1923. The top stamp represents the latest and current look of the Funicular Train at Penance Hill. This image is more realistic and the drawing style resembles a stamp from the 21st century. The stamp is marked as year 2011 which is also the year the third generation Funicular Train was brought into service. This Funicular Train consists of a high tech-modern design and is larger in size. This shows that people from the 21 SST century seeks not only safety and inform but also speed in their travels.This image features even less bushes and trees than the image in the middle and the sky could be clearly seen. The artist is trying to convey a message saying that even more development had occurred and the t rees are depleting at Penance Hill. ‘RMI' is written on the top right side of the stamp. This shows that the local economy had experienced a huge increase as even more money is required to send a letter. By comparing the three pictures from different era side by side, the artist could show the development of the local economy and the development of Penance Hill.
Friday, January 3, 2020
British Society During 1951-1975 - 1790 Words
‘British society in 1975 was different in every way to the one seen in 1951’ Discuss. The British society in 1975 was ‘certainly’ different from its own self in 1951. But, as radically the society changed, we cannot say that it was a total departure from the preceding ‘conformist’ state. The early 1970s British society is more or less a more ‘mature’ version of the gradually growing incoherent one that came into existence in the 1950s. Britain in 1951, though conservative, did acknowledge a new modern world of changes, social and technological progression rather than standing statically. To see the differences created by social transformation, we need to look at the aspect of continuity and changes that distinguishes the two. In†¦show more content†¦This and establishment of new towns distributed the population to other areas outside of the already crowded cities such as London. Increasing car-ownership and infrastructure construction of new highway make the country more geographically mobile. This pushes the housing development to outside towns and cities. Established traditional communities were broken up as the population spread to other areas. Car travel also changed ideas of holidays and leisure. The surging demand for cars cut out the demand for rail travel. In response to the Beeching Report of 1963, hundreds of unprofitable railways were closed, leaving a lot of rural areas in isolation. The society of early 1970s inherited a changing class attitude from the 1950s. British society in 1951 was ‘conformist’, ‘class-driven’ and favouring of establishments. There was breakdown of these principles in the following years but that does not mean that Britain has totally changed from being a ‘class-divided’ nation. Suggest by R.A. Butler that the modern Conservatism of Britain was more of ‘have’ and ‘have more’ than a case of ‘have’ and ‘have not’. 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Along with others (i.e. Weber, Simmel, Veblen etc.) they had laid down the foundations of our understanding of the relationships that are held between culture and society on one hand, and economic activity on the other hand. Marx saw economics in terms of conflicts between different interest groups, which he referredRead MoreKathleen Kenyon Essay2741 Words  | 11 Pageshelp to popularize and substantially contribute to the science. Early Life Kathleen Kenyon was eldest daughter of the prominent biblical scholar and British Museum director Sir Frederick Kenyon, who was also connected to the Institute of Archaeology, the Palestinian Exploration Fund, the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, and the British Academy. Born on January 5, 1906, she possessed the same sense of order and fascination with detail as her father. 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The game became so popular in Scotland that in order to keep people from playing golf and football during time that should have been employed in practising archery, a military necessity, the Scottish parliament in 1457 passed a law prohibiting both games. The Scottish people, however, largely ignored this and similar laws, and early in the 16th centuryRead MoreMargaret Thatcher : Early Life2392 Words  | 10 Pageschange the world. Born and raised in Margaret Hilda Roberts in Grantham, Lincolnshire was Margaret Roberts. She studied in Oxford University, Somerville College, and Grantham Girl’s High school. Brief Biography During her term in the office, Margaret transformed almost every facet of British politics, she revitalized the economy, rebuilding the outdated establishment, and electrifying the nation’s foreign policy. Margaret Thatcher challenge and did very much to topple the attitude of decline, which
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