Thursday, August 27, 2020
Oedipus Rex Essay Thesis Example For Students
Oedipus Rex Essay Thesis OEDIPUS REXIn the disaster Oedipus Rex, Oedipus submits a few corrupt acts. Regularly, society sees these as abhorrent and uncalled for. Be that as it may, in spite of the fact that Oedipus submits a few lascivious deeds, Sophocles causes the peruser to identify in light of the fact that Oedipus is careless in regards to the implicating realities. All through the play Oedipus Rex perpetrates various violations the general public see as corruptly off-base. Oedipus accepts that in the event that he leaves Corinth he will have the option to dodge his destiny. The prophet says the Oedipus will murder his dad and bear kids with his mom. Obviously, he accidentally murders his dad in a possibility meeting. Since he can slaughter the unavoidable Sphinx, Iokaste, who is ignorant that she is his mom, needs his turn in marriage. After they wed they have four youngsters together. Oedipus stays dumbfounded that the prophets expectation has come to pass.Furthermore, most consider Oedipus bad behaviors legitimate regardless of their repulsiveness. At the point when he leaves Corinth, he has the prosperity of his mom and father as a top priority. He wouldn't like to imperil his family. At the point when Oedipus slaughters a man and his escort, he has no clue about that it is his dad, Laios. He accepts he is just doing it in self-preservation. When Iokaste knows about Oedipus accomplishment against the Sphinx, she gets intrigued. Later they wed, and he is uninformed to the way that she is his mom. The greater part of Oedipus underhanded doings are defended since he is totally uninformed when he submits them. At the time he takes an interest in his wrongs, Oedipus seems honest on the grounds that Sophocles can introduce him in an empathetic manner. In this play, Oedipus shows ideals and character via doing his own outcast decisively. Notwithstanding the entirety of his defects, Oedipus has great thought processes and a heart for his kin.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Reality of Science :: Psychology Essays
The Reality of Science Science is characterized in the Merriam Webster word reference as a subject matter that is an object of study. What is the object of logical examination? Through an adherence to the principles recommended by the logical strategy, analysts and understudies of the different logical fields look for certainties, as characterized by what can be demonstrated to truly exist; so, they scanning for what is genuine. It is the journey to characterize reality, to ace it; maybe, to one day have the option to fabricate reality in an immense stockroom in the similarity of the scene changing remainders that litter the slopes and knolls of industrialized countries around the world. Through broad research, estimating and perpetual testing, retesting, and further retesting, researchers look for the shared objective of deciding the truth making a thorough cluster out of materials. Science, as we respect it today, was urged into awareness by the antiquated scholars of Pre-Socratic notoriety. These incredible masterminds abode the days in profound examination with respect to the nature and meaning of the real world. Out of the blazes of the fire began by the examinations of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and others, a crossroads emerged along the way in quest for the real world. Science is only from time to time observed as a part of theory, yet to deny its relationship to reasoning is deny its own mom. Science has emerged from the epistemoligical part of theory, that monstrous vine of the incredible oak tree that includes the quest for reality through the usage of the five detects. This winding, interweaving branch created from the endeavors by rationalists who looked to characterize reality through review, correlation, and consistent finding. Nothing is genuine except for what can be felt, detected, smelled, heard. This can be spoken to by the renowned inquiry If a tree falls in the woodland, however nobody hears it, does it make a sound? Philosophers in each way of thinking keep on battling with this inquiry, which researchers have endeavored to comprehend through strategies for examination. In any case, the first inquiry remains: Is a sound actually a sound in the event that it isn't heard? On the off chance that there are two individuals in the woods wh o both hear the tree fall, yet due to thier separate areas they see completely various sounds, how would we choose which one is genuine? Would reality be able to take on restricting qualities? Could a similar sound be without a moment's delay stifled and blasting?
Friday, August 21, 2020
Health Persuasive Essay Topics
Health Persuasive Essay TopicsHealth persuasion is all about getting people to take an action that will help them improve their health and live a longer, healthier life. Many people don't realize that by spending a few minutes of their time writing an effective health persuasive essay, they can change the lives of other people who will be touched by the message. The power of the written word is undeniable and when you are able to utilize this powerful tool, you will begin to see the results as soon as the first sentence is printed out.The benefits of writing an essay that promotes health include; promoting healthy eating, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle. People who are healthy tend to live longer, so when you do this you are helping to prolong your own life. People who have a better quality of life are healthier, and if they are living longer they are also less likely to suffer from disease and sickness. If you are healthy, then this makes you more productive in your day to day lif e, and therefore your productivity at work is increased as well.If you want to be successful at writing a health persuasive essay, you must research and gather information that will aid you in your writing. You need to understand how the body works, what exactly causes illnesses, and how certain factors can affect your health. When you research your topic, you will be able to build up a strong foundation for your essay. When you know the facts, it will be easier for you to write.One of the best ways to research your health persuasive essay is to talk to people who are already doing so. Ask them how they decided on which topics they were going to write on. Also, ask them if they would be willing to write an essay for you as a favor. You can learn a lot by just asking and not having to do any research at all.When you are done researching your topic, you will want to compile your information into a persuasive essay. Once you have a few ideas, you should write them down and practice. Do n't stress out about the topic at this point, just relax and let your thoughts flow.There are many websites that can give you advice on writing a persuasive essay, but if you really want to get an idea of the various health persuasive essay topics available to you, visit the prestigious and best website on the internet, On their home page, you will find nearly two hundred topics for you to choose from. From muscle building to weight loss, there is something for everyone on their site.Once you have your topic selected, you need to sit down and write out a draft of your health persuasive essay. It will help to make your essay as brief as possible, or to make it too long, and then you won't have the needed information to go into your writing. You can get help from a professor or even a friend, but keep in mind that you will want to be able to call on their experience and knowledge to compliment your own.When you are finished, make sure you take your finished draft an d edit it to fit your needs, making sure that it is similar to your original health persuasive essay but still comes from your own heart. When you write, everything you put into the paper is what you are going to get back from it. It is important to take into consideration all the other people that will read your essay, so that you are not only writing for yourself but for them as well.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Management Of The Walt Disney Company - 1243 Words
In the last decades, the number of major corporations that manage to control media has decreased significantly, resulting in a high concentration of ownership. In 2011, only six media companies were responsible for 90% of the things we saw and heard on a daily basis compared to fifty companies in 1983 (Lutz, 2012). The Walt Disney Company is one of them. In this report, we will take a look at how the Company has succeeded in growing into the media corporation it is today. A Look into the Company’s History The Walt Disney Company was first founded in 1923 by Walt and Roy Disney (Wasko, 2011). It was first known under the name of the Disney Brothers Studio, before changing its name in 1986 (Disney’s history of magic: Timeline, 2013) (Timeline, 2013). In 1927, Mickey Mouse was created and soon became the symbol of the Company (Wasko, 2011). Internationally recognized for its animation, the Studio was the first to present a ‘’full-color cartoon’’, Flowers and Trees, which later went on to win ‘’ [†¦] the first Academy Award for Best Cartoon’’ in 1932 (Wasko, 2011). Five years later, Disney released Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, its first ‘’full length animated film’’(Timeline, 2013). It wasn’t until 1940 that the Company became public and, therefore, available to be traded on the stock market (Timeline, 2013). Fifteen years later, Disney was opening its first theme park in California und er the name of Disneyland (Disney’s history of magic: Timeline, 2013). Incidentally, theShow MoreRelatedThe Walt Disney Company and Disney Management25371 Words  | 102 PagesTHE CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT OF GLOBAL MARKETING O UTL I N E O F CASES 2-1 The Not-So-Wonderful World of EuroDisney Things Are Better Now at Disneyland Resort Paris 2-2 Cultural Norms, Fair Lovely, and Advertising 2-3 Starnes-Brenner Machine Tool Company: To Bribe or Not to Bribe? 2-4 Ethics and Airbus 2-5 Coping with Corruption in Trading with China 2-6 When International Buyers and Sellers Disagree 2-7 McDonald’s and Obesity 2-8 Ultrasound Machines, India, China, and a Skewed Sex Ratio CASERead MoreThe Management Of The Walt Disney Company900 Words  | 4 Pages The Walt Disney Company exemplifies an organization composed of four strategic business units (SBUs) which, with the consideration of the consolidated revenue, represented roughly a enormous 35.5 billion dollars in 2007. The four SBUs are Disney Consumer Products, Studio Entertainment, Parks and Resorts, and Media Networks Broadcasting, and these can be further subdivided into 28 categories and are composed of a plethora of brands. The only two important commonalities that can be deducedRead MoreThe Management Of The Walt Disney Company1736 Words  | 7 PagesThe Walt Disney Company, together with its subsidiaries, operates as an entertainment company worldwide. The company’s Media Networks segment operates cable programming services, including the ESPN, Disney channels, and Freeform networks; broadcast businesses, which include the ABC TV Network and eight owned television stations; radio businesses consisting of the ESPN Radio Network; and the Radio Disney network. It also produces and sells original live-action and animated television programming toRead MoreStrategic Management at the Walt Disney Company4260 Words  | 18 Pagesrecent period of strategic change at The Walt Disney Company which began in 2005 with the appointment of current CEO Robert Iger. The company began to experience halted growth during the late 1990s. The former CEO Michael Eisner had been successful himself in the late 1980s in changin g the company during what is known as the Disney Renaissance. Eisner successfully concentrated the company’s energy back into producing animated films and helped the company to create now-classic names such as The LittleRead MoreWalt Disney Company s Management Practices1742 Words  | 7 PagesThe Walt Disney Company’s Management Practices When most people think of Disney they picture all the rides and the famous character Mickey Mouse. The thought of being anything but an amusement park probably never even crosses the minds of most people. The Walt Disney Company is an extremely successful and lucrative business though and not just because of their fun amusement parks. Sure at the beginning of the business in 1923, it was all about the park and cartoon studio, but now almost one hundredRead MoreThe Executive Management Team For Walt Disney Company Essay2147 Words  | 9 PagesThe Walt Disney Company have many assets available which include film, television, publishing, the internet, and music. The executive management team for Walt Disney has put Disney on top as one of the world’s top conglomerates, making $14.28 billion in Quarter Three in 2016. They regularly find different and new innovative ways to promote and sell their brands through various media segments to have a revenue increase and it has helped Disney to successfully complete its mission to position itselfRead MoreA Strategic Management Case Study on the Walt Disney Company8543 Words  | 35 PagesA Strategic Management Case Study on Erika Erro | Mimilanie M. Mabanta | Javi Mendezona | Clara Poblador Tour 198 Prof. Emma Lina F. Lopez Introduction Company Background When brothers Walt and Roy Disney moved to Los Angeles in 1923, they went there to sell their cartoons and animated shorts. One could only dream that their name would one day be synonymous with entertainment worldwide. But then again, that is how The Walt Disney Company has made their fortunes over the last severalRead MoreWalt Disney : The Monopoly Of Entertainment1177 Words  | 5 Pages The Walt Disney Company is one of the world’s largest media conglomerate’s which specializes in entertainment. The company overlooks, â€Å"the movie, TV, toys and theme parks business by owning six of the top ten franchises in the world.†(Disney: The Monopoly of Entertainment.) Through all of their services, The Walt Disney Company has impacted and continues to the impact the lives of both children and adults. Walter Elias Disney and his brother Roy founded The Walt Disney Company on OctoberRead MoreDisney : Disney s Strongest Presence1007 Words  | 5 PagesDisney Offices/Locations Disney’s strongest presence is in the United States. However, with operations in more than 40 countries, approximately 166,000 employees and cast members around the world, Disney sets the standard for the future of entertainment. Whether it s Disney or Marvel, ESPN or PIXAR – in China or the United States, India or Argentina, Russia or the United Kingdom, the people of The Walt Disney Company create content and experiences in ways that are relevant to the many culturesRead MoreThe Walt Disney Company Analysis873 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"The Walt Disney Company is a leading diversified international family entertainment and media enterprise with five business segments: media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products and interactive media.†(The walt disney, n.d.) At year end of 2013, the company had net revenues of $45 billion, up from $42.3 billion the previous year and net income of $6.1 billion, up from $5.7 billion the previo us year. (Walt disney co, 2014) Enterprise Risk Management Risk management
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Resopnse To Revolution Essay - 1155 Words
Book Review Response to Revolution Response to Revolution, by Richard E. Welch Jr., is an honest and unbiased look at America’s policy towards Cuba during the Cuban Revolution. It covers the general history of and preconceived notions about the revolution in depth and gives ample attention to both sides of the relationship between the U.S. and Cuba. In addition to this Welch analyzes the reactions of America’s various factions during the early years of the revolution. Upon taking this into a change of the status quo, and of one that only played the international game of politics on its own terms. The general idea underlying Response to Revolution is the evolution of the U.S.’s opinion of the Cuban revolution from good to†¦show more content†¦With the events of the revolution put on the table the author moves to the American social reaction to the revolution, which proves to be the book’s strongest analytical aspect. The author’s examination of the various sections of American society during the revolution is the books’ greatest source of data in support of its thesis. Society in the book is broken up into three groups: the Right, the Left, and the coffeehouse campus culture. While none of these groups escape the author’s scrutiny the Right by far is portrayed as the worse of the three and as one concerned with â€Å"inciting popular fears†in the American people. The Left on the other hand ideologically gains the author’s blessing, but proves to be too broad of a group and in the end is dismissed and at best ineffective in changing U.S. policy. The Left also proves to be the most thought out section of the book, simply because it was the most representative of American culture at the time, showing the U.S. to be a land of mixed emotions. The coffeehouse group however, lacks clarity and turns out to be a redefinition of various factions within the Left. This sec tion while relevant proves to be the books weak point and could most likely b left out and not missed. While the author attempts to distinguish the group as an entity in itself, Welch ends up referring again to the same Academics that he
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Vr Queen Street A New 4.5 Star Hotel Essay - 1457 Words
VR Queen Street NAME: Amritpal Singh U.S.T: Demonstrate Knowledge of hospitality facility utilisation †¢ VR Queen Street is a new 4.5 star hotel with an amazing location on Queen Street, with new styling and well-furnished modern rooms. †¢ VR Queen Street is on an ideal location for the visitors and tourist situated on the prime street of Auckland CBD. VR hotel offers excellent accessibility of being in the heart of the business and shopping. †¢ The hotel have 80 well-appointed rooms offering accommodation options starting from a Queen Room, a more luxurious Deluxe King Room and Premier King Suite, followed by much larger one bedroom and two bedroom suites. It also have 4 functions room which we can use for weddings and other functions. LOCATION: It is located on 401 Queen Street, Auckland 1010 AUCKLAND New Zealand †¢ It is a 4.5 star hotel and also have qualmark rating of 5 stars Facilities available for customers: Guest’s Leisure Travellers Interconnected Rooms-If the family wants children to stay in different room than interconnected rooms are a great facility. 24 Hour Open Restaurant-Peoples can eat at every time because of 24 hour Restaurant. Souvenir Shops-Souvenir’s shops are available inside the Hotel if anyone want to take a souvenir as a gift to their home. Beauty Parlour-Beauty Parlour is also there for the tourists who want to get ready for their parties. FIT’S Childcare facility is there for the parent who want to spend their time alone without
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Babi Yar Analysis Of The Poem (1029 words) Essay Example For Students
Babi Yar Analysis Of The Poem (1029 words) Essay Babi Yar Analysis of the Poem Yevtushenko speaks in first person throughout the poem. This creates the tone of him being in the shoes of the Jews. As he says in lines 63-64, No Jewish blood is mixed in mine, but let me be a Jew . . . He writes the poem to evoke compassion for the Jews and make others aware of their hardships and injustices. Only then can I call myself Russian. (lines 66-67). The poet writes of a future time when the Russian people realize that the Jews are people as well accept them as such. If you hate the Jews, he asks, why not hate me as well? True peace and unity will only occur when they have accepted everyone, including the Jews. Stanza I describes the forest of Babi Yar, a ravine on the outskirts of Kiev. It was the site of the Nazi massacre of more thanthirty thousand Russian Jews on September 29-30, 1941. There is no memorial to the thirty thousand, but fear pervades the area. Fear that such a thing could occur at the hands of other humans. The poet feels the persecution and pain and fear of the Jews who stood there in this place of horror. Yevtushenko makes himself an Israelite slave of Egypt and a martyr who died for the sake of his religion. In lines 7-8, he claims that he still bars the marks of the persecution of the past. There is still terrible persecution of the Jews in present times because of their religion. These lines serve as the transition from the Biblical and ancient examples he gives to the allusions of more recent acts of hatred. The lines also allude to the fact that these Russian Jews who were murdered at Babi Yar were martyrs as well. The next stanza reminds us of another event in Je wish history where a Jew was persecuted solely because of his religious beliefs. The poet refers to the pettiness (line 11) of anti-Semitism as the cause of Dreyfus imprisonment. Anti-Semitism is his betrayer (line 12) when he is framed, and anti-Semitism is his judge (line 12) when he is wrongly found guilty. Lines 13-14 claim that even the fine and supposedly civilized women of society shun Dreyfus because he is a Jew and fear him like they would fear an animal. In stanza III, Yevtushenko brings himself to the midst of the pogroms of Bielostok. He gives the readers the image of a youngboy on the floor being beaten and bleeding while he witnesses others beat his mother. In line 24, he gives the reader the rationale of the Russians who are inflicting such atrocities on the Jews. Murder the Jews! Save Russia!' They view the Jews as the curse of Russia; a Jewish plague that must end in order to save their country from evil. In a way they think that they are acting in patriotism. The poet transports us to Anne Franks attic in the fourth stanza. He describes to the reader the innocent love that has blossomed between Anne and Paul. Her love of the world and life and spring has been denied her (line 30). Yet, she manages to find comfort for her loss in the embrace of her beloved. In line 33, Yevtushenko shows the reader Annes denial of what is going on around her. She tries to drown out the noise of the Nazis coming to get her. When her precious spring comes, so do the war and the Nazis to take her to her death. Stanza V brings us back to the ravine of Babi Yar. In line 40, the poet chooses to personify the trees. They stare down on him in judgement as G-d would. Line 41 is oxymoronic. There is a silent mourning for the martyred Jews by the air; a force in nature. The air around Babi Yar howls for the massacre it has witnessed. The poet himself claims to be an endless soundless howl/ over the buried (lines 43-44). He is a mourner for the thirty thousand, but ther e is nothing that can be said. He writes that e is every one of thirty thousand and feels their pain and injustice. In no limb of my body can I forget. (line 57). His physical body feels their pain. Limbs depicts an image of mangled bodies in the mass grave of Babi Yar. Stanza VI begins with Yevtushenko reminding the Russian people of their ability to be good hearted and moral. He speaks of men with dirty hands (lines 52-53). Fascists, Nazis whose hands are covered in the blood of the innocent, come to Russia and cause the Russians to close their magnanimous hearts. The tone of lines 52-54 is cruel and harsh like the actions of the Nazis. These hateful people claim to bring the union of the Russian people (line 59). He makes a point of referring to these people as anti-Semites (line 57) because the Jews are Russians, too. The Nazis in effect have turned Russian against Russian hardly a union. In the last stanza, the poet calls for world unity which will only occur when anti-Semit ism has ended. He is not a Jew, yet he equates himself to one. If all Russians are people, then the Jews are no less Russian or less human than he himself. If this is the way you treat these Russian people, he is trying to express, then treat me, a real Russian, as you have treated the Russian Jews. Only then will all Russians truly be united and equal. .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8 , .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8 .postImageUrl , .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8 , .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8:hover , .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8:visited , .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8:active { border:0!important; } .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8:active , .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8 .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2cef04065d6428563e3db2571beefdd8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: What is popular culture? Essay Yevtushenko is a supporter of the Jewish plight. He sees the injustice that they have been subject to and feels responsible for itin a way. He tries to rationalize why his people, the Russians, have acted so immorally and blames their actions on the influence of others. He calls to his people to reform; simultaneously urging the Jews not to blame them entirely for their actions and to show that they do have natural goodness within them.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Computer-Mediated communication (CMC) is critical in human communication due to its affordability, reliability, and connectivity. As the world steadily becomes a global village, communication experts have embraced computer-Mediated communication in providing communication solutions and enhancing interaction between socializing agents.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Computer-Mediated Communication specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, what factors directly affect the success of different CMC modes in relational maintenance and behavioral patterns in human communication environment? Thus, this reflective treatise attempts to explicitly applaud on the modes and behavioral patterns observed across the gender divide and how the same can be related to success of CMC in provision of communication solutions to socializing agents drawn from a cross different cultural divides, gender, age, and exposure. In orde r to comprehensively understand and interpreter the research question, the treatise review three previous literature on the topic by examining the articles. The Cyber Factor: An Analysis of Relational Maintenance Through the Use of Computer-Mediated Communication by Houser, Fleuriet, and Estrada, IMing, Text Messaging, and Adolescent Social Networks by Bryant, Sanders-Jackson, and Smallwood, College Students’ Use of Relational Management Strategies in Email in Long-Distance and Geographically Close Relationships by Johnson, Haigh, Becker, Craig, and Wigley, and Assessing the Measurement Invariance of Relational Maintenance Behavior When Face-to-Face and Online by Andrew Ledbetter. The article, Cyber Factor: an Analysis of Relational Maintenance Through the use of Computer-Mediated Communication by Houser, Fleuriet, and Estrada dwells on the link between interpersonal communication and CMC. Adopting both qualitative and quantitative analysis, the article identifies significant relationship between gender variance and use of CMC modes. Intrinsically, the authors conclude that success of different CMC strategies are largely influenced by mode adopted in the process of relational management.Advertising Looking for term paper on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, as opined by the authors of this article, there is a quantifiable relationship that actively operates in the interaction between relationship type; as determined by gender of the client, and CMC mode for that specific gender divide. Women are noted to be more reliable and consistent that men (Houser, Fleuriet, Estrada, 2012). On the other hand, the article, IMing, Text Messaging, and Adolescent Social Networks by Bryant, Sanders-Jackson, and Smallwood is a continuation of research on the link between CMC networks and adolescent age group in development of technologies that are socially interactive. Concentrating o n quantitative research, the article is specific in identifying the aspect of inconsistent or quantifiable between teenage participation in socially interactive technologies (SIT) and traditional mode of communication (Jackson, Bryant, Smallwood, 2006). However, the authors identified socially isolated teenagers as major users of SIT due to passiveness and other minor reasons. Here, use of SIT which is part of CMC among teenagers is largely determined by the behavioral patterns of the subjects. Specifically, those who are weak socially in this group are likely to use this mode of communication that those that are socially active. The third article, College Students’ Use of Relational Management Strategies in Email in Long-Distance and Geographically Close Relationships by Johnson, Haigh, Becker, Craig, and Wigley examines the significant of emails in enacting maintenance behaviors exhibited in the daily interpersonal interactions and relate this to the aspect of geographical distance between subjects interacting. Through embracing maintenance strategy topology, the study identifies the aspects of self disclosure, positivity, and social networking as the assuring factors that promoted effectiveness of CMC modes used across the generational divide (Johnson, Haigh, Becker, Craig, Wigley, 2008). However, the geographical distance had negligible influence on assurances and social networking through CMC. Though not as comprehensive as the other articles, the article, Assessing the Measurement Invariance of Relational Maintenance Behavior When Face-to-Face and Online by Andrew Ledbetter examines existing differences in the five identified relational maintenance behavior (RMB) types in different instant messaging and â€Å"face-to-face communication†(Ledbetter, 2010, p. 4).Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Computer-Mediated Communication specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Specif ically, the article borrows heavily from the Relational Maintenance Strategy Measure (RMSM) in statistical analysis of the existing variance in answering the research question. Interestingly, the findings are in line with the RMSM in extrapolating the intrinsic relationship that exist in the interaction of instant messaging, CMC, and relational maintenance. From the literature review as indicated by the articles, the main factors that affect the success of CMC modes of communication are the aspects of social activeness, age, gender, purpose and relationship between the subjects communicating. Notably, it is apparent that cordial relationships would prefer assurance in use of CMC modes that casual acquaintances. Besides, gender determines reliability of the users noting that those females are generally more consistent than their male counterparts. Among the younger generation, that is adolescent and teenagers, use of CMC is highly influenced by confidence and social activeness. As no ted in the research by Bryant, Sanders-Jackson, and Smallwood, it is factual that CMC models are likely to be explored more by those teenagers that are not socially interactive. Due to their ‘loneliness’, they would rather prefer this mode of communication to the traditional face-to-face communication that requires a lot of confidence in expression. Therefore, in designing an appropriate CMC model for human communication, it is critical to factor in behavioral patterns noted in the above studies to create practical and reliable communication designs for reaching different gender, age, culture, and exposure. References Houser, M., Fleuriet, C., Estrada, D. (2012). The Cyber Factor: An Analysis of Relational Maintenance Through the Use of Computer-Mediated Communication, Communication Research Reports, 29(1), 34–43. Jackson, A., Bryant, A., Smallwood, A. (2006). IMing, Text Messaging, and Adolescent Social Networks, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 11, 577–592.Advertising Looking for term paper on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Johnson, J., Haigh, M., Becker, J., Craig, E., Wigley, S. (2008). College Students’ Use of Relational Management Strategies in Email in Long-Distance and Geographically Close Relationships, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), 381–404. Ledbetter, A. (2010). Assessing the Measurement Invariance of Relational Maintenance Behavior When Face-to-Face and Online, Communication Research Reports, 27(1), 30–37. This term paper on Computer-Mediated Communication was written and submitted by user Anya Kirby to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Computer E learning is a wide range of processes that include computer-based learning and virtual classrooms that is received and sent through the Internet, audio and videotape, satellite broadcast, CD-ROM, and intranets. We can generally term it as electronic means of communication, education, and training.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Computer-based Learning and Virtual Classrooms specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More E-learning adds technology to instructions and also utilizes technologies to advance potential new approaches to the teaching and learning process. However, e-learners need to be prepared in the case of a technology failure which is the most common challenge faced in e-learning. There is need to plan strategies to enable learners become successfull online learners. The learners should come up with time management strategies to enable them to cope up with assignment deadlines. Developing skills on effective u se of technology is an essential strategy to having a successful online learning; such strategies include technology plan and e-mail skills, which are very useful when using the computer to research, type using Microsoft word software, save in storage devices and even send the work via e-mail. It is important that learners develop a personal technology contingency plan to help during technology failure. The contingency plan includes having an alternative computer in case the primary computer being used fails and power back up systems that supply the computer with battery energy incase of frequent electricity failures. E-learners need to install antivirus and anti-spyware software to protect their computers against virus, malware, Trojan horses, and spyware that are approved to harm and break down computers (Watkins Corry, 2011, pg 75). Online learners should also have contact information of their faculty, two classmates, and those of technology support services to get assistance du ring technology failure. Above all these measures, there is need to include a back up schedule to be able to access important information when a learner cannot access a computer. The back up will include data storage devices such as external drive, rewritable CD, and floppy disks (Watkins Corry, 2011, pg 75). Exceptional skills on the use of e-mails also need to be developed by online learners to enable them succeed in e-learning. It is important to improve on written communication skills in the use of e-mail to compose and reply to mails via the internet. These skills enable e-learners to professionally draft concise and grammatically correct messages and documents.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Online learning seeks to close the gap in education system between how students live and how they learn, e-learning therefore pushes education environment to be more relevant to the curren t living environment. Students and teachers continually engage themselves in learning and doing new things but hardly access new ways of learning and doing them (Holmes and Gardner, 2006, pg17). Global education and E-learning primarily use computers that provide tutorial materials for learners to gain knowledge from, the learner is then tested with the use of multiple questions regarding the knowledge they are expected to have learnt. E-learning pays little attention to the learners compared to teachers who interact with students during the learning process. This mode of learning demands that course management, design procedures, and guidelines are developed to enable and ensure there is active student participation (Holmes and Gardner, 2006, pg 32). In the current and ever developing world technology has become a huge part in education and economic development for students and employees in the dynamic and innovative business world. This is a major breakthrough in technology and ed ucation industry. E-learning is dynamic and is increasingly becoming more complicated with time. This has necessitated the need to develop new types of learning systems and web-based learning infrastructure that needs to be managed efficiently to cope up with e-learning dynamics. Different presentations are used to help in the learning process due varied learning characteristics of individuals. Web based learning object selection may also be adapted to optimize e-learning in relation to the learners background and performance with specific learning objects (Ma, 2006, pg 57). Time management strategies and effective use of technology have become the pillars of successful online learning. These strategies form the core issues of challenges facing online learners whose success mainly depends on the implementation of the above measures to help them in online learning.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Computer-based Learning and Virtual Classrooms specifically for y ou for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More References Holmes, B. and Gardner, J. (2006). E-learning concepts and practice. NY: Pine Forge Press. Ma, Z. (2006). Web based intelligent e-Learning systems: Technologies and applications. PA: Idea group inc. Watkins, R., and Corry, M. (2011). E-learning companion: A student’s guide to online success. OH: Cengage Learning. This essay on Computer-based Learning and Virtual Classrooms was written and submitted by user Cesar O. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Computer Table of Contents Introduction Enhanced business communication Impending business communication Possible risks and solution of problems Conclusion Reference List Introduction The development of computer-based communication technologies and the methods of how people prefer to use social networking have raised dramatically (Perkins 2008, p. 44). People are eager to improve their communication in business in order to make fast and effective decisions, develop proper relations, and engage more responsible partners within a short period and be sure of their correctness and success.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Computer-Based Communication Technology in Business Communication: Instant Messages and Wikis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The technologies like instant messages (IM) or wikis are the best successful examples of communication technologies in business; however, as any other achievements in the compute r world, they are characterized by many positive and negative aspects. On the one hand, IM and wikis make communication between different people possible; on the other hand, much work and implementations are required. To solve the problems within the chosen filed, it is necessary to make people ready to challenges and provide them with the necessary amount of knowledge about IN and wikis’ peculiarities and properly explain the necessity to study these technologies on the high level. Enhanced business communication Instant messaging (IM) is considered to be one of the frequently used communication technologies in the world of business. Many corporations have an access to IM and prefer to use this method in order to discuss current problems, share different files, and save their time. â€Å"Corporate and government entities are increasingly using social networking to facilitate communication and collaboration among individuals and groups, both internally and externally†(Perkins 2008, p.44). IM is one of the simplest ways to share information; however, it is not the only advantage of this technology: these technologies also promote the reduction of e-mail traffic (Wilkins 2007, p. 31). Wikis, in their turn, provide their users with a magnificent chance â€Å"to contribute to the content by editing the pages†(Fernando 2007, para.2). Many users are deprived of a chance to create an appropriate plan of their actions being far from each other. This is why the development of such communication technology is considered to be beneficial indeed: people are free to create an event by means of wiki services and add necessary changes, improvements, and suggestions at the same time. The result of this communication is a clear and properly discussed plan that is suitable for each member of a team. One of the most successful examples of how wiki services influence the business world is the cooperation by Penguin Publishing and the creation of the wiki no vel A Million Penguins (Fernando 2007, para. 7). This experiment in corporate writing proves that people have all chances to succeed in the chosen activity and help other people.Advertising Looking for report on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Impending business communication Considering the pros of the above-mentioned compute-based communication technologies, it is necessary to admit the negative aspects of IM and wikis. Though IM provides people with a possibility to generate new business (Pannunzio Nelson 2008, pp. 6), the use of this technology requires much time and efforts. IM is regarded as an informal style of conversations; this is why messages are usually brief and not always serious. They provide people with an opportunity to deflect their attention away from work and decrease the number of achievements possible to the chosen business sphere. People have to focus their attention on work and m ake use of IM on to achieve particular professional goals. Wikis are the technologies which have to be thoroughly studies by the users. This is why it is necessary to find enough time and grasp the basics of this type of communication. If a person fails to understand how it is necessary to use wiki services, it may negatively influence the success of the communication through wikis. Possible risks and solution of problems To overcome difficulties and challenges in business communication through wikis or IM, people have to organize their activities in the way they can gain the necessary level of knowledge and find practical application to their theoretical knowledge. To provide proper implementation of the computer-based technologies, government should take care of the education process. If it is hard to add the necessary subject into the college/university program, companies and organizations which support IM or wikis should think about how their colleagues can use the offered servi ces. It is enough to present several introductory courses, explain the frameworks of communication in order not to be distracted from work, and underline the benefits of such communication. Conclusion In general, people get a wonderful chance to enjoy the achievements made in the computing field and business communication. The development of IM and wiki services help to save people’s time, provide them with good chances to share information, and solve problems within short periods. Technologies aim at making human lives easier and more comfortable, and the world of business is one of the first spheres where the use of communication technologies is characterized by benefits. Thought, there are still some challenges people have to face while using the technologies, solution of these problems makes people stronger and more sufficient in the chosen sphere. This is why people should use another chance, grasp the essentials of computer-based communication, and achieve good results in business.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Computer-Based Communication Technology in Business Communication: Instant Messages and Wikis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reference List Fernando, A 2007, ‘Working off the Same Page: Based on the Idea That More Minds Are Better Than One, Wikis Let You Collaborate with Colleagues and Strangers Alike’, Entrepreneur, Pannunzio, CO Nelson, C 2008 ‘Leverage the Power of Social Media’, ProQuest Central, pp.6 – 10. Perkins, B 2008, ‘The Pitfalls of Social Networking’, Computerworld, vol. 42. no. 7, p. 44. Wilkins, J 2007, ‘RU Ready for IM?’, Information Management Journal, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 27 – 31. This report on Computer-Based Communication Technology in Business Communication: Instant Messages and Wikis was written and submitted by user America E. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Computer Computer
Monday, March 9, 2020
The Rise of the Philippine Middle Class (Ilustrados) essays
The Rise of the Philippine Middle Class (Ilustrados) essays In the mid-18th century (1750s), there were 5 principal social classes in the Philippines. These were the Peninsulares, the Insulares, the clase media or middle class, the Chinese and the indio. The Peninsulares, which included the Spanish friars, were the Spaniards born in Spain, ( the Iberian peninsula) and were the wealthiest and most politically powerful among the social classes. The Insulares were the Spaniards born in the Philippines. The clase media consisted of three subclasses: the Spanish mestizos or mestizos de Espaol; the principalia; and the Chinese mestizos or mestizos de Sangley. The Chinese and the indio or natives made up the lower half of the social pyramid. The mestizos or half-breed, which initially referred only to those of Spanish-native descent, had an indio parent and a Spanish or Chinese parent. Usually, Spanish who married indios were in the lower strata of Spanish society. Mestizos, in general, constituted no more than 2% of the population but because of the even smaller population of creoles in the Philippines, they were able to take some control over commerce and industry and acquire (and dispense of) a disproportionate share of wealth. Chinese mestizos who had a higher position in society compared to the pure Chinese, separated from the Chinese community and set up their gremios or guilds. They also competed with the Chinese in the business sector. A gremio is a self-governing organization. Each gremio had a cabecilla. The cabecillas elect the gobernadorcillo de chino who acted as the mediator between the Spanish and the Chinese. Initially, the Chinese mestizos had several advantages over the Chinese. Spain perceived the Chinese as foreigners and forbade them from changing their residence, a restriction was only removed in 1839 when Chinese were given the right to choose their occupation and residence but which still required those who traveled between Manila and the provinces to obta...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Week3-3dq3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Week3-3dq3 - Essay Example For the purpose of this paper, it will concentrate on the logical view. As its name suggests, everything should follow what the approach feels is logical, without much deviation. It normally followed the Booch Method; an object oriented language, although Booch has mostly been overtaken by Unified Modeling Language (UML). However, Booch is still being taught at most universities, normally called Rational Booch after the company Grady Booch was working at when he developed the method. Rational has since been acquired by IBM. Salehie points out that the logical view should be used first in the process, during the documentation phase (Ibid 2004). The primary documented approach of the logical view is concerned how the end system interacts or reacts with its stakeholders and what service it would exactly provide. IBM has a software tool called â€Å"Rational Rose†which uses UML. Something like biology, the logical view with Rational Booch uses â€Å"classes†to identify certain architecturally significant items and the classes are further broken down into class diagrams (groups of related classes) and class templates (each template is only concerned with one specific class). Meanwhile, items common to all of the classes are referred to as class utilities. As Kruchten says (1995), â€Å"the numerous adornments are not very useful†during the logical view, referring to a confusing array of symbols. So various standardized symbols are used for simplicity’s sake. Even the lines have a certain significance and the key should explain what each means. As an example, he used the example of a modest PBX telephone system versus the blueprint of a complicated national air traffic control system. Using different symbols, Kruchten was able to document both blueprints using a single one for each (he had many years of experience in both industries). If there is a keyword for the technology of this era, it is
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Student Accomodations in Lesson Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Student Accomodations in Lesson Planning - Essay Example This emphasis on creating hopes in students' heads so that they can work to make them into a reality is a contrast to putting all our energy into developing and creating an effective subject-centered lesson plan. Cooperative learning is effective in IEP education because hey help students to communicate and socialize. In contrast to other lesson formats, cooperative learning is based on discussions and group work. The main similarities between these formats are that they set clear objectives and require instructions; they check understanding and have a practical application step. The main difference is that discovery lesson and cooperative learning models require additional equipment and assessment, while a critical thinking model uses evaluation step. It means being totally involved, completely engaged in doing one's schoolwork. It means total attentiveness and participation in the learning activity (Bateman, 2006). 2. The essential elements of IEP are general intelligence, emotional intelligence, academics: health issues and effective communication. Also, each EIP should have clear ejectives and aims, measurable and observable behavior and stipulated assessment criteria. In a standardized lesson format, a critical thinking model can be used as a frame work of the lesson plan. ... del implies sessions in which teachers encourage students to imagine what it would be like to be successful (including how it might be scary in some ways); how they would feel to know the subject well, to get a good grade, to get approval from their parents and teachers. Students as well as athletes need hopes; not just problems, not just the current reality (Irvine et al 2000). Cooperative model can be a part of the lesson required discussions and personal opinion. Students can begin to focus on improving those areas that are particularly retarding their school success, whether it be some character trait, a health issue, self-management skills, self-defeating ways they think, writing skills, and so forth. To do that, a student is going to have to learn to ask for and accept help from the school. And the school and community, from their side, must be prepared to give the help students need. For example, if a student sees that he has a problem with alcohol that is getting in the way, somewhere in his world there has to be people and programs waiting to respond. The general accommodations for students should involve the use of yellow chalk to reduce glare, the teacher should repeat words written on the blackboard, it is better to use only black print handouts, alternative assignments should be proposed to students who cannot follow the lesson plan. A special attention should be paid to starting, lighting, timing (extended time for tests and more breaks), repeat presentations and immediate response, special test preparation. Sorting students by ability, past achievement, or skill, or whatever, narrows the range of diversity in a classroom and enables teachers to gear materials, assignments, and content to the students' capabilities, interests, and styles. Moreover,
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Overview of Marine Invertebrates
Overview of Marine Invertebrates Aretha Rae Boezak Most South African fisherman depends on marine invertebrates to lure fish in order to catch them. These baits are sometimes also used commercially. Some species of invertebrates tend to be quite popular baits, whereas others wouldn’t even be considered. The use of these organisms as fishing bait can have its pro’s and con’s. The most successful baits have been exploited, especially those that are more successful as a live bait. The success of the baits may be as a result of a chemical or a scent that most fish are attracted to. Also, they are quite meaty. Marine invertebrates are some of the most fascinating organisms on the earth. They are found in a variety of locations and is of extreme ecological importance to most marine organisms. It has been found that a vast number of organisms feed on these invertebrates, as they are quite nutrient rich. Marine invertebrates are classified into 12 different phyla. These include: Porifera, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Nemertea, Nematoda, Rotifera, Annelida, Molluscs, Arthropoda and Echinodermata. Some popular invertebrates that are not marine are spikes (also called maggots), meal worms and wax worms. Spikes are th e larvae of some fly species, whereas meal worms are the larvae of the darkling beetle species and wax worms, that of moth or bee moths. The phyla Nematoda, Annelida and Molluscs are the most popular invertebrate baits. The rest are not as popular as fishing baits. The reason for this might be as a result of defensive attributes or assets that those organisms have. Some of these include Cnidarians. Cnidarians mainly use chemicals as a defensive attribute. Some contain dreadful neurotoxins that can be fatal to both man and animal. Though some fish species that feed on these organisms are consumed by mankind, it might seem a bit too dangerous to use them as bait. Some are just as dangerous dead or alive. The problem isn’t the bait itself or fish that might be spoiled, it is the handling of the organism. Given that some fisherman are uneducated or do not pursue in the danger of handling these organisms. In South Africa invertebrates like mussels, lug worms and mud prawns are amongst the famous baits for both anglers and commercial fisherman. Commercially, mostly vertebrates are used as bait depending on the type of fish that are caught. Pelagic fishes like hake and common fish in the Cape, like Kabeljou/kobs, can be lured with invertebrates as bait. Annelids like lug worms are also commonly used for bait. Lug worms belong to the class Polychaeta and are found in rocky shores. Lugworms live in sand mixtures where it forms a U-shaped burrow. They are also called burrowers and are tremendous when fishing for Kabeljou, Spotted gunter, White- and Red stumpnose, Dageraad, Yellowbelly Rockcod, Slinger, White steenbras, Hottentot and Bronze. Another is the free swimming Polychaet, Alitta succinea, commonly known as Rag worms (also known as the pile worm or clam worm). Rag worms are a marine annelid that belongs to the family Nereididae. They can be found on the bottom of shallow marine waters. These worms are an important nutrient source for crustaceans and bottom-feeding fish. Arenicola loveni, commonly known is the blood worm. These belong to the family Arenicolidae. Though they are endemic to South Africa, blood worms is an example of an over exploited bait. They are found in estuaries, where they dig deep, u-shaped burrows with one end forming a funnelled depression. According to Branch et al.(2010: 70) â€Å"water is drawn through the tube, oxygenating the sediment and encouraging bacterial growth.†Their name was derived from the fact that they have haemoglobin present in their blood, therefore when damaged, they bleed red blood. The collection of Pseudoneires variegata, commonly known as the mussel worm is also used as bait, but it’s collection destroys large areas of mussel bed. The Wonder-worm (Eunice aphroditois) and the estuarine wonder- worm (Marphysa elitueni) are also amongst those used as bait. However, the bite of the wonder-worm can inflict pain as it is carnivorous and has large jaws. Both these worms gravel under boulders, but the estuarine wonder-worm also burrows in sandbanks. There are a number of molluscs that fish find palatable. Molluscs work particularly well when fishing for snoek, natal stumpnose and the most common fish in the Cape shore, Galjoen. The only problem with molluscs is the possibility of destroying beds, which destroys the habitat of other organisms as well. Mussels are the most common belonging to the class Bivalves. Branch et al. (2010:146): â€Å"As the name implies, bivalves are enclosed by a pair of shell valves, hinged together along the back by an elastic ligament and extending down on either side of their body.†Mussels are a good bait to use when angling in rocky shores. Fulvia papyracea, commonly known as pencil bait, also known as Razor shells, make tremendous bait. They burrow themselves deeply in clean, firm sand of lagoons and estuaries. Cephalopods like squid are also used as bait. There are also a few famous crustaceans in the bait community. These include crabs, shrimp and prawns. Most anglers also use mud prawns, Upogebia Africana, as bait. These are one of South Africa’s few macro benthic invertebrates. Being very much exploited, mud prawns are found all the way form Lamberts Bay in the West coast to Maputo in Mozambique. These are limited to distribution as a result of temperature tolerances. These species are only found in estuaries that are connected to the ocean or at least exposed to the ocean for the majority of the time. Ecologically, the mud prawn is quite of importance in the estuarine ecosystem. This is as a result of their burrowing and filter feeding. The exploitation of these organisms can lead to severe eutrophication of the estuarine, because of the diverse effects on micro algae and bacteria . There are laws concerning the gathering of the invertebrate organisms gathered as bait in South Arica. With regards to angling, these baits are protected by limitations on number, size and method and by licenses in KwaZulu-Natal. The number per day for bait organisms are: Black mussel 25 ;Bloodworm 5; clam 8; limpet 15; mud crab(giant) 2; other crabs 15; octopus 2; oyster 25; periwinkle 50; polychaete worms 10; prawn(mud and sand) 50; pencil bait 20. Instruments with a blade width of 38mm or less may be used to remove limpets or black mussels and polychaetes may only be dug by hand. Given the vast majority of invertebrates are marine; they can be used for fresh water fishing as well. Fresh water invertebrates can also be used for marine fishing. In South Africa marine invertebrates have proven to be the best fishing bait for anglers, as some species can be used for all types of fishing. However, by using them as bait they are sometimes exploited and can have severe effects on a whole ecosystem. References Beer, A. Maar, D. 2007. Marine fish sea creatures. London: Hermes House. Branch, G M. 1978. The living shores of Southern Africa. Cape Town: C. Struik publishers. Branch, G.M., Griffiths, C.L., Branch, M.L. Beckley, L.E. 2010. Two Oceans. Cape Town: Struik Publishers. Edwards, A. Prichard, M . 1978 . Fishing for beginners. London: William Collins sons and company ltd. Hutchings, L., Augustyn, C.J, Cockcroft, A., Van der Lingen, C., Coetzee, J., Leslie, R.W., Tarr, R.J., Oosthuizen, H., Lipinski, M.R., Roberts, M.R., Wilke, C., Crawford, R., Shannon, L.J. Mayekiso, M. 2009. Marine fisheries monotiring programmes in South Africa. South African Journal of Marine Science, 182-192. Payne, A.T.L Crawford, R.J.M. 1989. Oceans of life off Southern Africa. Cape Town: Vlaeberg publishers. Van Der Elst, R. 2001. Everyone’s guide to sea fishes of Southern Africa. Cape Town: Struik Publishers.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Confronting Fear in Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now :: Movie Film comparison compare contrast
Confronting Fear in Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now  Inherent inside every human soul is a savage evil side that remains repressed by society. Often this evil side breaks out during times of isolation from our culture, and whenever one culture confronts another. History is loaded with examples of atrocities that have occurred when one culture comes into contact with another. Whenever fundamentally different cultures meet, there is often a fear of contamination and loss of self that leads us to discover more about our true selves, often causing perceived madness by those who have yet to discover. The Puritans left Europe in hopes of finding a new world to welcome them and their beliefs. What they found was a vast new world, loaded with Indian cultures new to them. This overwhelming cultural interaction caused some Puritans to go mad and try to purge themselves of a perceived evil. This came to be known as the Salem witch trials. During World War II, Germany made an attempt to overrun Europe. What happened when the Nazis came into power and persecuted the Jews in Germany, Austria and Poland is well known as the Holocaust. Here, human's evil side provides one of the scariest occurrences of this century. Adolf Hitler and his Nazi counterparts conducted raids of the ghettos to locate and often exterminate any Jews they found. Although Jews are the most widely known victims of the Holocaust, they were not the only targets. When the war ended, 6 million Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, Communists, and others targeted by the Nazis, had died in the Holocaust. Most of these deaths occurred in gas chambers and mass shootings. This gruesome attack was motivated mainly by the fear of cultural intermixing which would impurify the "Master Race." Joseph Conrad's book, The Heart of Darkness and Francis Coppola's movie, Apocalypse Now are both stories about Man's journey into his self, and the discoveries to be made there. They are also about Man confronting his fears of failure, insanity, death, and cultural contamination. During Marlow's mission to find Kurtz, he is also trying to find himself. He, like Kurtz had good intentions upon entering the Congo. Conrad tries to show us that Marlow is what Kurtz had been, and Kurtz is what Marlow could become. Every human has a little of Marlow and Kurtz in them. Marlow says about himself, "I was getting savage (Conrad)," meaning that he was becoming more like Kurtz.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Color theory
Two more females could also be seen walking away from the flower stall. All the characters in the artwork are seen wearing traditional Malay clothing. The older lady operating the flower stall has a lot of facial expression and she is currently packing a bouquet of flowers together. The younger lady operating the flower stall is sitting on her left with a rattan basket on her lap. There are some flowers in her rattan basket and she is packing them together. The lady customer with a young child is busy choosing the flowers she wants from the basket placed in front of her while the other lady customer is still deciding on what flowers she wants. ) Technical Innovations: This artwork consists of a lot of texture. The canvas itself has a rough surface and oil based paint will leave behind some medium after it was dried. By using oil on canvas, the artist is able to create an artwork which rich in actual texture after it was completed. The artist had also created value in this artwork. Th e characters and objects in the artwork shows value as each Of them have a combination of light and darkness tone on them. The artist had used a combination of different values of the same color when painting the characters and objects.The artist had used a lot of pigmentation in creating this artwork. As a result, this artwork is rich in color. The artist had also minimized the space in this artwork. There is very little distance between the characters and objects in the artwork but the artist had made the characters further away smaller to show that their position is further away. As a result, the artwork gives a very compact yet realistic feeling to its audience. E) Opinion about the artwork I) Subject matters: All the people in this artwork are seen wearing a type of traditional Malay clothing known as the ‘Baja Koruna.The background also features a lot Of Reese and a dirt track, indicating that there is a high chance that this scene IS located in the countryside rather th an in the more developed cities. In my opinion, the artist is trying to tell us that this is a scene from a Malay village located in the countryside. The main characters of this artwork are the old lady and young lady running their flower stall and the supporting characters would be the few customers at the stall. The background of the artwork is yellowish in color, indicating that the time could be in the evening.In my opinion, the two ladies had set up their stall under a big tree to seek shelter room the hot evening sun as it is uncomfortable and it will cause the flowers to wilt faster. The lives of the people living in this village are simple as they could work as selling flowers by the roadside to support themselves. They are not bound by the rules and regulations normally found in the busy city life as portrayed in the artwork above. There are no local law enforcers to chase them away despite they are trading without a proper premise or license.This scene would not appear in large cities as city councils requires the sellers to obtain an official permit to be displayed at their stall or the city council will end in their people to chase them away or confiscate their goods. The flowers are separated based on their colors and were placed inside baskets to be presented to the customers. The flowers are only available in yellow, orange, red and purple. In my opinion, the variety of flowers available are limited due to it is currently not blossom season. The old lady in the artwork shows a light smile on her face when she is serving her customers.This shows that the people in this village are very polite and friendly towards each other. The old lady is holding a bouquet of flowers on her hand which consists of the red and yellow flowers. It is likely that she is wrapping the flowers chosen by her customer which is the lady with the little girl. Judging by the age of the lady, the young girl is most likely to be her daughter. It is possible that the lady was bringing her daughter out for a walk when they came across this flower stall where they decided to have a look and purchase some fresh flowers to decorate their home.There is a younger lady sitting beside the old lady at the flower store. In my opinion, she may be the daughter or granddaughter of the old lady and she is helping the old lady to run the flower stall. She has a rattan basket on her lap with some lower in it. It is possible that she may be packing the flowers according to the customer's demands. There is also another lady customer in dark red Malay dress. She is looking at the three silver buckets with her hand holding her chin. She may be indecisive on which flower to buy. There are also two Malay women walking away from the flower store.It is possible that they had just bought the flowers from the stall and are walking back to their home. Ii) Values: This artwork consists of the social and economy value. The artist is trying to show his/her audience the social and eco nomic conditions in a rural Malay illegal. Social value could be seen from the individuals in the artwork. The two ladies running the flower stall are dressed neatly but their clothes are plain and lack decorations. This suggests that they are not very rich and have a lower status in the society. The other three customers are wearing the same type of clothes but their clothes are more stylish with added patterns.They are also not working but are shopping for goods. This suggests that they are richer than the ;vow ladies running the flower stall and it is possible that they may from the middle or upper class of the society. However, none of the harassers in the picture showed arrogant attitude towards each other despite being from different social classes. The economic factor could also be seen from the artwork. Selling flowers is one of their local job in order to earn income. The two ladies running the flower stall is trading with their customers. Judging by the simple conditions o f the flower stall, the prices of the flowers should not be too high.The flower stall has a lot of customers. This suggests that the local economy is doing well as people have extra income to be spent on decorative items. A) Artwork 2 b) I) Title of the artwork – Koala Kananga Street I) Name of the artist- Ye Amok Sin iii) Media – Water Color iv) Date of origin -? Nil This artwork is a scene of a street in town. There are double storey shop lots painted in white along the street. All of the shop lots have their own signboard. There are Chinese and English writings on the signboards. There is a bakery shop at the left side of the picture with a lot of pastry trays stacked up outside the shop.There are also some stalls outside the shop lots. Some of the stalls have huge umbrellas over them but some do not and here are people selling things in the stalls. There are also a few customers looking at he goods on sale at the stalls under the huge umbrellas. There is a Tristan paddled by a man in the middle of the road. A lady is also seen walking alone On the street while carrying some goods in a plastic bag on her hand. This artwork is a blend of a few art elements. One of the elements found inside this artwork is value. The scene in artwork is an opened area and the artist had used value to show the direction of the light.The light source in the picture is on the upper left side of the picture as it is brighter on that side. Shadows of the buildings and people are also pointing towards the opposite erection of the light source. The usage of value had also given the objects in the artwork a 3-dimensional form on a flat piece of paper. The artist had also used space to create an illusion that some objects and people in the artwork are further away. The bakery shop on the left is bigger in size than the row Of shop lots on the right. This gives the audience an illusion that the bakery shop is the nearer and the row of shop lots are further away.The artist had also used the line element in this artwork. The people in the artwork are formed from vertical lines which could be seen from their straight postures. The artwork captures the scene at a very peaceful street called the Koala Kananga Street. The artists main focus on this artwork is the lady walking on the road, the bakery shop and the man selling things in the stall beside the bakery shop. There are shop lots along the street painted in white color. These shop lots contains traditional design elements which is normally found on buildings from the pre-first world war era.In my opinion, these buildings are painted in white color as it is the current trend of the time. People back then may perceive that white buildings look clean and tiny which could help hem attract more customers. There are also a lot of stalls along the street, indicating that it could be in the morning. There is a lady walking alone on the street with a bag of goods on her hand. She is seen in more modern clot hing. In my opinion, it is most possibly that she is a housewife from the medium or upper social class who is out to buy some raw materials needed for preparing dinner.The facial expression of the lady could not be clearly seen as her face is pointing towards the floor. It is possible that her children had gone to school and her husband had gone to ark, leaving her alone when she goes on her daily routine of going out shopping for family supplies. This could be the reason why she looks lonely and bored as she walks down the street. There is also a bakery shop on the left side of the artwork. It is a bakery shop because the ‘Bakery' word is written on the red signboard hanging outside the shop. There is a lot of pastry trays stacked up neatly outside the shop.These pastry trays are used by the bakery to put their finished products and it is possible that they are stacked outside the shop awaiting collection by customers. Judging from the large number of pastry trays outside the shop, his bakery shop is very profitable and is able to sell a lot of their products daily. This bakery store may be very famous or it is possible that the bread and pastries made by this bakery are very delicious. There is a small stall with a man selling things in it beside the bakery. The stall is hid under the shadow of the bakery shop and away from the sunlight.It is possible that the man chooses to place his stall to avoid the hot sun as he does not have a huge umbrella over his stall like the other stalls across the street. The size of his stall is also small and there is a bucket on the store. It is Seibel that he is selling beverages and uses the bucket to contain the beverages he had prepared. He could be earning a lot of money from the sales of his beverages as the weather is hot and shoppers walking along the street would stop at his stall for a drink and rest to refresh themselves. One of the windows on the second floor of the shop lot located opposite the bakery is op ened.This indicates that it is vacancy on the second floor Of the shop lot. It is possible that the family of the shop owner is currently living there. Most of the families of shop owners during that time live on the second lour of their shop to save up from paying additional rent for a house. It is also more convenient for the shop owners as they could run their business on the ground floor while being at home to take care of their families. All the shops have very clear signboards outside each of them and the signboards consists of Chinese and English writing.It is possible that this is a Chinese based community under the British colony. There are no cars and there is only a Tristan in the middle of the road. The number of cars at that time is very less and the Tristan is the main form of transport. The weather is also very hot as the stalls by the road have big umbrella over them to help them avoid the heat from the sun. The artwork consists of social and economy value. The artis t is trying to show his/her audience the social and economic conditions of Chinese community living under the British colony. The social value could be seen from the people in the picture.The lady walking in the middle of the street is wearing modern clothes influenced by western culture as brought by the British. It is possible that she is from a wealthier family as only the wealthy people at the time embraced the western fashion. She also does not go to work but stayed as a housewife. The owner of the small beverage stall is seen wearing more traditional Chinese clothing. He may be from a poorer family compared to the lady walking on the street. The economy value could also be reflected from the artwork. The artwork consists of shops and stalls on the street preparing to conduct business with their customers.This shows that the economic is in good conditions as the businesses are still going on well. A) Artwork 3 b) I) Title of the artwork – Penance Hill ii) Name of the art ist – Hen Chin Chining iii) Media – Oil Pastel iv) Date of origin -2014 This artwork is about the Funicular Train which is located at Penance Hill, Penance. This artwork is designed to look like three stamps from different era consisting of three different designs of the Funicular Train which was updated over time. The three stamps made up a timeline starting from the bottom and each contains design characteristics of the time.The stamp at the bottom represents the Funicular Train in the year 1923. It contains the Funicular Train in its first design and the picture is painted in black and white. There are a lot of trees and bushes in the background. The word ‘1 c' is also seen on the top eight corner of the stamp and the year 1 923 was stated at the bottom of the stamp. The stamp in the middle consists of Funicular Train in its updated and more modern second design. There are less bushes and trees in the stamp in the middle compared to the stamp at the bottom.The Stamp in the middle is colored and the word ‘ICC' could be seen on the top right corner. The year 1977 was also stated on the bottom of the stamp. The stamp on the top features the Funicular Train in its latest design. There are even less trees and bushes in the background compared to the stamp in the middle and the clear blue sky are also clearly exposed. There is a ‘RMI' word on the top right corner of the stamp and it is recorded as the year 201 1 on the bottom part of the stamp. The artist had used different techniques when creating the three stamps in the artwork to give them a distinguished look from each other.The stamp at the bottom is created using the shading technique to replicate the black and white photos commonly found during the year 1923. Value is also shown in the stamp at the bottom as the artist had used different tone of shading when creating it. The stamp in the middle is created entirely from oil pastels and features the less advance drawing techni ques from the year 1977. The stamp also consists of the color value as it contains high color intensity. The stamp on the top is created from a blend of oil pastels and poster color.Oil pastels are used to paint the picture while the sky is finished in poster color to give the clouds a softer feeling. Value and space is utilizes by the artist to give the top stamp a look which resembles a modern photograph from 2011. This artwork is a combination of three smaller artworks in the shape of stamps. The stamps contain of images of different versions of the Funicular Train found at Penance Hill. The images are arranged from the bottom to the pop and the time of each image was included in the image itself by the artist to create timeline of the evolution of the Funicular Train at Penance Hill and the changes to Penance Hill.The images also contain of the characteristics of pictures found on stamps from their era. The stamp at the bottom consists of an image of the first generation Funicul ar Train at Penance Hill. The entire image is black and white in color and resembles the photos found on the stamps from that era because the artist is trying to replicate a stamp from that era. It was also stated as the year 1923 on the bottom part of the image. This is a message from the artist that the first generation of the Funicular Train entered into service at that year.The train is small in size and the design of the train is simple. The size of the train is small as there is no modern technology to design a train which is capable of carrying a heavier load. There are also less people visiting Penance Hill during that time. Therefore, there is no need for a bigger train as it will incur a higher cost to build it. The Funicular Train also has no windows and the train conductor's seat does not even have a door. This reflects that people of the time values function over form and comfort. There are a lot of trees and bushes in the background.The artist is trying to tell the aud ience that the Penance Hill is undeveloped during that time. ‘1 c' is also written on the top right corner of the stamp and it represents the value of the stamp. The artist is trying to tell the audience about the economic conditions during that time and 15 cents is all that was required to send a letter. The stamp in the middle consists of an image of the second generation of the Funicular Train at Penance Hill. This image is colored and the drawing style highly resembles drawings found on stamps from that era.The year 977 was stated on the bottom of the image which is the year that the second generation of the Funicular Train entered into service at Penance Hill. The design of this train is more modern and has windows. This shows that the people at the time had started to value comfort and safety. The train is also larger in size and there are less trees and bushes in the background. The artist is trying to tell the audience that the Penance Hill is more developed at that ti me and there are more visitors. Therefore, the train is larger in size to cope with the increased number Of visitors. ‘ICC' is written on the top right ornery of the stamp.This shows that the local economy had bloomed and more money is required to send a letter compared to year 1923. The top stamp represents the latest and current look of the Funicular Train at Penance Hill. This image is more realistic and the drawing style resembles a stamp from the 21st century. The stamp is marked as year 2011 which is also the year the third generation Funicular Train was brought into service. This Funicular Train consists of a high tech-modern design and is larger in size. This shows that people from the 21 SST century seeks not only safety and inform but also speed in their travels.This image features even less bushes and trees than the image in the middle and the sky could be clearly seen. The artist is trying to convey a message saying that even more development had occurred and the t rees are depleting at Penance Hill. ‘RMI' is written on the top right side of the stamp. This shows that the local economy had experienced a huge increase as even more money is required to send a letter. By comparing the three pictures from different era side by side, the artist could show the development of the local economy and the development of Penance Hill.
Friday, January 3, 2020
British Society During 1951-1975 - 1790 Words
‘British society in 1975 was different in every way to the one seen in 1951’ Discuss. The British society in 1975 was ‘certainly’ different from its own self in 1951. But, as radically the society changed, we cannot say that it was a total departure from the preceding ‘conformist’ state. The early 1970s British society is more or less a more ‘mature’ version of the gradually growing incoherent one that came into existence in the 1950s. Britain in 1951, though conservative, did acknowledge a new modern world of changes, social and technological progression rather than standing statically. To see the differences created by social transformation, we need to look at the aspect of continuity and changes that distinguishes the two. In†¦show more content†¦This and establishment of new towns distributed the population to other areas outside of the already crowded cities such as London. Increasing car-ownership and infrastructure construction of new highway make the country more geographically mobile. This pushes the housing development to outside towns and cities. Established traditional communities were broken up as the population spread to other areas. Car travel also changed ideas of holidays and leisure. The surging demand for cars cut out the demand for rail travel. In response to the Beeching Report of 1963, hundreds of unprofitable railways were closed, leaving a lot of rural areas in isolation. The society of early 1970s inherited a changing class attitude from the 1950s. British society in 1951 was ‘conformist’, ‘class-driven’ and favouring of establishments. There was breakdown of these principles in the following years but that does not mean that Britain has totally changed from being a ‘class-divided’ nation. Suggest by R.A. Butler that the modern Conservatism of Britain was more of ‘have’ and ‘have more’ than a case of ‘have’ and ‘have not’. 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