Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Tradition Of Music Through The People Of A Sardinia...
In Sardinian Chronicles, Bernard Lortat-Jacob seeks to explain Sardinian music through the people involved in the creation of it. The tradition of music in Sardinia runs deep, and Lortat-Jacob shows the importance it has to the residents of the island. Many lives are defined completely by music, and these people are the ones in which Lortat-Jacob focuses in on to study. Deeper than this though, the author shows how a rich and dynamic scene is affected by the powerful marching of time. Particularly in the monograph, a vignette regarding the residence and life of a Sardinian craftsman named Attilio, this affliction is shown. The article shows how the Sardinian musical culture has succumb to the aging process. The fragility of a tradition is emphasized through a rich character portrayal and inferred admiration. Thick description is the method in which Lortat-Jacob arrives at his conclusions, or more accurately, his notable lack of them. Such a vivd, descriptive way of writing lends itse lf to unique interpretation by each reader individually. By including himself, Lortat-Jacob shies away from the empirical tradition of ethnography and emphasizes the importance of the character. The narrative style allows the author to vividly describe the events to the reader while still maintaining an interesting, engaging purpose. These methods show that the author has opted for a more wholesome, modern view of culture and ethnography. Objectivity is not needed, just a simple set of
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Biology 10 Testbank and Answers - 4176 Words
Cahpter 10 Biology, 7e (Campbell) Chapter 10: Photosynthesis Chapter Questions 1) Organisms that can exist with light as an energy source and an inorganic form of carbon and other raw materials A) are called photoautotrophs. B) do not exist in nature. C) are called heterotrophs. D) are best classified as decomposers. E) both C and D Answer: A Topic: Overview Skill: Knowledge 2) Which type of organism obtains energy by metabolizing molecules produced by other organisms? A) autotrophs B) heterotrophs C) decomposers D) B and C E) A, B, and C Answer: D Topic: Concept 10.1 Skill: Knowledge 3) The early suggestion that the oxygen (O2) liberated from plants during photosynthesis comes from water was A) first proposed by C.B.†¦show more content†¦Answer: C Topic: Concept 10.2 Skill: Knowledge 12) An outcome of this experiment was to help determine A) the relationship between heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms. B) the relationship between wavelengths of light and the rate of aerobic respiration. C) the relationship between wavelengths of light and the amount of heat released. D) the relationship between wavelengths of light and the oxygen released during photosynthesis. E) the relationship between the concentration of carbon dioxide and the rate of photosynthesis. Answer: D Topic: Concept 10.2 Skill: Knowledge 13) If you ran the same experiment without passing light through a prism, what would you predict? A) There would be no difference in results. B) The bacteria would be relatively evenly distributed along the algal filaments. C) The number of bacteria present would decrease due to an increase in the carbon dioxide concentration. D) The number of bacteria present would increase due to an increase in the carbon dioxide concentration. E) The number of bacteria would decrease due to a decrease in the temperature of the water. Answer: B Topic: Concept 10.2 Skill: Application Figure 10.1 14) Figure 10.1 shows the absorption spectrum for chlorophyll a and the action spectrum for photosynthesis. Why are they different? A) Green and yellow wavelengths inhibit the absorption of red and blue wavelengths. B) Bright sunlight destroys photosynthetic pigments. C) Oxygen given offShow MoreRelatedSolution Manual, Test Bank and Instructor Manuals34836 Words  | 140 PagesDear All, If you need any solution manual, testbank for testbooks from the list, do contact us anytime, we provide competitive prices and fast delivery after payment done. Contact us: smtbportal(at)gmail(dot)com 2010 Corporate Partnership Estate and Gift Tax with HR Block TaxCut 4e Pratt Kulsrud Solution Manual 2010 Corporate Partnership Estate and Gift Tax with HR Block TaxCut 4e Pratt Kulsrud Test Bank 2010 Federal Taxation with HR Block TaxCut 4e Pratt Kulsrud
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Fuse Theatre Company Essay Example For Students
Fuse Theatre Company Essay On the 16th March 2008, the Fuse Theatre Company came into school and did a play which is called the Shadow Companion. This had taken place in the theatre. This play had consisted of four characters their names are Asra Abboud, Ruby Wellbourn, Billy Wellbourn and Khadmin Abboud. Their actual names are Sarah Amankwah, Aisiling Caffery, Michael Chapman and Chris Jack. MY first impressions of this play were Wow, this is going to be interesting the play had taken place in the centre stage the most. The issues and themes that were explored in the play were the friendship between Ruby and her friend Asra; Asra and her dad lives in a temporary refugee accommodation on the edge of her community. We will write a custom essay on Fuse Theatre Company specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The play has a basic story line which Ruby chants and is at the mount; this is a place where she used to visit her Nan. She lights up candles and they draw a circle on the ground with her feet. There is a scene based upon Ruby meeting Asra they have a little argument at first. Then as the play goes on they grow closer and closer until the stage where both dads finds out and is upset about the situation. Asra puts a scarf on Ruby and they go back to Asras place when the father meets Ruby and he is disgusted with the fact that Asra is hanging around with Ruby, as Asra is trying to fit in more. And so the argument goes on from there, there is a point in the play were it rises until a dad is that frustrated that pours water over his daughter. This still doesnt mean that they will stop meeting each other. This all happens at a later scene in the play. In the first few scenes, Mr. Abu is an asylum seeker from Sudan where he was a teacher. The scene opens when he comes in wearing a suite and a hat. A speech is then delivered as if he is in an interview with someone. This gives us a brief idea about his character background. Sound effects are used to change the scenes. Ruby who is at the age of going out, and betraying the family sits on the mound writing in her diary for a minute or two. She then exists through the stage door. Rubys father named Billy enters the pub. A sound in the back ground sets a scene. Bill comes in all prepared with his pint, and delivers a speech about asylum seekers being virus taking over his country. This is a direct speech addressing it as the audience was attending the meeting. A phone rings and a answer machine message is left about Rubys Nan. His dad didnt pick up the phone and he hears the messages and is shocked to hear about it. Ruby enters and is frustrated and the tension beings to flare up and a rocky relationship is showing. We eventually learn that Rubys mum left her and her dad. Half way through the play, a red chair is brought on to symbolize Mr. Abus house. This starts in showing the happy side of father-daughter relationship and daughter Asra appears on scene with school uniform on. Mr. Abus gives a black scarf and Asra doesnt appear too happy but says thanks anyway. Both fathers come face to face. They talk to each other about intimidation. Bill later states he has a right to protest outside his house. The police siren is turned on and Bill decides to threaten Mr. Abu saying he will come back. Asra and Ruby meets, Ruby explains her chants and the circle, keeping it a secret between the two of them. .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc , .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .postImageUrl , .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc , .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc:hover , .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc:visited , .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc:active { border:0!important; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc:active , .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5037492735bc6797e0eac32ad02d24bc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A vessel too fragile EssayThe secret between them is the explanation of the moth and the light, the description of love. They eventually share an understanding. Ruby puts on the headscarf. Eventually they join hands to symbolize their friendship. A rejection letter comes through, Khadim is angry and looks out the window to see Ruby and Asra swapping back the headscarf. His anger is growing. Ruby comes into the house but soon leaves. Khadim takes his anger out on his daughter and pushes her to the ground. He cannot stand the fact that Asra is fitting into the English Culture. He pours water over her as she weeps. The scene ends with the car horns and lights again. This time Khadim opens the door and shouts out to the racists. In the last few scenes, Asra is on the hill and is extremely upset, she does what Ruby normally does, which is to create a circle and begins to chants. Ruby enters and helps her they talk about their relatives who passed away. Ruby then pretends that her mum as sent her a messages. On the hill both dads come and say sorry and get their daughters. They hug. Ruby tells him that she doesnt like what he does but he just holds her in his arms. Asra and Khadim has their relationship back on track as they joke over dinner. The car noises re-appear but this time Khadim walks over calmly to the window and stares at those who are trying to intimidate him. This time he stands up to everyone. The themes and issues which were explored in the play are father and daughter relationships are always going to have a good and a bad side to things. There is an example like Khadim takes his anger out on his daughter and pushes her to the ground. He cannot stand the fact that Asra is fitting into the English Culture. He pours water over her as she weeps the father pushed her to the ground and poured water all over her. The reason I liked this scene because it shows me that no matter how hard you try, no father-daughter relationships are perfect. They built up an atmosphere on stage by addressing a speech to the audience and to make them feel involved. I didnt feel that this had built up any tension. I think the audience feels scared at this point. The types of drama conventions that they use are direct address, this happened at the start when Billy delivered a speech at the start, it made us feel involved. Sound effects were also used because it builds up tension and it makes us feel scared.
Monday, December 2, 2019
My Name Is Khan Reaction Paper free essay sample
1. There are several themes portrayed in the film provide at least three defined each answer. There are three themes in the film that captured my attention. First, is the struggle of Muslim in America after the September 11th attack, I saw how Other Muslims suffered in America even those Muslims are innocent and not belong to the group of terrorist that attract the world trade center.I saw how Americans backlash against Muslim for they think that all Muslim are the same they will kill for the sake of their lord. Second, is the religion this film is not only for Islam-Hindu this is for all religions in the world it just opens our mind that even though we have different beliefs we must respect each other and don’t judge each other’s belief like what mother of Khan said â€Å"there are only two kind of people in this world, good people who good deeds and bad people who do bad†. We will write a custom essay sample on My Name Is Khan Reaction Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lastly is the theme that all about family, family of Rizvan with his mother and brother and his own family together with Mandira it shows that despite of disability of Khan there’s always his family who loves him and take care of him, his love for Mandira is extraordinary he shows it not by doing things that can make Mandira happy but he shows it verbally. Khan is also despised by his brother but in the end his brother shows his love for Khan. 2. How do you characterize Mandira?Do you agree with her reactions, why or why not? Mandira is a good person, a good mother to her son. She doesn’t care for what other people think when she marries Khan even Khan has Asperger’s syndrome and they have their religion. In the story where Mandira get mad to Khan, I don’t agree with her reaction when she blames their struggles on the last name â€Å"khan†because everything that happens to her family is not the fault of Khan and Khan doesn’t know what is happening.For me, it is not right that Mandira blame khan for what had happens to them for it is her decision to marry Khan so whatever happens to them they should not blame each other but at the other side I can’t blame Mandira she lost her son and it is normal for a mother to be hurt and at that time there is no justice for her lost so he get mad for other people who she thinks that the reason why it happens to her son. For me, Mandira must accept everything that happens to them because for me if it’s meant to be it will be. 3. Had you been Sam, would you also react the same way? (Pertaining to the scene at the football field) Why?If I had been Sam, yes I will react as the same way what he did at the football field, when he wants to talk with his best friend because it is his best friend and he wants to know why Reese is moving away from him even he doesn’t do anything that can hurt Reese. When the bad students came and interrupt Reese and Sam’s conversation it starts a fire against Sam and the Bad student and of course he want to fight for his self and does bad students insulted him and his religion so for me when I’m on Sam’s situation I would react the same way as what Sam did because I need to fight for myself and my Beliefs are being rude. So, I can’t blame Sam when he insulted those bad guys because he is in fire and all he thinks is he is being slur by does guy, if I’m Sam I also think that I can throw bad words to those guys who insulted me because I need to protect myself and fight for myself. 4. What is your general reaction towards to the film? This film is not only intriguing but incredibly important and timely. It tackles many sensitive topics that include the backlash against Muslims after 9/11, the discrimination that many felt and continue to feel, the problematic use of the term â€Å"terrorist†.The film is not all about the terrorism or war it is about it’s about a relationship between two people, between an individual and the State, and between an individual and the country. It is the best movie that can open our mind to everything that is happening to our world and the different religions, it teach us that whatever your religion is, it is not a barrier for you to help other pe ople. Learn to respect other that even a disable person can help you. This movie is for all the religions in world and also a story of family.Even a disable person can help other so we can also do the same thing that Khan did prove our self to other that we are who we are. There are no good Hindus, bad Hindus, good Christians, bad Christians. Either you are a good person or a bad person. Religion is not the criterion, humanity is. It’s not about a disabled man’s fight against disability. It’s a disabled man’s fight against the disability that exists in the worldâ€â€terrorism, hatred, fighting . .. My Name is Khan is also about Islam and the way the world looks at Islam.
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