Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Feminine Virtues in the Ibo Tribe essays
Feminine Virtues in the Ibo Tribe essays In Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe shows the importance of feminine virtues in the Ibo tribe. In the novel women, regarded highly for their importance in bearing children and acting as wives, receive praised for their significance. Achebe illustrates the women of the tribe as strong, powerful people whose importance you cannot fail to notice. Anasi was a middle aged woman, tall and strongly built. There was authority in her bearing and she looked every inch the ruler of the womenfolk in a large and prosperous family (Achebe 20). Often entrusted with instilling morality in their children and governing their conduct, women in the tribe hold high regard in the respects of their fellow tribes people. A female goddess will remind men to uphold their morals and mind their conduct, much the way a mother would her child. Once again, a mother holds a high magnitude in the tribe. Mothers and wives appear as the only two positions that women in the Ibo tribe can receive praise for. Outside these roles of acting as mother and/or wife, a woman will receive little, if any respect. It was clear from the way the crowd stood that this was a ceremony for me. There were many women, but they looked on from the fringe like outsiders (Achebe 87). With festivals held in public places, men presided and took seats of honor in front. Women, forced to stand at the edges, looked on from there because they simply did not hold importance. Also, throughout the book, Achebe emphasizes the womens role in childbearing and their fault if the childs would not occur healthily. Nneka has had four previous pregnancies and childbirths. But each time she had born twins, and they had been immediately thrown away. Her husband and his family were already becoming highly critical of such a woman and were not unduly perturbed when they found she had fled to join the Christians. It was a good rid ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free Essays on GAPP
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAPs) The common set of accounting principles, standards and procedures. GAAP is a combination of authoritative standards (set by policy boards) and the accepted ways of doing accounting. These are the rules that companies are expected to follow. If a financial statement is not prepared using GAAP principles, be very wary! That being said, keep in mind that GAAP is only a set of standards. There is plenty of room within GAAP for unscrupulous accountants to distort figures. 1. The Business Entity Concept The business entity concept provides that the accounting for a business or organization be kept separate from the personal affairs of its owner, or from any other business or organization. This means that the owner of a business should not place any personal assets on the business balance sheet. The balance sheet of the business must reflect the financial position of the business alone. Also, when transactions of the business are recorded, any personal expenditures of the owner are charged to the owner and are not allowed to affect the operating results. 2. The Continuing Concern Concept The continuing concern concept assumes that a business will continue to operate, unless it is known that it will not. The dollar values associated with a business that is alive and well are straightforward. For example, a supply of envelopes with the company’s name printed on them would be valued at their cost price. This would not be the case if the company were going out of business. In that case, the envelopes would be difficult to sell because the company’s name is on them. When a company is going out of business, the values of the assets usually suffer because they have to be sold under unfavorable circumstances. The values of such assets often cannot be determined until they are actually sold. 3. The Principle of Conservatism The principle of conservatism provides that acc... Free Essays on GAPP Free Essays on GAPP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAPs) The common set of accounting principles, standards and procedures. GAAP is a combination of authoritative standards (set by policy boards) and the accepted ways of doing accounting. These are the rules that companies are expected to follow. If a financial statement is not prepared using GAAP principles, be very wary! That being said, keep in mind that GAAP is only a set of standards. There is plenty of room within GAAP for unscrupulous accountants to distort figures. 1. The Business Entity Concept The business entity concept provides that the accounting for a business or organization be kept separate from the personal affairs of its owner, or from any other business or organization. This means that the owner of a business should not place any personal assets on the business balance sheet. The balance sheet of the business must reflect the financial position of the business alone. Also, when transactions of the business are recorded, any personal expenditures of the owner are charged to the owner and are not allowed to affect the operating results. 2. The Continuing Concern Concept The continuing concern concept assumes that a business will continue to operate, unless it is known that it will not. The dollar values associated with a business that is alive and well are straightforward. For example, a supply of envelopes with the company’s name printed on them would be valued at their cost price. This would not be the case if the company were going out of business. In that case, the envelopes would be difficult to sell because the company’s name is on them. When a company is going out of business, the values of the assets usually suffer because they have to be sold under unfavorable circumstances. The values of such assets often cannot be determined until they are actually sold. 3. The Principle of Conservatism The principle of conservatism provides that acc...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Explication Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Explication Paper - Essay Example By use of the penny symbolism, the author shows that whites in that period prefer that blacks depended on them. The hat symbolism, however, does not have defined positive implications on the authors attempt to make it look that whites and blacks were now equal. In my view, it has a more profound reflection on the Africans reaction to the integration as described bellow. Morality: this theme tries to justify the reactions of the characters in the event of change which is the driving force behind the author’s ideas. Julian’s mother is condescending, as most white people with a conscience were during the days of slavery. However, she no prejudices towards any child even black ones. She maintains this stand even in the face of conflict. Caroline, Julian’s mother’s nanny, is a true representation of the ideal black women before the integration. When Julian’s mother calls out to Caroline, it is perhaps the author’s way of portraying the security and comfort whites derived from the past state of blacks. This reflects on the types of whites the author chose; she picked poor whites to represent her ideas. On another level, it can be the author’s way of portraying whites as the victims. In retrospect, the author tries to point out that the impact of wealth on social class. Julian represents the present American; he is hiding, behind the faà §ade of education, to justify his support for change. The black woman is a representation of black people in recent times. Her aggression against condescending whites is a reflection of black people’s feelings towards slavery and segregation. Back to the hat symbolism, it reflects the blacks need to be not equal to but like the whites. Style: third person narration is a style that stands out in this text as much as racial integration. This technique in my view gives the text a futuristic tag. Though debatable, this writing is still relevant
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Strategy and International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Strategy and International Business - Essay Example Hanson and Ever Ready; BTR; Tarmac. Strategic Planning This style is best suited to businesses that have important potential synergies between businesses, often requiring large, risky decisions and facing tough international competition. This means concentrating on one or two core businesses and divesting peripheral businesses - the fit between the businesses is critical e.g. Cadbury Schweppes; BOC; Lex; STC. Strategic Control This style seems to require some homogeneity between the businesses in terms of their strategic characteristics so that the centre can have a good feel and understanding for each. However, there does not seem to be a need to concentrate upon just one business or industry, or even a closely related set of core businesses, provided that the diversity is not too great e.g. the demerger of ICI into ICI and Zeneca; Courtaulds. Source: Primary Table 3 - Advantages and Disadvantages of each style Style Advantages Disadvantages Financial Control / Portfolio Approach Quantifiable Responsiveness Lose Direction Centre does not add value Strategic Planning / Core competence Approach Empowerment Growth on corporate as a whole Coordination Competitive advantage Effective SBU structure tends to hinder development as competences cross organisational boundaries. Centre out of touch Divisions tactical - by preventing other SBUs exploiting the particular competence of one SBU (e.g. transferring staff). Acquisitions critical Strategic Control / Linkages Approach Centre/divisions Complementary Cost control by monitoring each activity Efficient Coordination Motivation Competitive advantage Problems in sharing...Each style is different in its approach, can offer different advantages to the corporation, but has different strengths and weaknesses. This style works when the businesses in the group are largely autonomous and the centre can act to improve performance in each business, often by turnaround of under-performing businesses, and ultimate disposal e.g. Hanson and Ever Ready; BTR; Tarmac. This style is best suited to businesses that have important potential synergies between businesses, often requiring large, risky decisions and facing tough international competition. This means concentrating on one or two core businesses and divesting peripheral businesses - the fit between the businesses is critical e.g. Cadbury Schweppes; BOC; Lex; STC. This style seems to require some homogeneity between the businesses in terms of their strategic characteristics so that the centre can have a good feel and understanding for each. However, there does not seem to be a need to concentrate upon just one business or industry, or even a closely related set of core businesses, provided that the diversity is not too great e.g. the demerger of ICI into ICI and Zeneca; Courtaulds. Portfolio/Financial Control companies are likely to develop into unrelated products/markets/processes, usually by acquisition, with the decision likely to rest on wheth
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Passport automation system Essay Example for Free
Passport automation system Essay The Passport Application System for Indian Nationals is being automated with a user-friendly interface and a strong back-end support. Every citizen of India who wishes to apply for his/her passport has to create a personal login account by registering himself/herself at first. From thereon, he/she can access the forms for the application process by logging in with the username and password for authentication. The passport applicant can apply either by: Normal application mode or Tatkal mode. Opting for the tatkal scheme costs the applicant an additional fee amount of Rs. 1000/- besides extra document proof submission. We basically have two categories of applicants: Fresh Passport Applicants Passport Renewal Applicants The applicants who are seeking their renewals must fill up an additional form regarding their old passport details. All the details entered by the applicants are validated upon submission and recorded in the database. The applicants have to scan and upload their original documents for proofs of citizenship, address, educational background, occupation, etc. The final step would be payment of the passport application fee that would be computed automatically based on the modes and category of applicant. After the payment is successfully carried out, an appointment date would be generated for in-person verification of the applicant by the passport authorities. A receipt slip would be generated as an acknowledgement for the completion of passport application process. SRS: 1. LOGIN/REGISTRATION: a. Basic Description . Users have to create their own login account by registering themselves. After filling up the registration form, the users can login to their account by entering username and passport for validation. b. Basic Flow: . New users will be directed to a registration page asking them to fill up the details like Name, DOB and other such trivial details. Filling up all the fields will be mandatory. Pre-Conditions: None Post-Conditions: After login, user will be prompted to choose the mode of applications. c. Alternative Flow: . If the user fails to login due to invalid username/password, the login screen will be reloaded again and again. Even if this doesn’t work, the user can try registering afresh. This usecase prompts the applicant to decide on either of the 2 application modes- normal or tatkal. b. Basic Flow . Entering into the normal mode will open up the application form directly. Pre-Conditions: Successful login with appropriate username and password. Post-Conditions: The applicant has to pay the passport fees according to the choice of application mode in a later stage. c. Alternative Flow . If the applicant chooses tatkal, an alert message is displayed indicating that additional charges are applicable. The flow resumes displaying the normal application form. Application Form: a. Basic Description . The applicant has to fill in all the mandatory fields in the given application form. Valid details are to be filled up without any ambiguity. b. Basic Flow . The applicant has to manually type in all the particulars required. Pre-Conditions: The applicant has to make his choice of mode of application. Post-Conditions: The form is subjected to validations. c. Alternative Flow . If the user wishes to terminate the session of form filling and proceed later, he can do so by quitting the process. If the user wants to renew his passport (i. e. not a fresh applicant), previous passport details are to be filled in for validation. b. Basic Flow . The renewal seekers are required to fill in their old passport details like Passport no, Date of Issue, Date of Expiry and Place of Issue Pre-Conditions: A valid old passport is to be produced to fill in the details. Post-Conditions: Authentication is done for the old passport existence before payment. c. Alternative Flow . None. 5. Document Submission: a. Basic Description Original documents need to be provided for various authentications by the passport authorities. b. Basic Flow . Scan the documents using a scanner and upload them to the database. This usecase validates the proofs of citizenship, address, education details, marital status and other such trivial details. Pre-Conditions: Valid documents like Birth Certificates, Licenses, Ration Cards, Bank Passbook, etc. Post-Conditions: Matching the submitted documents with the no of proofs required and validating. c. Alternative Flow . If the documents are insufficient, an alert message is displayed. Otherwise, no alternative flow here. 6. Fee Payment: a. Basic Description . The pre-computed payable amount is displayed in the form and payment options are displayed. b. Basic Flow . The payment is calculated based on the mode chosen (normal or tatkal) and the charges are listed explicitly. Payment is done here. Pre-Conditions: Completion of all forms and proper modes chosen already. Post-Conditions: Payment gateway is opened and receipt would be generated. c. Alternative Flow . Quit option to pay later on. Basic Description . This is the final step in passport automation process. A receipt is generated with an appointment date generated along with final application summary. b. Basic Flow . The generated receipt can either be printed (saved) to a file or directly printed using a printing device. Pre-Conditions: Full payment for passport is done. Post-Conditions: A valid receipt is generated as a proof of having completed the passport process. He/she has to visit the passport office in person on the appointment date allotted for final authentication.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Is Was Unfortunate That AIDS Hit The Gay Community First :: Gay Lesbian Issues Essays
Is Was Unfortunate That AIDS Hit The Gay Community First If the United States had known 20 years ago what it knows now about the transmission and progression of HIV, it would have most likely taken greater steps to contain the spread of the virus. However, it was then unknown that each diagnosed case of AIDS represented hundreds of cases of undiagnosed HIV in the greater population. It was also unknown that HIV's eight-year incubation coupled with its mode of sexual transmission would rapidly result in one of the worst epidemics in modern history. In hindsight it is unfortunate that AIDS first broke out among a sector of american society which was as marginalized and sexually liberated as was the gay male sector of american society. Despite all the positive measures taken by the gay community to promote AIDS awareness and research after the epidemic broke out, the adversarial relationship they had with the Reagan administration and the promiscuity associated with their sexual revolution contributed towards the spread of AIDS. In the HBO movie, And the Band Played On, adapted from Randy Shilts's best-selling book of the same title, it is suggested that the spread of the AIDS epidemic could have been contained had the health issue been given appropriate attention and funding from the outset. This may not be true. Whether or not AIDS could have been contained may have depended on the population it was affecting. If so, the fact that AIDS hit the homosexual population first may have been particularly unfavorable for two reasons. First, according to the best information on the risk of transmission associated with certain behaviors made available by the CDC, anal sex is the act mostly likely to transmit AIDS. Anal sex is practiced in the male homosexual population far more than in any other sector of american society. Second, the gay male population was considerably promiscuous in the early 1980s as a result of their recent sexual revolution. Sexually transmitted disease such as syphilis, gonorrhea, and HIV ran rampant through public bath houses, where gay men would engage in anonymous sex with other men. These two factors contributed significantly to the spread of AIDS. While it is impossible to know if the AIDS epidemic could have been completely contained, it is certainly true that an earlier understanding of the HIV virus and its modes of transmission would have dissuaded some people from engaging in the types of high-risk behaviors associated with HIV transmission, and hence saved lives.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
What changes are needed to the present Ethiopian, Eritrean and international economic
The current policies in place designed to reduce the effects of famine in the African countries of Ethiopia and Eritrea are a long way from achieving their goals. Famine has been a regular occurrence for hundreds of years. Ethiopia and Eritrea depend on two rainy seasons a year to ample crop growth. Sweeping changes must be made at local, national and international level if the severe problem of famine is to be brought under control and eventually eradicated. 85% of the rural population relies on rain, as farming is the main source of income (Jonathon Steele in Addis Ababa reports on efforts to contain disaster). In Africa annual rainfall varies dramatically and this plays a vital role in the success or failure of crops each year. There are also regional differences in the level of rainfall throughout Africa which means that drought cannot be assessed as a nationwide issue but as a regional issue. Current policies to regulate management of land are largely ineffective. The over-cultivation and mismanagement of land is leading to shortfalls in food production. Food growth is increasing annually by 0.6%, in contrast population in Africa is growing at 2.9%. ( Also read this Cheating in a Bottom Line Economy The ground surface of an area can be dramatically altered by processes such as overgrazing or over cultivation. This has a dramatic effect on the formation of clouds and subsequently levels of precipitation. (Draught and famine workbook) Steps need to be taken to change the way land is cultivated to prevent over intensive cultivation, before any steps can be taken towards eradication of famine, if the African people cannot become self sufficient then they stand little chance of escaping the cycle of drought leading to famine. Schemes and Policies designed to ease famine and drought The African government has introduced a range of schemes designed to reduce the risks posed by drought. Huge investment in agriculture has been made since 1991. This includes rural credit schemes and the creation of dams to catch rainfall. On an international level the World Bank has offered a à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½300 million loan for rural road building. The World Bank and International Monetary fund have given their support for the reduction of subsidies on fertiliser prices; which has forced farmers to cut back on their use. (Jonathan Steele) Resulting in a fall in crop yields, leading to a fall in food supplies. A worrying trend is the increasing use of inorganic fertilisers by African farmers. They cause untold damage to the environment, releasing chemicals into the water, harming both people and vegetation. These inorganic fertilisers are purchased from the more affluent economies which mean's that African farmers must pay in cash for fertilisers which increase crop yields but which are ultimately destroying their own ecosystem in the process. This is indicative of the lack of sustainable food production policies in Ethiopia and Eritrea. ( A nationwide scheme introduced by the African government gives farmers who own more than 0.5 hectares of land, improved seed varieties, fertilisers and pesticides, on loan. This has seen results in many areas which have led to higher incomes for some farmers. Schemes such as this yield benefits today but the future cost and effect on the environment in the long term is as yet unknown. (Information from Oxfam, leaflet no OX450 May 1997) Schemes to counteract the problems of soil erosion have been introduced. Oxfam in partnership with thousands of volunteers in community programmes are attempting to rebuild the land. Millions of trees have been planted to help curb soil erosion and to put back nutrients into the soil. (Information from Oxfam).Reforestation projects are of paramount importance in regenerating the land and preventing soil erosion and leaching of vital nutrients. Types of farming Many of the crops grown by African farmers are cash crops. These crops are often unsuitable for the environment in which they are grown and leach vital nutrients from the soil. As agriculture is the main source of income for 85% of the population cash crops are vital to the survival of many African farmers. Nomadic pastoralism is the most efficient form of land use in arid and semi arid lands where crop production is very risky due to high annual variances in climate. (Kilby 1993, Scoones 1995) â€Å"Development policies introduced over the Last fifty years have undermined the traditional management of pastoralists†. (Kilby 1993) Kilby states that they have focused on the extension of crop production into marginal areas, on sedentary ranching, and on an expansion of national parks. Such policies deny pastoralists resources and the ability to roam freely which they require to feed their herds, especially during periods of drought. Many of the policies introduced with the intent of reducing the impact of draught on the peoples of Africa actually hinder them. Conclusion Policy changes within agriculture are urgently needed. Technological change which will stabilise production at higher levels is also needed. Money needs to be invested in researching drought resistant crops, and a higher level of irrigation is also required if droughts are going to cease to be a catalyst for famine. Agricultural productivity needs to be dramatically increased in order for individuals to become self-sufficient. It is only through better management of agriculture that famine can be eradicated in the long term rather than simply on a short term basis. Policies need to be changed and action taken, short term, and more importantly long term, so as to reduce the severity and frequency of the occurrence of famines in Africa. The issue of famine and drought is highly complex and is very difficult to resolve. â€Å"Famine is a direct result of drought; however it is the vulnerability of people when faced with reduced food availability that turns the situation into a disaster†. (Information from Oxfam) Long term policies need to focus on food security, ensuring that food supplies are large enough to sustain the population and that excess food supplies are managed to ensure the populations survival during drought years. In the past excess food supplies have been sold to foreign countries for profit rather than being kept to feed the African population during times of famine. Government policies need in the short term to focus on making people self sufficient before they can tackle issues of producing surplus crops to sell. Existing policies have made little difference to the situation. Much still needs to be done for the long term prevention of famine in Ethiopia and Eritrea.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Marina Bay Sand
Marina Bay Sands (MBS) is one of only two integrate resorts (IRs) in Singapore, locating in Marina Bay waterfront in the heart of the city. It developed by Las Vegas Sands (LVS) Corporation has opened officially in 2010. MBS does not only delude tourists by the fascinating design, but it also attracts visitors by a rich variety of services such as 2,560-room lodging property, amenities of spa, fitness centre, bar, theme park with infinite swimming pool, the state-of-art casino, convention, shopping mall, theaters, cinema and extraordinary lotus-shaped museum.Writing this report, the author aims to investigate MBS regarding the application of guest activity programming model. Overall, the model is very significant to MBS in delivery of service excellence to its guests. 2. The application of guest activity programming model to MBS It is not useless to spend time to explore the term of guest activity programs before applying the theory for MBS. According to Mill (2008), guest activity i s also called as recreation which is â€Å"an activity that takes place during one’s free time, is enjoyable, freely chosen, and benefits the individual emotionally, socially, physically, cognitively, and spiritually†.In other words, recreation means chosen activities that guests can receive benefits from it, including having fun together. And in order to satisfy guests, popularly the guest activity director who plays an active role in ensuring guests to get benefits will plan guest activity programs. The guest activity programming model (refers to Appendix) consists of 5 stages. First of all, it assesses guest needs. Perhaps it is influenced by 4 external factors such as history, environment, culture, and organization. These factors will contribute partly to generate guest needs.In particular, historical influences refer to the tradition and philosophy of the resort. Typically, the IR is a resort offering a rich variety of leisure and entertainment activities and casi no facilities. Thus, if developing a guest activity programming for MBS, it is possible to concern with these elements. On the other hand, environmental influences can be understood as the time of the year, weather, and nature. In Marina Bay, it inherits beautiful Singapore River which is ideal for sports on the river.Namely, MBS has collaborated with Singapore River Cruise in order to open a tour route across convenient locations surroundings the river such as Clarke Quay, Boat Quay, Merlion Park to the IR. Guests can enjoy the beauty of the river before arrivals of the IR. Cultural influences comprise of ethnicity, age, and religion of the guests. Singapore possesses multi-ethnic culture which is the most popular destination in Asia for Westerners and Easterners. Although Singaporean is mainly Chinese, Malay and Indian, most people are well-educated and comfortable with English.This cultural factor is the supporting to MBS’s business. Meanwhile, social influences are fads, trends, and news. In this respect, it can mention about the tendency of international guests in Singapore towards gambling and shopping interests. Finally, organizational influences are defined as values and mission of the company. An example of MBS, the chairman of LVS – Adelson claimed that the IR will aim to be â€Å"a catalyst for the economic future of Singapore and a launch pad for its tourism industry†.Usually LVS Corporation builds its properties in the purpose of developing the local economy, and MBS in Singapore is not an exception. Thus, in the first stage of needs assessment, the guest activity director should expect guest’s needs that reflect 4 external factors. In order to deploy the most effective needs assessment, the process must be conducted by interviewing existing and potential guests regarding their interests or learning national statistics to explore current trends in recreation.In the next stage, the guest activity director should develop objectives. After identifying what important to guests, the director will set objectives for the guest activity programming to enable guests to be satisfied. In particular, MBS will deliver outstanding services of 5-star hotel with the cutting-edge facilities. It means the IR seeks a level of over expectation to its guests. Furthermore, it is the stage of deploying cluster or activity analysis in order to meet identified objectives in the guest activity programming.According to Mill (2008), the scholar broke down each activity following by criteria: behavioral domains, skill level, interaction patterns, leadership, equipment, duration, facilities, participants, and age appropriateness. For instance, during Christmas and New Year Holidays, MBS might plan to have seasonal sales or decoration the property with sparkling style. And this involves the cluster of duration which occurs during the holiday. In addition, the external factor of environment – i. e. the time of the year, a lso generates the recreation.Beside seasonal arrangement, sometimes activity can schedule weekly or monthly in a period of the day. For instance, the Sands Fruit Festival has recently opened on July and August for 1 day. Moreover, other events require lighting, audio and visual aids such as The Social Pavilion for one’s own virtual photo shoot, exhibitions, movies and so on. All events are classified as the cluster of equipment criteria. From this stage, it can see that the use of guests, staff, resources and facilities in the model will be assisting tools together to deliver the guest experience in the next stage.The activity experience seems to be a process how much guests enjoy and have fun in recreation. Taking the example of Sands Fruit Festival, the holder promises that the festival will deliver a wide selection of premium fruits to visitors such as lychees, longans, rambutants, and mangosteens. It means the IR hopes the guests can experience high quality and fresh frui ts. Or in the lodging sector, MBS desires the guests to stay wonderful rooms. Guests can relax with spacious bathroom with freestanding bathtub and walk-in shower.In addition, they can invite friends into their rooms for conversations with coffee and tea made by in-room mini bar. Guests can watch 42-inch LCD with cable TV or movies on demand. Otherwise, business guests can take advantage of high-speed internet access for their needs. In the last stage, it is activity evaluation – an indispensable step in every process. Usually, the guest activity director might work with other department in the resort to publish customer feedback questions in order to get guest’s opinions regarding what they experience in the resort.This aims to determine whether or not objectives can be met. Otherwise, it will investigate how much objectives are met or which level of experience guests reach from unsatisfactory to delight. If there is any failure, this step will indicate clearly, as a result the resort will eliminate or make adjustment in the next guest activity programming model in order to offer better recreation. 3. Conclusion In conclusion, the guest activity programming model is very helpful tool for resorts in developing recreation and ensuring guests to be satisfied during their stays in resorts.The model consists of core 5 steps such as needs assessment, identification of objectives, activity analysis, activity experience and evaluation. The guest activity director should follow these steps to create the most efficient recreation to guests. Importantly, recreation will be built by the influences of 4 external factors such as environment, history, organization, social, and culture. Besides that, guest, staff, equipment/resources and facilities are useful tools in assisting the director to create successful recreation.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Vicodin essays
Vicodin essays Hydrocodone otherwise known as vicodin is a tablet for the relief of moderate to moderately severe pain. Vicodin may be habit forming. This medication should not be taken more that the prescribed amount. One of the two drugs in vicodin is Acetaminophen. This medication is taken daily by millions of people in our society. Acetaminophen is an over the counter drug known as Tylenol. Excessive use of Tylenol is extremely detrimental to the body. Most vicodin addicts take up to ten pills a day, so they are taking in way more Tylenol than needed. Tylenol has been noted to cause major liver damage and eventually liver failure. Once the liver failure has failed, death is next to come. That is one way that vicodin can slowly put someone to death. Some vicodin addicts have reached the point to take up to 100 pills a day. Over months of vicodin use, the vicodin effects will become greater and more damaging. At first, the user will endure such effects as constipation, speeding up or the slowing down of the heart rate, nausea, and dizziness. As the use grows, the vicodin effects will come in the form of blurred vision, hallucinations, and sever confusions. The last stages of vicodin addiction bring with it the two most detrimental vicodin effects known. These two stages are a coma and then death. This drug combination is in the Federal Drug Administration pregnancy category C. This means that its effects on an unborn baby are not known. Since the category is C, I could not really get that much information on vicodin. This drug will pass through into breast milk, which could harm a nursing infant, which could damage the helpless child. This medicine has a liquid called Lortab, which has alcohol and can harm a child. The systems of when you overdose me include: blood disorders, cyanotic skin color, cold clammy skin, increasing sedation progressing to unresponsiveness, diaphoresis, irregular heartbeat, decreased heart rate, weakness, low blood pre...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Queen Victoria Quotes
Queen Victoria Quotes Queen Victoria, the longest-ruling monarch of Great Britain, ruled during a time of economic and imperial expansion, and gave her name to the Victorian Era. Selected Queen Victoria Quotations We are not amused. (attributed) Please understand that there is no one depressed in this house; we are not interested in the possibilities of defeat; they do not exist. Move Queen Anne? Most certainly not! Why it might some day be suggested that my statue should be moved, which I should much dislike. (about moving a statue of Queen Anne for Victorias Diamond Jubilee) The Queen is most anxious to enlist every one who can speak or write to join in checking this mad, wicked folly of Womans Rights, with all its attendant horrors, on which her poor feeble sex is bent, forgetting every sense of womanly feeling and propriety. The important thing is not what they think of me, but what I think of them. His purity was too great, his aspiration too high for this poor, miserable world! His great soul is now only enjoying that for which it was worthy! When I think of a merry, happy, free young girl and look at the ailing, aching state a young wife generally is doomed to which you cant deny is the penalty of marriage. I feel sure that no girl would go to the altar if she knew all. An ugly baby is a very nasty object, and the prettiest is frightful when undressed. I dont dislike babies, though I think very young ones rather disgusting. I would venture to warn against too great intimacy with artists as it is very seductive and a little dangerous. Great events make me quiet and calm; it is only trifles that irritate my nerves. He speaks to Me as if I was a public meeting. (of Mr. Gladstone) More About Queen Victoria Queen Victoria BiographyHow Is Queen Elizabeth II Related to Queen Victoria? About These Quotes Quote collection assembled by Jone Johnson Lewis. Each quotation page in this collection and the entire collection  © Jone Johnson Lewis. This is an informal collection assembled over many years. I regret that I am not be able to provide the original source if it is not listed with the quote.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
1 Thessalonians 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
1 Thessalonians 5 - Essay Example This directly relates to modern day life in a sense that it is important to continue to thank God for his word even after thousands of years. Chapter four in 1 Thessalonians goes on to further explain living to please God. This is very important and the apostle Paul urges the Thessalonians to stand strong in their faith. Paul urges the Thessalonians to continue to do more in more in the name of God’s son Jesus. Doing so is pleasing to God. Chapter four also brings up sexual morality. This was a trouble for the Thessalonians as it is trouble for modern day. Sexual morality has become to be something that is tolerated by society but almost forgot that it is not tolerated by God. God wants his people to respect their bodies and treat them holy. If these same values could be implemented into modern day world there would be less sexual acts before marriage and also less prostitution. Loving each other is another way that 1 Thessalonians encourages everyone to live to please God. Loving each other is very important as loving each other as God had intended would allow for a better more pure way of life. This pertains to the modern world in ways that loving each other would reduce crime, lying, deceit, divorce, and violence to almost none. Chapter five goes on to explain waiting for the coming of Gods son Jesus. It is said that Jesus will come without warning like a thief in the night. Those who are obedient to him shall receive salvation. Modern day may tend to forget that this has been written by God. Those who are pleasing to God and live life as a follower of Jesus are able to seek this salvation. It is important to remember that God says that we are all people of the day. Becoming people of the day helps to keep away wrong doings and drunkenness. God wants his people to be awake in the day and sleep at night. Those sleeping in the day are getting drunk at night and not living out God’s will. Modern day struggles with this in
Friday, November 1, 2019
Marijuana legalization in the United States Essay
Marijuana legalization in the United States - Essay Example The push to decriminalize marijuana has been going on for years. It started in the early 1970s in the region of Oregon and increased as days went by with people pushing for its use claiming it had medical uses as well as for recreational purposes. There was gradual acceptance of the substance with various states addressing the issue from various angles according to what was felt right by the law makers there. Colorado was the first one to legalize marijuana up to a certain level in 2005 after fifty four percent of the votes to determine the issue voted in favor of its legalization. The other municipals that followed include Pennsylvania in 2014, Washington DC in the same year and New York City. Many states have passed laws that are in favor of its use up to certain levels though none has been bold enough to allow it production and use at the users discretion. The State of Oregon made the initial step in the fight to allow the use of cannabis and decriminalize it in early 1970s. T his move was faced by different opinions from various people in the government and also from the citizens who had the perception that the use of marijuana is linked with various criminal activities and the medical attributes it is given are vague and non-existent. However, lobby groups could not relent and the move was accepted in other states and in 1975 Alaska also passed a law to decriminalize it. The law was to allow possession of up to 4 ounces of the substance. This was to be in their residence.Â
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