Monday, September 30, 2019
Quality of life Scenario Essay
PART ONE Medical-Surgical Cases 2. What is the rationale for changing the method of administering furosemide? [c] M.G. is fl uid overloaded and needs to decrease fl uid volume in a short period. IV administration is delivered directly into the vascular system, where it can start to work immediately. In HF, blood fl ow to the entire GI system is compromised; therefore the absorption of orally ingested medications may be variable and take longer to work. 3. You administer furosemide 80 mg IVP. Identify three parameters you would use to monitor the effectiveness of this medication. [k] †¢ Daily weight †¢ I&O †¢ Decreased dependent edema †¢ Decreased SOB, decreased crackles in the bases of the lungs, and possibly decreased O2 demands †¢ Decreased JVD 4. What laboratory tests should be ordered for M.G. related to (R/T) the order for furosemide? [c] Furosemide 80 mg is a potent diuretic, which may cause the loss of potassium and magnesium. These 2 electrolytes are important in maintaining a stable heart rhythm. These electrolytes will need to be supplemented if the levels are low. âÅ" ½ Note: Most HF admissions are R/T fl uid volume overload. Patients who do not require intensive care monitoring can most often be treated initially with IVP diuretics, O2, and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. 5. How do ACE inhibitors help in HF? [k] ACE inhibitors prevent the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor. This results in systemic vasodilation, thereby reducing preload (reducing the volume of blood entering the left ventricle) and afterload (reducing the resistance to the left ventricular contraction) in patients in HF. âÅ" ½ Instructor Note: You could tell the students that the most frequent side effect of ACE inhibitors is a persistent, nonproductive cough. The intensity of the symptoms tends to be dose related; the higher the dose, the more intense the cough. An important alternative medication is an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB), often called â€Å"an ACE without a cough.†Mosby items and derived items  © 2009, 2005 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc. 3 chapter 1 Cardiovascular Disorders Case Study 1 6. M.G.’s symptoms improve with IV diuretics. She is ordered back on oral furosemide once her weight loss is deemed adequate to achieve a euvolemic state. What will determine if the oral dose will be adequate to consider her for discharge? [k] It is critical to help the primary care provider assess whether the change from IV to oral diuretics can maintain a stable weight. One of the fl uid management goals for patients in HF is to maintain a target weight. This is done by monitoring daily morning weight, keeping an accurate I&O, and recording subjective symptoms. 7. M.G. is ready for discharge. What key management concepts should be taught to prevent relapse and another admission? âÅ" ½ Hint: Use the mnemonic MAWDS. [k] The most essential aspect of teaching hospitalized patients without overloading them is to focus on realistic key points. Teaching should be aimed at tips to improve symptoms and prevent readmission. The 5 most important concepts for patients with HF are included in MAWDS instructions. Medications: Take as directed, do not skip a dose, and do not run out of medications. Activity: Stay as active as you can while limiting your symptoms. Weight: Weigh every morning. Call if you gain or lose 2 pounds overnight or 5 pounds from your target weight. Diet: Follow a low-salt diet and limit fl uids to less than 2 quarts or liters per day. Symptoms: Know what symptoms to report to your provider; report early to prevent readmission. Mosby items and derived items  © 2009, 2005 by Mosby, Inc., an affiliate of Elsevier Inc.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Law Enforcement Challenges
| Law Enforcement Challenges| [Type the document subtitle]| | Law Enforcement Challenges| | Cheryl TraceyProfessor Gregory BlancheCIS 170 Information Technology in Criminal Justice| 11/26/2012| | There are many challenges law enforcement agencies face when investigating internet exploitation, cyber stalking, and obscenity. Few challenges include overlapping effort, lack of funding, overlapping jurisdictions, and priority.The purpose of this paper is to explain in detail the greatest challenge law enforcement agencies investigating exploitation, cyber stalking, and obscenity, the specific challenges with overlapping of jurisdictions and solutions for overcoming these challenges, and to discuss if states should have the ability to work with one another when a cyber- crime is carried out across state lines. I feel like the greatest challenge law enforcement agencies face in investigating exploitation, cyber stalking, and obscenity is issues with evidence and detection. â€Å"Data on th e computer can be deleted, modified, or destroyed. (Taylor, Fritsch, Liederbach, Holt, 2012). It is very important for evidence to be collected, preserved, and examined right away. In most cases, 24 hours proves to be too late to recover non-tampered evidence. â€Å"Some computers have automatic wiping programs in case a new person touches the wrong key on the keyboard. †(http://www. supremecourt. gov. pk/ijc/Articles/10/2. pdf). Cyber forensics experts requires special tools which will be able to access any data available on the mass storage media including deleted files and data in unallocated disk areas.Although time is of the essence, it is very important that law enforcement agencies follow the search and seizures laws. A warrant must be issued first before any evidence can be gathered, searched, or reviewed. A major challenge to law enforcement agencies are overlapping jurisdictions. For example, â€Å"a cyber-stalker may reside in a different city or even state than the victim, making it difficult for one agency to investigate. †(Taylor, Fritsch, Liederbach, Holt, 2012).Obtaining assistance from out of state agencies can be limited due to the circumstances. Cyber criminals are able to operate nationwide. This is why law enforcement agencies have to work with local officials, foreign governments, and other agencies. Some agencies will work with other agencies only if the crime is serious enough. To solve these problems, I would have it to where each agency has a department just for cybercrimes and each agency has jurisdiction to work with one another. Jurisdiction laws would no longer exist for cybercrimes.I feel states should have the ability to work with one another when a cybercrime is carried out across state lines. Especially in cases where cyber bullying, child pornography, cyber stalking, or fraud is happening. I think everyone should work together to try and fight all types of crime. In conclusion, our local government needs to imp lement laws and procedures to work together on every type of crime. I feel as though jurisdiction should have nothing to do with rather to pursue a crime or not.Cybercrimes should be a first priority and try and think of ways to have a monitoring system may certain words typed on the internet further investigation needs to be done. Reference: Taylor, R. W. , Fritsch, E. J. , Liederbach, J. , & Holt, T. J. (2011). Ditigal crime and digital terrorism. (Second ed. , pp. 180-182). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Learing Solutions. http://www. supremecourt. gov. pk/ijc/Articles/10/2. pdf http://www. naavi. org/cl_editorial_04/edit_6_jan_04_01. htm
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Contemporary Issue In Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Contemporary Issue In Marketing - Essay Example Hence, marketers have begun implementing integrated marketing communication tactics along with technology and persuasive communication strategies, in order to build loyalty and long-term relationships with consumers. The present essay will shed light on the contemporary issues faced by marketers in current business environment and the use of integrated marketing communication, technology and persuasive communication in order to create a niche in this ever-increasing competitive environment. Integrated Marketing Communication Even after its inception over a decade ago, IMC and its definition is still subjective and varies in different situations. Few of the terms, defining IMC in parts, may include orchestration, New Advertising, whole egg, relationship marketing, seamless communication, total branding, 360 branding, integrated communication and integrated marketing (Kliatchko, 2005). Regardless of definitions suggested by scholars and researchers, it is undoubted that this new approa ch to marketing and business has become an unalterable strategic operation and no big organization can afford to skip IMC (Kitchen and Li, 2005). The emergence of IMC can be attributed to the inevitable change in customer perception and demands as well as demand for a more systemized and coordinated concept of marketing communication. ... Various studies and surveys on organizations, as well as consumers, have revealed argumentative theories as conclusions over the practice and viability of IMC. Eagle, et al. (1999) had studied advertising executives and marketers in New Zealand to understand the perception with respect to the concept of IMC. Two paradigm concepts dominated, where one considered IMC as a new concept, whereas the other touted it as an unremarkable contribution to the overall marketing. However, the final conclusion was that IMC is not a management fad. In fact, it can be considered as a fundamental change in the perception and practice of communication and marketing, among clients and advertising agencies. Electronic Relationship Electronic relationship is basically building and maintaining relationship with customers on the online platform. Electronic marketing and wooing consumers through digital media has become an integral part of any organization’s marketing and communication strategy. Kara hanna, Agarwal and Angst (2006) have argued that in the present business and economic environment, it is very important to remain connected and updated, be it latest trends and offerings in the market, changes in industry or availability of new information. However, with the rising number of online websites and corporations’ fighting over online media space, it has become a cluttered zone. Consequently, organizations are implementing strategies such as, customer relationship marketing, database research and database marketing, in order to track customers and keep them satisfied. Trust and Commitment One of the major salient features in effectiveness
Friday, September 27, 2019
RESEARCH paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
RESEARCH paper - Essay Example The factors that affect forestry and the significance of forests will be discussed in this paper. This paper will also tackle the different types of forests. Forests are mostly dominated by trees amongst other plants. Some of the plants are tall and others are short. Most of the plants have features that help them adapt to the several conditions that are presented in the different types of forests (Green). Forests have sufficient amount of water. A majority of the forests receive sufficient amounts of rain that help in the growth of the plants and support the animals that live in the forests (Green). The rain water forms ponds and streams. Forests offer great biodiversity due to the fact that it acts as a habitat to many habitants. The forest has several foods and shelters that support the habitants that reside in the various forests (Green).Forest canopy is a characteristic that is found in different forests (Green). The canopy differs in the different types of forests due to the fact that the nutrients found in forests differ. Tropical forests are densely populated and are found near the equator. In this type of forests winter is not present and the temperatures are normally between 68 and 77 degrees. These forests receive mostly receive 100 inches of rain in a year. The soils found in the tropical forests are very poor due to the high levels of rain and warm temperature. The plants that grow in these types of forests are normally broad-leafed and the trees are normally very tall. Due to the huge density of the trees the sun doesn’t reach the lower levels of the forest. This forces the animals that live in these forests to adapt to living in the trees (Green). These forests are normally found in eastern North America, northeastern Asia, parts of Russia, China, Japan, Western Europe and Eastern Europe. The trees that are found in these forests are normally deciduous and coniferous evergreen trees. The trees are
Thursday, September 26, 2019
BTN3-3 homework Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
BTN3-3 homework - Coursework Example As years progress, the value of the equipment will decline till the accumulated depreciation is equivalent to the cost of purchase if the asset does not have a salvage value. This being the accredited way of recording depreciation expenses and accumulated depreciation, I hereby support the method used by Boland. Smith’s method has its strength, but the weaknesses are severe. It can be noted from the statement that the depreciation was the first one because the accumulated depreciation was equals to depreciation expense. For the first year, the method proposed by Smith is logical since it is easy to credit the amount directly in the balance sheet with regards to the asset depreciating. The weakness arises when the equipment has depreciated for several years, it will be difficult to have a plot on the accumulated depreciation, and thus, the value of the equipment will be overvalued or undervalued. The situation Boland is facing an ethical one, because the method Smith is suggesting and what she is used to are both applicable to the situation. As an accountant, there are guidelines such as General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) that spells out how such transactions should be recorded. Therefore, if Boland violates those principles, the financial reporting of the firm’s status will not be accurate. It is unethical to violate those
The Basic Concept of Business-to-Business Marketing Research Paper
The Basic Concept of Business-to-Business Marketing - Research Paper Example The marketing mix is more or less the same as of the consumer products but pricing, consumer relationships, and product quality play a vital role in this scenario. The branding is limited and the awareness is on the low scale among the individual customers. However, some marketing and branding strategies like online advertising in B2B portals, participating in Trade fair, corporate interviews, selective advertising in business channels and industrial magazines etc. The basic concept of marketing is the same here but with little modification. Introduction: Business to business marketing all about creating relationships and maintain it properly within the business partners. In this field that is; in industrial marketing or business to business marketing the government organizations, manufacturing, companies, service providers are involved. There is no direct relation between individual end users. Consumer behavior, product quality, pricing, and transportation play an important role. Th e creating of corporate relations is the key factor in this marketing module. More relations mean more options for having more clients. This paper will discuss the basics of business to business marketing, marketing mix, positioning, marketing strategies etc. In business, to business marketing, the customer is an organization instead of an individual end user, and that is the main distinguishing characteristics of the business to business organizations from the business to customer organizations (Brennan, Canning, and McDowell, 2010). There are many differences between the consumer market and the business market. In this case the business market. There are some products which are always bought by the organizations but not the individual customers. For example the management consultancy services, this is a service based products which can be sold only to the organizations and in this case, B2B marketing is very much important.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Applying your knowledge of immunology, analyse the causes of Essay
Applying your knowledge of immunology, analyse the causes of Cl.difficile. Discuss interventions for the prevention of Cl.difficile and the appropriate treatment for this infection - Essay Example C. difficile is a spore forming, anaerobic bacilli, shows positive Gram reaction and is known to be associated with nosocomial diarrhea. It is an etiological representative of pseudo membranous colitis (PMC) and 15-25% of diarrhea associated with the intake of antibiotics (Bartlett, 2002). It is known that bacteria adapt to the shifting environment and so do their response to antibiotics, making them resistant and more virulent. Severity of CDAD is also associated with similar paradigm. In severe and acute cases CDAD may cause ulceration and hemorrhage. The disease encompasses diarrhea, fever, amplified fecal leukocytes, abdominal cramping and dehydration; leading to hypoalbuminaemia, toxic megacolon, colonic perforation and PMC causing amplification in morbidity and mortality (Poutanen, 2004). Pathogenic Clostridium difficile produces exotoxins- A and B. They have potential role in causing CDAD (Pothoulakis, 1996). Strains producing toxin either A+ B+ or A‑B+ are responsible for virulence while non-toxin producing strains are non virulent and do not cause diarrhea. In normal individuals, enteric pathogens are prohibited from establishment due to native intestinal microflora, contributing to host’s defense mechanism. Clostridium difficile is a potent pathogen that successfully establishes infection because of its immense ability to produce toxins thereby paving the way for C. difficile colonization. Toxins generated by C. difficile are highly enterotoxic and cytotoxic. Healthy individuals possess antibodies serum IgG and intestinal secretory IgA against toxin A, and efficiently bind to the intestinal receptors of toxin A. This is a condition where humoural response to toxin A is hampered and thus C. difficile finds way for proliferation. The action of toxin A causes disruption of epithelial cells, enhanced fluid emission, damage of mucosa, irritation and tenderness due to enhanced permeability of tight junctions causing diarrhea or PMC
Monday, September 23, 2019
Impact of a priority health issue on a population group and Case Study
Impact of a priority health issue on a population group and implication for the nurse - Case Study Example This paper discusses the impact of the issue on individuals, families and the population and its implications to the role of a nurse. People with mental health issues face a wide range of issues. To start with, they are at a higher risk for experiencing social problems, increased vulnerability to stigma and abuse, decreased quality of life, lower productivity, higher levels of poverty and more health issues. Access to education is highly compromised in case the mental disorder occurs early in an individual’s life it prevents them from successfully completing their education and careers (Commonwealth of Australia, 2008). It was found that individuals with mental issues are less likely to successfully go through their high school or tertiary education as compared to their counterparts without mental health issues. This negative cycle also contributes to high levels of homelessness among people with mental health issues. In fact, it is estimated that most of the Australian homeless population suffers from serious mental health issues. Furthermore, mental disorders result into decreased individual productivity owing to a decline in performance at work, unemployment and missed work. Mentally ill individuals do not have a source of income and this increases their risk to high levels of poverty. It has been observed that poverty and mental health issues relate in a negative cycle (Commonwealth of Australia, 2008). Poverty is seen as the risk factor for mental health issues. On the other hand, mental health issues contribute to stressors and a wide range of health issues. For instance, individuals that suffer from comorbid depression are less expected to stick to their medical treatment than other patients. Finally, individuals with mental health problems are more likely to suffer from discrimination based on their culture since immigrants are highly discriminated against by
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Sustainable Practise journals Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Sustainable Practise journals - Assignment Example In the context of value, the journal has provided five major efforts that have a major influence on individuals shaping their sustainable position. In this regard, the five major attributes include the historical chronology, taxonomy of sustainable developmental goals, the earth charter, millennium declaration, and continuous transitional scenario of the global environment. These efforts are the core factors in terms of setting trends towards sustainable development of values, attitudes and behavioral traits of each human being across the overall natural ecosystem (Leiserowitz et al., 2004). According to my understanding, I would like to mention that historical chronology along with different transitional stages is the core factors shaping attitude and behavioral skills of individuals. I believe that the changes in developmental goals are often influenced by different chronological facts. Moreover, I think that the severe changes in development of a global economy along with socio-cu ltural aspects also have a major influence on building effective behavioral skills and attitude for long term sustainability. In relation to the present day context, different scholars have provided numerous definitions and have described the impact of major factors that have a profound influence on shaping human attitude and behavioral skills over the various transition stages. In addition, the increasing pace of globalization along with the unabated fluctuation of the socioeconomic and political trends also has a similar impact towards changing the attitude and behavioral skills of the individuals (Rogerson et al., n.d.). With respect to the view of the scholars, I conjure that changing cultural aspects in terms of conserving continuous development in the living standards along with the unabated external forces are few of the key driving forces behind the major changes in the individuals’ attitude and
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Types of chemical reactions lab Essay Example for Free
Types of chemical reactions lab Essay Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate crystals are light blue and granular. After being heated, the crystals turned into a white powder and condensation formed in the upper part of test tube. It is represented by the equation CuSO4†¢5(H2O)(s) CuSO4(s) + 5(H2O)(g) When 5 drops of water were added to the white powder, bubbling occurred and the powder turned into a blue liquid, and then into the original blue coloured crystals (copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate). It is represented by the equation CuSO4(s) + 5(H2O)(l) CuSO4†¢5(H2O)(s) B Sodium sulfate solution is a colourless, transparent liquid. Barium chloride is a colourless, transparent liquid. After adding a medicine dropper of barium chloride solution, the solution immediately became cloudy and milky looking. A precipitate was formed during the reaction. It is represented by the equation BaCl2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq) BaSO4(s) + 2NaCl(aq) D Solid magnesium is a slightly shiny and malleable metal. Hydrochloric acid is a colourless, transparent liquid. After adding hydrochloric acid, magnesium began to fizz, releasing bubbles. The bottom of the test tube got warmer. Condensation formed in the upper part of test tube and the magnesium looked white and got much smaller. The reaction is represented by the equation Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g) E Potassium iodide is a white granular solid. Hydrogen peroxide is a cooler than air, colourless, transparent liquid. After adding hydrogen peroxide, potassium iodide solids disappeared, followed by bubbling and colour change of solution to yellow, but still transparent. Temperature of solution is still cooler than air. After inserting a glowing splint into the mouth of the test tube, a pop sound is made and the flint is re-ignited. But the flame quickly died. The reaction is represented by the equation 2H2O2(aq) ––KI 2H2O(l) + O2(g) F The iron nail is a hard, shiny, grey, metal solid. The copper (II) sulfate solution is a light blue, translucent liquid. After the iron nail has been immersed in the copper (II) sulfate solution for a while, it had chunks of reddish brown rust-like substances on it. The reaction is represented by this equation CuSO4(aq) + Fe(s) FeSO4(aq) + Cu(s) Conclusion Experiment A demonstrated a decomposition reaction and a synthesis reaction. The decomposition reaction occurred when copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate was heated. The compound decomposed to copper (II) sulfate and water. The water is the condensation. Exposure to heat is what caused this products decomposition, so it is an endothermic reaction. The reason for this is that for chemical reactions to happen, at the smallest scale, the individual chemical molecules have to bump into one another. As molecules warm up they begin to vibrate more and the chances of them bumping in to one another increases the more bumps that happen, the faster the reactions go. It is represented by the equation AB A + B or (in the case of the lab) CuSO4†¢5(H2O)(s) CuSO4(s) + 5(H2O)(g) The synthesis reaction occurred when water was added to copper (II) sulfate. The compound synthesized to copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate. Synthesis can occur when one compound or molecule is introduced to another. It is represented by the equation A + B AB or (in the case of the lab) CuSO4(s) + 5(H2O)(l) CuSO4†¢5(H2O)(s) Experiment B demonstrated a double displacement reaction/precipitate reaction. The reaction occurred when aqueous sodium sulfate and aqueous barium chloride were mixed together. The milky precipitate is BaSO4, which was a product of the reaction. The compound is a precipitate because it is insoluble (says so on the solubility table). In double displacement reactions two ionic compounds switch cations. In order to switch cations, the ions must first be separated, in a solution for example, so that they may react with other ions present. A precipitate forms because the combination of a positive and a negative ion in solution forms a compound that is insoluble in water and precipitates out of the solution. The precipitate ions cannot re-dissolve in the mixture so they are rapidly removed from the solution. Double displacement is represented by the equation AB + CD AD + CB or (in the case of the lab) BaCl2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq) BaSO4(s) + 2NaCl(aq). Experiment D demonstrated a single displacement reaction/exothermic reaction. The reaction occurred when hydrochloric acid was added to solid magnesium. Since Mg is higher than H on the activity series (more reactive), therefore Cl ions are more attracted to Mg ions and will leave H to bond with Mg. Mg is more reactive than H because it has two electrons in its valence shell, these two electrons are easily lost because they are far from the nucleus (compared to that of H) so there is less attraction, resulting in low ionization energy (energy needed to remove electrons) . Magnesium must lose its outer electrons in order to react. Hydrogen has one valence electron and it is closer to the nucleus (compared to that of Mg) so there is more attraction, resulting in higher ionization energy. Therefore it is easier for Mg to react (lose electron) compared to H. The bubbles are H2 gas forming. Heat was released so it is an exothermic reaction. An exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that is accompanied by the release of heat. In other words, the energy needed for the reaction to occur is less than the total energy released. As a result of this, the extra energy is released, usually in the form of heat. Single displacement is represented by the equation. A + BC AC + B or (in the case of the lab) Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g) Experiment E is a catalytic decomposition reaction. Hydrogen peroxide is an unstable compound that will decompose with time, just on exposure to sunlight or heat (energy), to make water and oxygen gas. It should be kept in an opaque container in a cool environment (hence the cool temperature). The rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide can be increased with a catalyst, like potassium iodide, which is a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction but remains chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction. The mechanism of catalysis involves the negative iodine ions only. The mechanism is a multi sequence reaction H2O2(aq) + I-(aq) IO-(aq) + H2O(l) H2O2(aq) + IO-(aq) I-(aq) + H2O(l) + O2(g) *When the IO ion was made, it would react with another H2O2 molecule until there were no more H2O2 molecules left. The second step regenerated the negative iodine ion (thus acting as a catalyst). The iodine ions were not affected by the reaction, meaning it did not bond with any other substances other than it had originally (potassium) by the end of the reaction. The iodine acted as a catalyst, it sped up the reaction without bonding in the end. The potassium did not play any role in the reaction, it was only bonded with iodine in the beginning. In fact, another substance with similar chemical properties as potassium, sodium for example, could have been bonded with iodine before the reaction, and the reaction would have been the same. Decomposition is represented by the equation AB A + B or (in the case of the lab) 2H2O2(aq) ––KI 2H2O(l) + O2(g) The glowing splint popped because it ignited hydrogen gas. But hydrogen gas was not made from the reaction so I assume it was in the air before. The hydrogen gas was oxidized, it combined with oxygen gas violently and quickly to form water. The oxidization caused vibrations which is the popping sound. The splint re lit because oxygen gas is also present. The fire died eventually because the oxygen had been used up in the test tube. The glowing splint test proved that the above reaction occurred, because when a glowing splint is exposed to O2 gas, it re-ignites and that is what had happened, it is a complete combustion because there was an excess of O2 gas. Experiment F is a single displacement reaction/precipitate reaction. The reaction occurred when iron and copper (II) sulfate came into contact. Since Fe is higher than Cu on the activity series, therefore SO4 molecules are more attracted to Fe ions and will leave Cu to bond with Fe. The precipitate created is copper, which collects on the nail. Single displacement reaction is represented by the equation A + BC AC + B or (in the case of the lab) CuSO4(aq) + Fe(s) FeSO4(aq) + Cu(s) Errors 1. After heating copper (II) pentahydrate, we did not allow the test tube to cool down fully before adding water. When water was added it began to boil and evaporate. This could have changed our results because we do not know if the evaporation took away substances from the test tube, so some substances that should be there may be missing. This will give us inaccurate results. 2. We may have handled the magnesium strip and the iron nail for too long. Contaminants on our skin such as oils or other chemicals could become residue on the magnesium and iron and react in the experiment, which would give us inaccurate results (shouldnt have happened). 3. There were people walking by the bunsen burner. The wind that their movement created may have affected the temperature of flame and thus the results.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Motivations for the Age of Exploration
Motivations for the Age of Exploration During the 1400s, Europeans started venturing beyond their borders to foreign places. This period of time when Europeans explored, colonized, and settled in foreign countries is known as the Age of Exploration. It began in the 15th century and lasted until the 17th century. The event led to numerous advancements in geographic knowledge, and also improved the interactions and trade between countries. Several factors favored Europe as the starting place of exploration. Medieval religious fervor made captains feel it was their duty to convert everyone they met to Christianity. Europe was also in good conditions economically, and its geographic position drove it to find routes to Asia, which then led to the Americas. Both the Renaissance and the Crusades were crucial in the development of the Age of Discovery. Renaissance ideas motivated the Europeans to experience and observe other cultures, giving them the courage to interact with different people. The Crusades also opened the minds of the Europeans which brought them in contact with different goods and religious ideas. After the Renaissance and the Crusades, the Age of Exploration began due to the Europeans’ urge to spread Christianity, their eagerness for fame, their desire for wealth, and the improvements in technology that allowed voyages. A major motive for the Age of Discovery was the religious desire to convert people to Christianity. Bartolomeu Dias, an early Portuguese explorer, stated his motives for voyage: â€Å"To serve God and His Majesty, to give light to those who were in darkness and to grow rich as all men desire to (Miller).†The first two motives stated were both religious goals that Christians hoped to accomplish. Another story that they believed in also motivated them to explore. This was the myth of Prester John (The Myth of Prester John). Although fake, the Europeans believed in this story where the king of the legendary Christian nation had ordered all Christians to join him in a religious battle against the infidels. This myth persuaded many Christians to join the holy wars, or the Crusades, which were extremely important factors of the Age of Exploration. Europeans thought that it was their duty to fulfill God’s wishes and save souls by spreading Christianity. The Crusades played a significant role in building up to the Age of Exploration (The European Voyages of Exploration). It exposed the Europeans to new people and places, giving them the new objective to convert more people to Christianity. Setting up missions was one of the religious goals of exploration. Missionaries that traveled with explorers preached to the natives of different areas to achieve their religious wishes. Francis Xavier was a Jesuit missionary that went to India with the Portuguese explorers (McGrath). He learned the local languages and was able to preach in their native tongue. This was a more effective way of spreading religion which made thousands of people convert to Christianity. Missionaries like Xavier were influential in saving the souls of people from all around the world, completing an objective of exploration. The Age of Exploration developed along with the Renaissance, as these ideas influenced their desires for individual glory. The Renaissance stressed the individual human being, so explorers wanted to earn fame and honor for themselves with successful explorations. People during this time wanted to live enjoyable lives, unlike people during the medieval times who wanted to reach heaven. Because of this, people during the Renaissance worked for themselves and worked to become rich in order to live an enjoyable life. Explorers also wanted to voyage in search of individual wealth and fame. Explorer Christopher Columbus was an example as he worked to achieve fame and fortune (Christopher Columbus). His contract with the Spanish rulers agreed that when he discovered land, he would be given a noble title, could keep ten percent of the riches he found, and would be able to govern the lands he discovered. Kings and queens also wanted glory for their countries, so they promoted exploration. Wit h the invention of the printing press, it became possible for one to become famous for what he or she did. With this in mind, explorers became motivated by personal glory to discover lands in the New World. The â€Å"rebirth†of classical Greek and Roman values that brought many changes to how people thought was created by the Crusades. The holy wars let the Europeans see beyond their own world, sparking their interest in learning which led to the Renaissance. The secular outlook made people think more about religious authority, and also gave them scientific curiosity (Brotton). It was a time when people wanted to learn more about the world. Humanism brought intellectual curiosity about the world to people’s minds, and the discoveries made led to a new age in search of scientific knowledge. The will and courage to learn and understand different cultures made people want to explore and see more around the world (Lecture 2). This idea links with the Renaissance in general, and also the human nature to explore and gain information on the unknown. The search for trade routes that led to wealth was an indispensable cause of European exploration. The Crusades and trade brought the Europeans to spices, silk, and other luxuries. The Europeans demanded spices from the East to add flavor to their bland food, making it extremely valuable. When important trade routes to the East were blocked by the Turks, the explorers embarked to find better ones (FC67). Better trade routes could increase the profit made in the markets of luxuries. Thomas Mun’s ideas on the effects of foreign trade stated in England’s Treasure by Foreign Trade showed how he supported foreign trade since it increased England’s treasury (Koeller). He tells of how England exports more goods than it imports, thus increasing the profit they made from trade. This idea links to mercantilism, where people thought that there was only a limited amount of money in the world. In order to make the kingdom strong, they had to have more wealth than other countr ies. Mercantilism motivated the Europeans to explore and search for trade routes, which could then help them become wealthy and powerful. Before the newer trade routes existed, trade for goods in the East was controlled by the Italians and Muslims. The Muslims sold the goods they got from the East to the Italians at a raised price, and then the Italians also increased the price of the goods sold to Europe in order to make profit. The Europeans were not happy with the amount they had to pay, so they wanted to find a route directly to Asia to bypass the middlemen. Before trade routes were found, a pound of cinnamon cost twenty-four pence, which would have taken a master carpenter three days to earn (Kelley). Although costly, Europeans still considered spices a necessity and were willing to pay large amounts of money for them. In order to acquire these goods and more wealth, explorers searched for trade routes, and the Portuguese accomplished this with their trading empire. Previous costs of spices could be anywhere from ten to a hundred times the original price, so a huge difference was made to these prices after the tra ding empire was created (Munro). It allowed merchants to bring back goods at the original price paid at the source, making it affordable to more Europeans. The Age of Discovery would not have been possible without the geographical knowledge gained during this time. Before maps had improved and included locations on global scales, sailors used the color of skies and waters, the types of vegetation, and also the types of sea birds in the area to identify their location. Later, portolan charts, coastal maps of Europe and the Mediterranean, and global projections were created, giving the Europeans better ideas of the world (FC81). With clear ideas of direction, sailing became a lot easier and explorers were also less likely to sail to the wrong place. Prince Henry the Navigator helped improve the techniques used to explore and map the new lands. He developed the first nautical map that replaced the portolan charts (Briney). The portolan charts kept sailors close to the shore, but the nautical maps allowed them to sail away from land which improved the results of travel, because more could be seen and discovered. Prince Henry also introduced navigational schools to improve the geographical knowledge of explorers. Furthermore, various naval inventions and advancements allowed the oceans to be sailed. Some of the most important were the magnetic compass, the astrolabe, and the changes in shipbuilding (FC81). The compass invented by the Chinese gave a better sense of direction. The astrolabe, perfected by the Muslims, helped determine latitude. Great changes were also made to the European ships. The hulls of the caravels were bulkier and sturdier, allowing voyage in large waves. The southern triangle or lateen sail allowed ships to sail against the wind, which was not possible before. These inventions made sailing overseas an attainable task, leading to the discovery of the various areas separate from Europe. The Age of Exploration was a crucial period of time that made influential differences in not only the history of Europe, but the history of almost the entire world. This event would never have occurred without the Crusades, Renaissance, and advancements in technology. The will to fulfill religious desires, search for wealth, and pursue personal fame drove the Europeans out of the Old World in search of new places over the seas. All the voyages made helped link different countries together, and even influenced the basis of knowledge nowadays. Although the Age of Discovery ended in the 1600s, the effects of it still make significant changes to the world today. Works Cited Briney, Amanda. â€Å"A History of the Age of Exploration.†About Education., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2014. Brotton, Jeremy. â€Å"The Myth of the Renaissance in Europe.†BBC History. BBC, 17 Feb. 2011. Web. 12 Oct. 2014. Butler, John. â€Å"FC67: The Crusades Their Impact.†The Flow of History. Chris Butler, n.d. Web. 16 Nov. 2014. . â€Å"FC81: Early voyages of Exploration.†The Flow of History. Chris Butler, n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2014. â€Å"Christopher Columbus.† AE Television Networks, n.d. Web. 21 May 2015. Kelley, Laura. â€Å"The Silk Road Roots of the Age of Exploration.†The Silk Road Gourmet, 24 Feb. 2010. Web. 21 May 2015. Koeller, David. â€Å"Thomas Mun: England’s Treasure by Foreign Trade.†Then Again†¦ David Koeller, n.d. Web. 19 Nov. 2014. Kreis, Steven. â€Å"Lecture 2: The Age of Discovery.†The History Guide. Steve Kreis, 2 May 2011. Web. 12 Oct. 2014. . â€Å"The Myth of Prester John.†The History Guide. Steve Kreis, 11 Oct. 2006. Web. 18 Nov. 2014. McGrath, Jane. â€Å"How Missionaries Work.†HowStuffWorks. HowStuffWorks, 4 June 2009. Web. 24 May 2015. Miller, Jane. â€Å"Explorer Bartolomeu Dias.†ThingLink. ThingLink, n.d. Web. 21 May 2015. Munro, John. â€Å"Oriental Spices and Their Costs in Medieval Cuisine: Luxuries or Necessities?†Spices and Their Costs in Medieval Europe, n.d. Web. 21 May 2015. â€Å"The European Voyages of Exploration: Introduction.† Academy. Saylor Foundation, n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2014.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
A Nineteenth Century Ghost Story in The Turn of The Screw by Henry Jame
A Nineteenth Century Ghost Story in The Turn of The Screw by Henry James The Turn of The Screw is a classic Gothic ghost novella with a wicket twist set in a grand old house at Bly. The story is ambiguous; we never fully know whether the apparitions exist or not and we are left with many more questions than answers. The Governess is left in charge of two young children, Miles and Flora, of whom she later becomes obsessed with, describing them as 'angelic'. She has no contact with her employer from London, the children's enigmatic uncle once there, sparking suspicions of the children being unwanted. The anonymous Governess' obsessive nature is taken to another level, with the darker side of Bly appearing. Her sanity is called into question with her continued revelations of apparitions around the family's country residence. The story itself could not have had a bigger twist in it, from being overwhelmed by the beauty and innocence of the two orphans under he care to being convinced that ghosts of her predecessor and the master's former valet, Miss Jessel and Peter Quint, both who die in mysterious circumstances, have come to possess the souls of her charges. The Governess begins to take ever more desperate measures to protect them, but is it enough? A typical Gothic story in many respects, The Turn of the Screw conforms to our expectations by sharing many key features, style and themes typical to nineteenth century horror fiction. A gothic story is a type of romantic fiction that predominated in English Literature in the last third of the 18th century and the first two decades of the 19th century. The setting for this type of st... ...riously wrong with her. Taking all of these points into account all of these points, I am sure that you now agree that The Turn of the Screw is a typical 19th century gothic ghost story. The story itself has many characteristics typical of a gothic story and it is based around two apparitions, which is a necessity in any ghost story. Gothic stories were very popular during this period due to Darwin's book, 'The Origin of Species' which hugely questioned Christian beliefs. People were no longer sure of religion, and became very superstitious, with Ghost stories becoming very popular. They had always thought god came first; now science was starting to take over. In the 19th century people were unsure about what was real in the world. The Victorians did not know what to believe about in their world and spirituality.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Cancer Taking Lives :: Personal Narrative Writing
Cancer Taking Lives The East Pennsboro elementary school raised money for a statue at a local park. The statue was a ring of children that were holding hands. There was one child missing; the link was broken. The statue was dedicated to East Pennsboro students that did not make it to their graduation. My sophomore year of high school inspired this piece of artwork. Mid December during my sophomore year I found out that a friend of mine had lost her struggle with cancer. Tiffanie was diagnosed with two rare forms of ovarian cancer during seventh grade. Having either type of cancer is very rare, so the fact that she had both types was unbelievable. I had been best friends with Tiffanie during elementary school. We had lost touch in middle school, but our friendship never ended. She had her ups and downs during her illness, but I never expected her cancer to be fatal. I was told at the beginning of December that the doctors didn’t expect her to live until Christmas. Because she was in my grade, my class sent cards to her. I made a funny story about the two of us growing up. I sent the story with an angle ornament. Christmas had to be celebrated early this year, and I thought that an angel would be appropriate. If anything did happen to her, her mom could keep the ornament in memory of her. She died a week later at the young age of 16. I found out about her death two days after it occurred. I was in church getting ready to play my flute in the choir. My best friend was with me. I guess she knew that I didn’t see the news. I can remember still remember what she said. She told me that she was at a friend’s house on Friday night. They were getting ready for a dance that I did not go to. Her mom told them that something had happened. She conveyed the message to me by saying â€Å"Meg†¦I think that Tiff died.†She couldn’t just tell, because she knew that I would be devastated, but I knew that it was no mistake. I ran to the bathroom and began to grieve for my friend who never even got to receive her driver’s license. That night, I watched the news. Her cancer story had been televised for years, so when she finally past, the local news stations began showing clips of her throughout her life as a final memorial.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Guatemala and Spanish Cultures Essay -- essays research papers
     Guatemala has more people than any other Central American country, with an estimated population of 11,980,000 it is home to many different cultures. The population can be divided into two groups; Indians and people of mixed Spanish and Indian ancestry. But in Guatemala, being called an Indian or a non-Indian does not depend entirely on a person's ancestry. It is basically a matter of how people live and of how they categorize themselves. For example, a Guatemalan is considered an Indian if he or she speaks an Indian language, wears Indian clothing, and lives in a community where the people follow the Indian ways of life. The Indians think of themselves more as part of their community than of their country. They pay little attention to affairs outside the community. Indians make up about 45 percent of the population of Guatemala. Most of them are extremely poor and uneducated. Spanish is the official languages spoken in Guatemala, but there are 20 other Indian lan guages that are spoken as well. Guatemala's fifth constitution was adopted in 1956. The army seized the government again in 1963, and a sixth constitution went into effect in 1966. Elections were held that year, and civilian government was restored under President Julio Cesar Mendez Montenegro. But the country remained troubled. Secret political extremist groups both rightist and leftist made terror raids. Guatemalan political leaders, the U.S. ambassador, and others were killed during the raids.      The movie "El Norte" tells the story of how two siblings (Enrique and Rosita) lose all of their family to military raids in Mexico. When seems to be next to impossible to survive in Mexico, the two decide to flee to the North (America) which they feel ca be there stepping stone to opportunities and freedom. After a difficult journey the finally arrive in America. As illegal immigrants they had to find immediate work and the had to learn to adjust to American cultures, for instance Rosita did not know how to use a washer and dryer so she did it as if she were still in Mexico. While both of them worked hours of hard labor daily, Enrique is offered a job in Chicago that could guarantee him the right to a green card, but in order to take the job he would have to leave Rosita behind. Meanwhile, Rosita becomes very ill from being exposed to rats during their journey to America. At the last minute Enr... ... and get a green card instead of sticking with her. When they got to the United States they were exposed to American cultures that were not like there own. Enrique was introduced to a characteristic of the American society when Macte tried to tell Enrique to leave his sister behind and leap toward the future and leave the past behind him, which is a mentality that most Americans have (Paz 65). As mentioned earlier when Rosita was working she did not know how to use the washer and dryer which seems to be a simple task for Americans but it was unfamiliar to Rosita and she ended up laying the clothes outside. Many North American cultures are taken for granted until we see someone who is not used to simple things such as washing clothes with a machine. Earlier in the movie we saw Rosita washing clothes by hand it was almost as if the movie repeated itself but just showed the same task in a different environment which really stressed the difference in cultures. Work Cited Connor, Walker., Heath Shirley B., and Paz Octavio. Who Are the Mexican-Americans?: A note on Comparability. Washington D.C.: The Urban Press, 1985 "Guatemala" Encyclopedia Britanica. Vol 5. 1996, 536-37
Attitdues on Housework Essay
?The roles of women and men have been very stereotypical in the past. Women were made to cook and clean, and men were made to work, and bring home money to support their families. Today, there is more of an equal division of housework. When comparing my parents to my grandparents I especially notice a difference between the amounts of cooking that is being done. Women work more than ever, men find cooking more interesting, and the stereotypes of the typical man and woman are not the same anymore. Men are continuing to cook more than ever, while females are cooking less than ever, because of the changing society. My parent’s generation is very different from my grandparent’s generation. When my father was growing up my grandma did all the cooking, and because of that my Grandpa never had to cook, so he never learned. My grandma worked a part time job and my grandpa worked full time. It was known that supper would be on the table every night at 6 waiting for my grandpa when he got home from work. In today’s society, in order to make ends meet, it is necessary for women and men to both have full time jobs. In my house, the one who is the first one home from work does the cooking. Very often my parents are also taking turns driving me and my brother to different sports, so meals are sometimes rushed. My mom cooks less than my grandma, but my dad cooks far more than my grandpa ever did. Men cook more than ever because women cook less than ever and there needs to be a happy medium. Years ago women did most of the cooking for many reasons, but the main reason was because that’s what they were stereotypically supposed to do. Today, that stereotype has almost vanished. In fact, most women are insulted by the old house wife title, so they don’t like to cook as much to escape it. Most women today can’t cook to the same standard that their mothers did. This is because women also want to be successful in the work force, so they are busier, and have less time to spend on cooking. Men, on the other hand, work no more than their spouse, so they have no choice but to help out with household chores. They might also remember what their mother’s cooking was like, so that inspires them. Men have more time than their father’s did to spend on cooking. My dad, along with a lot of men would rather cook than clean. In today’s society men have to help out around the house, because women don’t have time to do everything like they used to. Cooking is far more enjoyable than cleaning, there is a finished product that you can enjoy, it is calming, and you can experiment and try new things. These are just a few reasons to why more men may enjoy cooking. I know my dad would rather cook than wash the floors. Since my dad chooses cooking over cleaning my mom does a lot of the other housework resulting in her to cook less than usual. Social media inspires men and women in different ways. My dad loves watching the food network. These TV shows, with chefs that are males, inspire him to be handy in the kitchen. They almost make cooking seem cool because it is something different for men. Men like to always prove that they can do anything, so being a great cook is something they strive for because it can set them apart from other men. TV shows like Oprah inspire women to be different than the average woman. They don’t want to be the typical stay at home mom. Instead they want to be successful business ladies, and change the world. These television shows inspire men and women to be different than the traditional roles their parents played. The end result of this social effect is an increase in cooking for men and a decrease in cooking for women. Today’s changing society doesn’t allow for men to be the bread winners and for females to be the bread maker. Instead, each gender does a bit of both. This affects both genders’ roles and attitudes towards cooking. In most households, to maintain a stable living condition, men need to help their wives with housework. Men find cooking more interesting than cleaning, they have more time for it than ever, and they find it challenging and rewarding. Women have less time for cooking due to their busy schedules, they don’t want to be the stereotypical housewife, and instead they want to be successful in the work force. All of these social factors explain why men are cooking more than ever while females are cooking less than ever.
Monday, September 16, 2019
A Review of School Funding In Texas
The article shows the various efforts that the state of Texas has implemented in order to source funds for its schools.The first laws enacted for the purpose of school funding were the Gilmer-Aikin Act which was passed in 1949. Under this law, the funds would be sourced from state and local donors. In my opinion, this is a very comprehensive law because it provided for a top to bottom reorganization of the state funding system (Coalition to Invest in Texas Schools, 2004).The current law right now is the â€Å"Robin Hood System†(Coalition to Invest In Texas Schools, 2004). From the name itself, the funding for schools would be sourced from the wealthy districts of Texas. The aim of this system is to ensure equity in financing the schools.Soliciting the help of the affluent states of Texas is a good way of fostering cooperation among the districts of Texas. It would help the low income districts to use their funds for other activities (Coalition to Invest in Texas Schools, 2004 ).In 2004, this system of using the revenue of wealthy districts was able to generate $1.2 billion annually which was used as budget by the Foundation Program of Finance. Putting an end to the Robin Hood System proved to be a difficult decision as the local government of Texas would have to find substitute funding in order to support the schools (Coalition to Invest in Texas Schools, 2004).The Robin Hood System became very controversial and was even the reason for the filing of a class suit by more than 300 school districts. The main argument of the plaintiffs was that by levying the maximum rate on property tax, it became equal to the ad valorem tax levied by the state, which violated Texas Constitution (Coalition to Invest in Texas Schools, 2004).The case needed three years before it was resolved. In September 2004, a decision was handed down in favor of the plaintiffs. In October 2005, the Travis County District Court ordered the Texas Legislature to resolve the unconstitutional element of the school funding system which also includes budget for facilities (Coalition to Invest In Texas Schools, 2004).The article proves the fact that funding school systems is a very sensitive issue that should be addressed by the proper authorities.Works CitedCoalition to Invest in Texas Schools. (2004). A Brief History of School Funding in Texas.Retrieved June 5, 2008 from
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Global Warming – Truth or Myth: Two Sides to Every Story
Global Warming–Truth or Myth: Two Sides to Every Story Summer 2010 Part I (Thesis): Global Warming: A Natural Occurrence There are always two sides to every story and every different point of view has a right to be heard. When it comes to the discussion of global warmingâ€â€a gradual increase in the earth’s surface temperatureâ€â€there are two very distinct and opposing points of view. The world seems to be split between global warming being caused by humans and it being a natural occurrence; the latter being the viewpoint that I strongly support due to the evidence I will present in detailin this paper. In contrast, I will also discuss, in Part II, the â€Å"anti-thesis†or the opposing viewpoint that humans are actually the cause of thisglobal warming phenomenon. Finally, in Part III of my paper, I will synthesize both viewpoints and discuss in great depth through much evidence as to why I believe global warming to be a natural occurrence that has happened and will continue to happen at different periods of time until the end of days. The first reason is that global warming comes and goes. The earth naturally heats up and cools down. Thirty years ago, we thought the biggest threat was global cooling and now the biggest threat is global warming. Throughout history, there have been numerous cooling and warming periods and we are now going through one of those natural warming periods, which have reached the warming levels of the Medieval Warming Period our ancestors experienced in the past, which I will explain in more detail later in this paper. The cycle of global warming and cooling has been happening long before humans have occupied the Earth and will continue to happen long after we are gone; it is a nature cycle that cannot be broken. The second reason why global warming is a natural occurrence is because the sun is what warms the earth. When the sun gets hotter, it makes sense that we get hotter too and this goes vice versa. If the sun is cooler, we get cooler. The sun has several cycles and the main one we see is the 11-year cycle, which I will explain, in greater detail in the synthesis portion of this paper. When the sun gets hotter there are more rays heating the earth, so the earth gets hotter. If we are so positive that global warming is a man-made problem, explain why Mars is also warming at the same pace as the earth is. Like Earth, Mars has also experienced warming and cooling periods throughout its history. The changes in the sun's heat output can account for almost all the climate changes we see on Earth and Mars; manmade greenhouse warming has made only a small contribution to the warming happening on Earth. The third reason why global warming is a natural occurrence is that manmade CO2 is not the main source of CO2 in the atmosphere. Again, this very interesting and intriguing fact will be furtherexplained later in this paper. I believe this will surprise you, once you read the facts regarding the sources of CO2; these factors were a highly significant reason that led me to oppose humans being the actual cause of global warming. In fact, the largest source of CO2 is the ocean (Broadgate, W. , et. al. , 2009). We only contribute 3. 5% of all CO2 in the atmosphere, while the other 96. 5% is released by natural sources. Therefore, as you see, the contribution of human made CO2 is very insignificant and has very little effect on global warming. In the end, you should be able to understand why global warming is not the result of mankind abusing the Earth, and that it is, in fact, a natural cycle that has been repeated throughout history. Global Warming comes and goes. The earth naturally heats up and cools down. Right now, we are going through a natural warming cycle, which will soon befollowed by a cooling cycle. The sun is always going to control how hot and how cool it is on the earth. Scientists need to consider this; if the sun is hotter, we experience hotter temperatures; and when the sun is cooler, we experience cooler temperatures. Global warming is also not being sped up by the carbon dioxide burned into the atmosphere by humans. We only contribute 3. 5% of all CO2 in the atmosphere, while the other 96. 5% is released by natural sources. There is no denying that global warming exists. Global warming is, unfortunately, a fact of our lives as humans, but humankind is simply not the cause. It is a natural occurrence and will continue to happen even after we are gone from the earth’s surface. Part II (Anti-Thesis): Global Warming: Caused By Humans Every year the average American produces over 22 metric tons of CO2 living a normal life (â€Å"What is Carbon Neutrality,†2008); and the United States as a whole produces 6,049,435 metric tons of CO2 yearly (â€Å"List of Countries by CO2 Emissions,†2010). This disturbing figure is the main cause of global warming and we have yet to take responsibility for our actions. There are many different theories of what has caused global warming and the answer is mankind. Humans are the cause of global warming because of pollution, over population, and deforestation. The first reason humans are the cause of global warming is because of pollution. Pollution is one of the biggest manmade causes of global warming and it comes in many shapes and sizes. The burning fossil fuel is one thing that causes pollution. Fossil fuels are a non-renewable source of energy, such as coal, oil and natural gas and when they are burned they give off a greenhouse gas called CO2 (Chughtai, 2008). We as humans release CO2 from power plants, cars, airplanes, and buildings. About 40% of U. S. CO2 emissions stem from the burning of fossil fuels for the purpose of electricity generation; about 33% of US CO2 emissions comes from the burning of gasoline in engines of cars; about 3. 5% of CO2 emissions comes from planes, and this figure could rise to 15% by 2050; while, buildings structure account for about 12% of carbon dioxide emissions (Chughtai, 2008). While CO2 is the major greenhouse gas, methane is second most important; methane is more than 20 times as effective as CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere (â€Å"Methane,†2008). Mining coal and oil allows methane to escape. Methane is naturally in the ground. When coal or oil is mined, it has to be dug up from earth and when this is process is completed, you release the methane letting it escape into the atmosphere. With the increasing amounts of CO2, methane and other greenhouse gases we emit into the atmosphere, humans are causing the intensification of the greenhouse effect known as global warming. The second reason why humans are the cause of global warming is because of over population. More people meanmore food, more methods of transportation, more power plants, and more buildings. That means more methane and CO2 will be emitted into the atmosphere because there will be more burning of fossil fuels and more agriculture. Another source of methane is from manure. Since more food is needed to feed the rapidly growing population, we will have to raise food. Animals like cows are a good source of food, which means more manure and more methane emissions. We will also have to plant more crops to grow more food and plants release CO2 into the atmosphere as well. Another problem with the increasing population is transportation; more people mean more cars and more cars means more pollution. Lastly, over population causes city growth, which also admits CO2 into the atmosphere adding to the pollution. The third reason why humans are the cause of global warming isdeforestation. Deforestation is the second principle cause of atrophic CO2 and is responsible for 25-30% of all CO2  1. 6 billion tons  emission into the atmosphere (â€Å"Deforestation Causes Global Warming,†2006). This is done by burning and cutting down 34 million arches of trees a year. Scientists are saying that one day of deforestation is equivalent to the carbon footprint of 8 million people flying to New York. Each year we are losing millions of acres of rainforests, the equivalent in area to the size of The United Kingdom (Specter, 2008). Trees are 50% carbon and when they are cut down or burned, the CO2they store escapes back into the air. The destroying of tropical forests alone is throwing hundreds of millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. Two billion tons of CO2 enters the atmosphere every year from deforestation and the remaining standing forests still emit a billion tons of CO2 a year (Specter, 2008). If we keep losing our forests at this rate, we will ultimately lose the battle against climate change. In conclusion, humans are the cause of global warming because of pollution, over population and deforestation. Global warming is a result of our human activity, not natural causes. Pollution, over population and deforestation all add to the large amounts of CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere, which is increasing the rate of global warming. If we want to put an end to this global problem, we as a human race must limit our pollution, gain control of our population, and stop deforestation. If these three factors do not change, we will ultimately loose the battle of climate change. Part III: Synthesis – Global Warming: A Natural Occurrence I believe that global warming is happening due to natural causes, but I did not always feel this way. Two years ago, I took an English class and as an assignment, we had to do a debate. I missed the day that we were assigned our topics and I received the topic that global warming was happing due to natural causes. At the time, I did not agree, but after doing weeks of research, I changed my mind about global warming. Global Warming is a reoccurring phenomenon that has occurred throughout history since the beginning of time and will continue until the end of time. In fact, as I previously stated, we experienced a warming period during the Medieval Warm Period around 1100 AD when Vikings settled into Greenland and instead of the ice covered land, which fills Greenland’s vast territory today, it used to be green and the perfect place to grow crops (Keigwin, L. D. , 1996). In fact, grapes suitable for winemaking were also reported growing in England (1996); and the tree line in Scandinavia was 100–200 m higher than present (1996). This warming period was followed by a cooling period called the â€Å"Little Ice Age†from 1400 to 1850 AD that brought severe winters and cold summers to Europe (1996). Today we are enjoying global temperatures, which have warmed back to levels of the Medieval Warm Period; this means there is an ice age in our near future. The second premise that leads me to believe that global warming is a natural occurrence is the sun heating the earth. The sun is always going to control how hot and how cool it is on the earth. Scientists need to consider this. If the sun is hotter, we experience hotter temperatures; and when the sun is cooler, we experience cooler temperatures. The sun has several cycles and the main one we see is the 11-year cycle. â€Å"Every 11 years, the sun moves through a period of fewer, smaller sunspots, prominences, and flares – called a solar minimum – and a period of more, larger sunspots, prominences and flares – called a solar maximum†(â€Å"11 Year Cycle of Solar Storms Will Peak in Late 2011,†2009). Right now we are currently at the minimum of this cycle, so the sun is in the process of increasing its heat output and we will experience a peak of heat in 2012 (â€Å"11 Year Cycle of Solar Storms Will Peak in Late 2011,†2009). â€Å"In 2005 data from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey missions revealed that the carbon dioxide â€Å"ice caps†near Mars's south pole had been diminishing for three summers in a row†(Ravilious, K. , 2007). The most important greenhouse gas is water vapor, which makes up 95% of the world’s greenhouse gases. Without this amount of water vapor, the Earth would be too cold and no one could survive. Out of the other 5%, CO2 only makes up . 054% and 96. 5% of this . 054% are from natural sources, and mankind is responsible for only 3. 5% (Broadgate, W. , et. al. , 2009). A single volcano eruption emits more CO2 than all factories and manmade machinery. Moreover, animals and decaying vegetation gives off more 150 giga-tons of CO2 each year, while humans produce about 6. 5 giga-tons of CO2 a year (Broadgate, W. , et. al. , 2009). The largest source of CO2 is the ocean. As the ocean heats up it ives off CO2 into the atmosphere and when it cools down, it absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere (2009). Since the Sun is getting hotter is gradually heating the Earth, the oceans are getting hotter thus letting out more CO2. The contribution of human made CO2 is very insignificant and can barely have an effect on global warming. In the end, you should be able to understand why global warming is not the resul t of mankind abusing the Earth, and that it is, in fact, a natural cycle that has been repeated throughout history. Global Warming comes and goes. The earth naturally heats up and cools down. Right now,we are going through a natural warming cycle, which will soon be followed by a cooling cycle. The sun is always going to control how hot and how cool it is on the earth. Scientists need to consider this. If the sun is hotter, we experience hotter temperatures; and when the sun is cooler, we experience cooler temperatures. Global warming is also not sped up by the carbon dioxide burned into the atmosphere by humans. We only contribute 3. 5% of all CO2 in the atmosphere, while the other 96. 5% is released by natural sources. There is no denying that global warming exists. It is a fact of our lives as humans, but mankind is not the cause of it. It is a natural occurrence that will continue to happen even after we are long gone from the earth’s surface. References 11 Year Cycle of Solar Storms Will Peak in Late 2011. (2009, December 3). The Student Operated Press (_The SOP_). Retrieved February 26, 2010, from http://thesop. org/story/science/2007/04/27/the-next-11-year-cycle-of-solar-storms-will-start-in-march-and-peak-in-late-2011. php Broadgate, W. , Caldeira, K. , Fabry. V. , Gattuso, J. P. , Haugan, Hood, M. , et al. (2009). Research Priorities for Ocean Acidification, report from the Second Symposium on the Ocean in a High-CO2 World, Monaco, October 6-9, 2008, convened by SCOR, UNESCO-IOC, IAEA, and IGBP, 25 pp. Retrieved February 27, 2010 from http://ioc3. unesco. org/oanet/HighCO2World. html Chughtai, O. (2008, November 2). Fossil fuels. Retrieved February 27, 2010, from http://www. umich. edu/~gs265/society/fossilfuels. htm Keigwin, L. D. (29 November 1996). The Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period in the Sargasso Sea. Science 274 (5292), 1503. [DOI:10. 1126/science. 274. 5292. 1503].
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Negative Impacts on Our Environment
Nowadays, it seems that every action we take during our daily lives, in some way is affecting and harming the environment. Our Earth is a beautiful planet. The design and makeup of the natural world is an amazingly unfathomable. The world was perfect at one point before we as human beings began to damage and little by little are continuing to destroy the our planet. Examples of Negative Effects For example, typing this very own essay is an ecological negative affect to our environment. Why? Because as I use the electricity and power needed to keep this laptop running and working, the energy and electricity is most likely generated from fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and/or oil. Other simple everyday tasks such as using the toilet, driving to McDonalds for dinner, recording tv shows while I’m away from home, riding my friend’s motorcycle late in the evening, and even throwing a piece of paper in the trash can are all examples of small activities or daily routines that we do participate in practically every day of our lives, that in return, unintentionally, is damaging the world in which we live in today. An interesting contributing negative factor to the environment that I never knew about is the source of the foods that we eat. According to Roni Neff, Ph. D. , â€Å"The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that 18% of world-caused GHGs (greenhouse gases) come from livestock production alone. The top sources are cow belching, deforestation for cattle grazing and growing soy for feed, methane from manure, and the nitrogen fertilizers used to produce these crops. A major problem is the prevention of livestock contracting diseases and so many potent chemical products are sprayed keep the animals healthy and sufficiently to prevent the loss of money. Many farmers rely much on these industrial fertilizers which unfortunately also require huge amounts of fossil fuels to produce. This is all a part of an ongoing cycle as the chemicals left on these lands eventually ends up in runoff water which from there is then poured onto our very own local water systems. While farm producers only see the positive side from the use of these chemical fertilizers since it is economically beneficial to them, scientists and environmentalists can easily see the negative effects of these chemicals not only to the environment but to our very own health as well. These include the difficulties in handling and proper disposal of the enormous quantities of animal waste, and the numerous public health risks such as antibiotic resistance, respiratory infections, and gastrointestinal effects, as well as health risks for workers and community members. Another environment affecting factor that I thought was interesting, was the business of home construction. Not only homes, but the construction of commercial businesses, shopping malls, etc. Before construction takes place, the deforestation of natural ecosystems and habitats of many animals is destroyed. Many sources of energy such as coal which is one of the main sources of power for homes and all sorts of buildings, are polluting are environment more and more. These actions result in CO2 polluting the land and air of our environment. So as our air and atmosphere layers are becoming more contaminated with gases, the amount of solid waste in our landfills is increasing largely. 25-30% of the entire U. S. ’ annual solid waste is made up from home construction and remodeling projects and the demolition projects as well. To have a better understanding of these statistics, take the average home consisting of 2,200 square feet and know that for a home of that much space would require on average at the very least 13,000 board square feet of lumber. Now, picture laying all that lumber down, its length would reach up to 2. 5miles. Remember that statistic and now observe that on average, every year there are at the very least 1. 2 million construction homes built. Now multiply each home by 2,200 square feet and remember that each of those homes uses 13,000 board square feet of lumber, i. e. , the total amount of lumber used to build all these homes stretches out more than 3 million miles! That’s enough dimensional lumber to get you to the moon and back, not just, nor twice, but six times! These are outstanding facts and it is obvious that we need to find new methods for construction, remodeling, and demolition because it is causing and imposing negative effects on our beloved Earth. Conclusion Whether one is to consider themselves a conservationist or a preservationist, a balance of both is what should be taken into consideration. Natural resources, I believe, such as water and wood, are here so that we may use them to our benefit but ethically I don’t think it gives us the right to overpower and overuse our own natural environment and surroundings. With the high intelligence and advanced technology in the world today, I would support a profound cause in the betterment and research of excavating new ideas to improving the environment’s health while still benefiting from our natural resources, i. e. , a commensalistic relationship. References Christensen, N. (2013). The Environment and You. Boston, MA: Pearson. Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4. Â
Friday, September 13, 2019
This is not actually Macro & Micro The class is called Economics of Essay
This is not actually Macro & Micro The class is called Economics of Developing Countries - Essay Example To achieve the desire to maintain standard of living, the country should focus on a) level of goods and services b) individuals purchase. The growth in population along with increase in economic growth, increase in GDP is not necessarily an indicator of improving standard of living based on per capita. The other factor, which may be taken into consideration, is the population growth, which has no match with the economic growth. The growth of population should match with the economic growth otherwise, it definitely defeats the very purpose of improvement of standard of living of the masses. A controversy prevails on the green revolution for sustainable improvement in the standard of living on the face of accelerated population growth. The Revolutionary period of industrialization in England, plays a vital role in increasing the per capita income by virtue of replacement of work force with the machines. If we look at the increased population of England during the era of 1700 to 1860 AD , we may find a lot about the major factors in increasing the production. The major factor of multiple production attributed to more production per worker combined with many more workers. 2. In developing countries, there may be both market failure and the government failure. True. The market failure depends on the failure of government in respect of manning the affairs of market. Unnecessary intervention by the concerned department of the government, will complex the issues. However, the government should take note of inefficient management in respect of allocation of goods and resources. Let the market forces manage the goods and resource in an efficient manner. Hence, the incumbent(s) of government should keep him/themselves away from intervening unnecessarily to ensure smooth function. 3. Transactions and information costs can prevent effective markets in developing countries especially in agriculture. True. The transaction cost provides a base in the design and impact of ICT, w hich has a far-reaching effect in the field of agriculture. The information system relied upon transaction costs approach. ICT can be used to cater the requirement of sustainable information thus empowers the information management. In taking the economic exchanges, ICT is an efficient tool for the transactional efficiency. There cannot be two opinions about the impact of ICT in managing the economic exchanges on a positive note. 4. Famine is more a problem of distribution than supply. False. At the time of famine, Government of Bengal’s strategy in line with Sen.’s philosophy was laudable. Well known Indian economist Sen., a noble laureate in Economic Science was keen in resolving the problems of down trodden. He was famous for his work on the causes of famine that provides practical solutions to prevent and limit the worst impact of shortages of food. Inability is to purchase food by the poor caused starvation. The starvation has nothing to do merely with distributio n and supply system only. Price control committee can control price to make it accessible to the general consumers and to prevent other market players to skim off more than their fare share. Further, public welfare scheme and supply of food through public distribution channel can play an effective role to lessen the gravity of famine. In addition, some degree of rationing under the mentioned scenario was desirable. Speculation and hoarding were two main factors of the famine. To provide population, the
Thursday, September 12, 2019
The early and modern views of human variation Essay
The early and modern views of human variation - Essay Example The primordial view on human variations explains that races emanate from past anthropological connections. Cavalli-Sforza (pp.54) argues that in the past, color was the only form of distinction that humans understood. For instance, the Egyptians are a notable group of people who distinguished humans on the basis of their color. According to them, all the people who came from the east were yellow, whites from the north and blacks from the south. Other analysts from the past argue that, races emanated from climatic changes that affected the skin color of many individuals. With the changes in climate, human beings began evolving into different races, in regards to the characteristics in their respective milieu. On the other hand, modern analysts argue that human characteristics can be discussed through a study of biological characteristics of the individuals. The innate characteristics of individuals cannot be alienated from the biological make up of these individuals. There is a great likelihood that race is linked with color, that is biologically oriented. On a social view, race has been indicated to be biologically real (Stringer, pp.566). It is through race therefore, that societies have been categorized into various groups. In as much, that primeval analysts argue that race is not real, modern analysts believe that racism is inborn just like intelligence. As time progressed, the views of anthropological researchers changed a great mile. With time, taxonomies were discovered which explained the human varieties through biological determinism. Stringer (pp.570) argues that the clinical model is the best approach towards understanding of race. This model describes the genetically inherited attributes in individuals. This model discusses the factual nature of variations in biological characteristics, inclusive of color variations. Essentially, modern analysts argue that human variations are resultant from
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) - No Specific subject yet Thesis Proposal
Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) - No Specific subject yet - Thesis Proposal Example As experience has it, with a sudden change of that person, system appears back firing than functioning as per the previous standards. Despite the Drills, SOPs, Regulations, besides all the money and material benefits, the work force seem capable of disrupting the harmony and productivity of the system. Though, previous century witnessed enormous research in this regard. Management techniques have been revolutionized than 20th century methods, with increased economic incentives and social securities / assurance to the working force, yet it appears that Human element still tops complicating the Business triangle. With huge investments in personality development and skills honing, management transformation and all necessary amendments in coercion removal, still some irritant asks further pondering upon. The point offers a food for thought to further explore and work upon the Human and system factor to overcome flaws and suggest ways to help gear up the business machinery in forward motion. Reasons for deterioration on part of any organization may be attributed to both the linear or parallel way between management and work force. Partly the rigidity of the system and its requirements and partly Socio – Psycho make and type of the stake holders may be blamed. System’s Inability to drive and demand output through systematic checks and â€Å"will and skill matrix†of the persons involved running matters also affect the cohesiveness of the system. Ease of access to info and layered complexity of the life, where, tensions control attitudes, do have a part in play. Change, certainly is the hardest of idea to enforce as Jack Welch would have put it â€Å"Change Yourself Before†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†R’aisen Detre calls for re evaluation of the existing management practices and re defining these outmoding norms amid transnational competitive work environment. Probably that’s why management level
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 13
Sociology - Essay Example Culture defines the development of relationships between suppliers and customers as well the development of a marketing plan and objectives. The definition of organizational culture is diverse but the focus of the whole organization. Organization culture is defined as â€Å"the values and behaviors that influence the unique social and psychological environment of the organization†. Most organizations operate in a known and established pattern that is known to the long serving workers. Chanel 5 is product from Parisian couturier Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel. It is a French company with global reputation. The company has managed to develop its organization structure and culture over the years of operation leading to creation of organization culture and tradition. The company will be described simply as Chanel as it is widely known. The organization structure of the company has evolved changing its culture and traditions. The success in the development of a unique social and psychological environment is tied to the guiding principles developed by the management. Organizational culture depends on both the past, current ass umptions, philosophy, experience and values. The culture is expressed in its inner image, inner workings, interaction with the outside environment, and future expectation. The basics of the culture are dependent on the beliefs customs attitudes, express and implied contracts, written and unwritten rules that the organization develops over time. It is the way the organization conducts business, treats employees, clients and the community. For Chanel, the culture and focus of the company was determined by traditional market which targeted the women in the society. Fragrance worn by women had two basic categories which have been entrenched into the company culture namely respectable women and sexually provocative fragrance for prostitute. This culture of production via values has been entrenched into
Monday, September 9, 2019
Interpretation of koan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Interpretation of koan - Essay Example We must realize that every being that exists has come to be, because the Universal Power willed it to. So every living being is unique and important. The power that created it will also provide for it and nurture it. Therefore, there is no need to be overly anxious about the future, and our sustenance. Our Creator will provide for us. There are many among us who are overanxious about unimportant things like how we should clothe ourselves, in order perhaps to create a favorable impression on others. We forget that being natural and simple has a greater appeal to the esthetic sense than being ostentatious. The flowers in nature in their natural simplicity are as attractive-or even more-than a king decked out in all his finery. If we are mindful of our own true natures, and remain as close to them as our Creator willed us to be, then we need no embellishment. All we need is trust and faith in the Lord that we shall be provided for. If we seek the Lord with sincerity we shall find him. Think of this-if we seek anything in life and seek it with single mindedness and in humility, we shall have what we seek. And remember the virtue of sharing. What we have is to be shared with others. We need not be greedy and crave more than our due. And if we share, so will others share with us, and our needs will be met. In Buddhism the value of poverty should not be underesti
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Assignment 6 - Create an Research Paper, Resume, Cover Letter Paper
Assignment 6 - Create an , Resume, Cover Letter - Research Paper Example In this discussion, therefore, anecdotes are discussed. These anecdotes have been empowered with anticipates and doubts out of all fraction to their actual effect. The thousand minute scale experiments that are occurring now and the transformational methods must be distinguished. It is particularly vital to talk about the hopes that people invest in distributed information technology (Unraveling the Effects of the Internet on Political Participation 175). Technology will bring utopian vision. Nevertheless professional disclosure about the internet gives a standard story about the way in which the internet is supposed to transform things, that is through â€Å"disintermediation†. An example case of disintermediation is Wal-Mart. Sam Walton comprehend that people will to force further to save money and the information technology can track and forecast inventories frequently and in details (Norris 34). The concept of disintermediation is essential to the social thoughts of many computer natives: it gives their theory of transforms in markets, business firms, political institutions, higher learning, and so on. The most significant example of disintermediation is the â€Å"delivering†of organizations that are said to have occurred at around 1990; this incident by directing to the communicative purpose of middle managers. They convey message up to the information upward and downward the ladder that computer networks are well outfitted to replace. The internet has a role in mobilization and coalition work. For instance in broadcasting a message to one’s coalition partners about an activity taking place in congress. Electronic mail makes it easier to agree on a unified message or draft a collective letter. 1Political mobilization is a basic element for understanding why some associates of the public contribute while others do no (Unraveling the
Hormone Replacement Therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Hormone Replacement Therapy - Essay Example This is usually referred to trans-women or trans-men (Manson, 2010). Cancer in recent years have been a worldwide problem, initially people believed that this life style disease was majorly for the wealthy and the able people, but recent researchers find that the disease affects anybody irrespective of a race one belongs to. Most treatments of cancers for instance the prostate cancer in men and menopause conditions in women as well as uterine cancer are based on hormone replacement therapy ( Chlebowski, Anderson & Manson, 2010). Resent researchers claim that replacement therapy in early menopause had a significant reduction of mortality, heart attacks without risks of cancer and stroke. As situation where estrogen stimulates the growth of lining of the uterine walls which increase the risk of uterine cancer; a prescription of estrogen in combination with progesterone is given to reduce the problem. Reduction of risk of endometrial cancer: Studies indicate that women who receive progesterone as well as estrogen treatment to decrease menopause symptoms reduced risks of endometrial cancer as compared to those who were under only estrogen (Manson, 2010). Evidence based research requires demonstration of a new practice which emphasizes on quality and safety of patients for instance; a use of empirical evidence from randomized controlled specimen, qualitative scientific research methods, information reports combined, results to a more relevant and concrete solution or step in controlling problem associated with hormone replacement therapy (Hjorland, Birger, 2011). The use of evidence increase patients’ outcome since it includes healthcare recommendations that help doctors and nurses address questions related to cancer and hormone issues (Hjorland, Birger, 2011). Though there have been successes in the effective administration of drugs or Hormone Replacement therapy especially to women, various side
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Development from Conception to 16 Years Essay Example for Free
Development from Conception to 16 Years Essay E1- The age group I have chosen to describe is birth to 3 year olds on their physical development and communication and language development. In this age range the physical development changes from birth where they generally don’t do anything which develops as between 3 – 6 months the child can hold a rattle for a moment, reaching for a toy, putting toys in their mouth, lifting their head up, moving their arms to indicate wanting to be picked up and rolling over. This development changes much more as when the child is 9 – 18 months as they can grasp objects, can sit unsupported, can crawl , can point at objects, start to use a spoon and self-feed, start to walk, start to scribble and build a tower of three blocks. Then at 2 years the child can draw circles and dots, can use spoons to feed their self’s effectively, can run, climb on furniture and use sit and ride toys. At 3 years the child can do all the stuff from the ages before but also turn the pages of a book, wash and dry their own hands, run forwards and backwards, kick a stationary ball and throw a ball as this develop is done with the help of the child’s family as the encourage the child’s physical development. The communication and language development happens because at this age there co-operation from early motherese by asking them to show you objects and then learn to follow simple instructions but their communication and language develops as first all the can do is cry and make cooing noises which then turns to babbling at 6 – 10 months where they â€Å"goo†and â€Å"ma†as the child blends vowels and consonants together to make tuneful sounds. Then at around 12 months this develops to the child saying â€Å"momma†and â€Å"dada†as they start to show facial expressions and gestures but can now combine sounds. From 1 – 2 years they learn more words so they can make mini sentences when they speak and manage to name things when you point to something, and from 2 – 3 years they can communicate well and manage to ask questions and say full sentences as at this age there is a large increase in a child’s vocabulary combined with an increase in the use sentences. E2- The age group I have chosen to describe is 3 – 7 year olds on their physical development and communication and language development. In this age range the physical development changes from being 3 years and being able to just learning to walk and run, walk on their tiptoes, wash and dry their hands, put a coat on and off and use a spoon to feed them self’s without the food spilling. To when they are 4 – 5 years where the child should start being able to button and unbutton their own clothing, cut simple shapes, put puzzles together specifically for their age range, write their name, form letters, draw recognisable pictures, cut out shapes with scissors, draw around a template, walk on a line, hop on one foot, skip with a rope, run quickly avoiding objects and use a variety of large equipment on their own (e.g. slide, swings†¦). Then at the age 6 – 7 years the child should be able to join handwriting, cut shapes out accurately, make detailed dra wings, tie and untie shoelaces, hop, skip and jump confidently, chase and dodge others, balance on a beam and use a bicycle. This is because in this age the child is helped through their physical development by their parents, family, teachers and peers as they encourage the child. Communication and language development happens very effectively in this age range as at 3 – 4 years they are able to ask questions and be fascinated with answers given to them by saying â€Å"if†to find out what happens, say their name age address and be more accurate in speaking how they pronounce words. At 4-7 years the child tries to understand the meaning of words, talk more confidently and begins to be more and more fluent, manages to add vocabulary all of the time in their speech, begin to share ideas, begin to realise different situations and define what objects are, this is because in this age range a child masters the basic skills of language and masters the reproduction of most sounds. E3- One theoretical perspective linking to E1 and E2 is Chomsky’s theory of language development. His theory is a nativist theory as he suggests that humans have a built in ability to learn a language. Chomsky states that children have a â€Å"Language Acquisition Device†(LAD) which encodes the major principles of a language into a child’s brain. Chomsky’s theory also states that children are able to use language so accurately from an early age because they only have to learn the new vocabulary and apply the structures from the LAD to form sentences. Chomsky believes that they cannot be learning the language purely through imitation as the speech around them is often broken and ungrammatical. Even with extremely complex languages children will become fluent in their native language by the age of 5 or 6. A second theoretical perspective linking to E1 and E2 is Skinner’s theory of language development. Skinner’s theory is a nurture or behaviouristic theory. According to Skinner’s theory a child initially acquires through an operant process this means that the child learns voluntarily without any external force so learning of its own free will and without any sort of pressure. According to Skinner the whole process is based upon 4 elements as it is stated on which are â€Å"stimulus, response, reinforcement and repetition†. For example a child will make a sound if they want something. If the child gets the response it wants they will associate that sound with the act or response and will continue to use it to achieve that response. Skinner believes that learning language is no different from learning anything else and anything which is lodged in the mind of the child becomes part and parcel of the child’s life. E5- for my observations I have done a tick chart, time sample and written narrative on a child aged 3 years and 11 months E6- In order to maintain confidentiality throughout the observations each child is referred to as child A, B or X rather than their names being used so that other people do not recognise who we are observing should they know the child. Each setting is referred to in a general form such as primary school, pre-school and nursery. The information gathered is only accessible to the observer and in some cases the teacher or a high member of staff if something is noticed that is either of a concern or needs addressing. Also maintaining confidentiality is very important in a setting as it shows respect to people so then they can trust you so if they have any concerns then can come and tell you. But if a child is at risk confidentially may be broken if a practitioner thinks child protection should know. D1- The observations that I carried out show that child A struggles to recognise numbers and letters in general. This may be because they are a kinaesthetic learner and is more confident in absorbing information through practical methods rather than through visual methods. This suggests that child A needs more help with their numbers and writing so to help we could plan activities to help do these which are more appropriate to the child’s learning style and suggest at home they practise counting and writing to develop on this to get them up to the same or a similar level as the rest in their year. Also the observations show that child A is not yet confident about showing and talking to the rest of the class at show and tell, this may be because the child is very shy which could be because the child is not used to being at the school yet and doesn’t feel confident enough as they might still not know everyone and become shy because they have never noticed or spoke to s ome of their peers. D2- the observations in E4 can help with planning to meet the child’s needs as from observing you can see the child’s interests and find the best way to help them reach the next level of development or ways to maintain a desirable behaviour. Doing observations also helps early years practioners learn more about the age group they are working with so then they will be able to plan activities to each individuals learning styles and individual needs. For example the child I observed in E4 is not very confident talking to the whole class at show and tell so from knowing that I would plan for them to do group work with friends at first then try and mix groups so she still has 2 friends with her so they can make new friends with the people in the class they haven’t spoken to, to try and gain confidence to talk to all other peer’s in the class. Also the child turned out to be a kinaesthetic learner so while planning I would make sure there are activities to just get on with and do so the child can do activities that are to their interest and learning style as well as trying things that are not their favourite learning style but my help them in some way. C- Confidentiality and objective observation are both subjects that are seen as important; this is because confidentiality is very important in teaching and for practioners to keep confidentiality which means they can only speak of things they have seen in the workplace to other members of the staff or supervisors if it is a concern, but no one else outside of the placement should be informed. By using confidentiality we are assuring the safety of the child and their family. Also we are able to make and keep a reputation for ourselves and the setting so we gain the trust of parents, guardians and the local community by protecting information and the children plus working to a child’s best interest. Each child and their family are diverse as they all have their own differences so if we include every child in an observation it shows to be unbiased. The issues which are essential to confidentiality are personal attitudes and values, sharing information, safe storage of information, working with parents, legal requirements and polices.
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