Friday, May 31, 2019
The Crusades Essay -- history
The CrusadesThough the take a craps of the crusades can easily be distinguished the one cause can not be effectively since there is always something that will contradict it. The crusades took place because of the rivalry as well as the clash of cultures betwixt the Catholic Church and the Muslims, they both wanted power, the crusaders wanted more than land, and more wealth and both parties wanted to be closer to the Armageddon. It can easily be determined that there was a rivalry between the Catholics and the Muslims. Reading the view of each other in the 11 century shows that they really didnt get in concert well. There are many reasons for this understatement. First their religions were essentially the same thing, though the Muslim point of view stated that Mohammed was the chosen one. Even though messiah was a man of God the Muslim point of view didnt accept him as the chosen one. The Christians point of view was that of the opposite they dont even believe that Mohammed had th e playscript of God and that it was Christ, the true saviour. First hand documents of the Muslims and the Catholics have very biased points of view and are very hard to understand what really happened. The Muslims claimed to be healers with the more accurate way of living with practising science and maths, their view of the Christians was people who live to far north the cold shrinks their brains resulting in poor eating habits needs as well as a lack of intelligence causing ignorance and stupidity. The Christ...
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Physics of Baseball :: Sport Baseball Physics
Swinging the Bat for PowerMany people might count that swinging the bat straight through the ball would be enough to hit the ball a decent distance glum the bat. on that points many more than mechanics involved in the swinging process. Muscle has only a small part to play in the swinging a bat for power. There are devil types of mechanics involved while swinging a bat, Linear and Rotational. Rotational mechanics are the dominant source of power in the swing. Out of the rotational mechanics come the two forces that help generate the speed and power of the swing, torque and the other comes from the energy of rotation. Speed from the energy of rotation comes from the path that your hands act on as you swing the bat. The speed generated by the circular rotation from your hands is like a ball at the kibosh of a string, as long as your hands are moving in a circle then the ball continues to accelerate in a circle. So the bat will also move in at an increasing speed as long as your hands are quest a circular path as you swing. Any foward movement of the hands or body in a straight line wont add to the overall bat speed.Torque is another key ingredient to a good power hitter, or even a good hitter. Torque is the result of two forces being applied to an object in opposite directions. In this case the two forces are being applied from the hands and wrists onto the bat. As you start your swing, kinda of moving your hands directly at the ball, you want your hands to start a rotation. The top hand begins to move backwards while the lead artillery drives the end of the bat towards the ball. The torque invloved is created around the point of the bat that lies between your hands. This torque greatly accelerates the head of the bat which will have act with a greater force when (or if ) it comes into contact with the ball. A good batter will use almost all of these rotational and torque energies either before or durning contact with the ball. After contact your body is relaxed and its remaining motion is smooth, this extra motion is caused by the momentum of the bat pulling the arms up and through.Your follow through is also very important, even though the ball has already been hit it is ideal that you complete your swing so that youre not thrown off balance by that extra momentum when you start to run.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Importance of Winning Essay -- Personal Narrative
The Importance of Winning There is an old saying It doesnt issuance if you win or lose, its how you play the game. How true is this? Can this be applied to all situations in life? This may be pertinent to children in schools who participate in trivial flatts such as sports, for example. However, with these types of ideas we are saying that losing is fine. Consequently, youths are goaded to contend with the ideas of being losers and also-rans. In events such as sports, politics, and even war, the old saying should be paraphrased to It does matter if you win or lose and how you win.Winning or losing can be a matter of life and death. at onces professional sports players are so responsible for the team that they know they have to play at their best, with one hundred percent effort. Otherwise, the consequences are most times fatal for the fans and players as well. For instance, at the U.S. Soccer World Cup of 1994, the national team of Colombia was playing against the U.S. to qualify for the second round. One defender from the Colombian team, Andres Escobar Gomez, in an effort to kick the ball out of the terrain, accidentally kicked it into the goal of his team. The opposite team jeered the auto-goal because the victory for the U.S. was eminent. The Colombian fans were so angry that when the team went dorsum to Colombia, the soccer player who scored the auto-goal was murdered two days later by radical fans. This is just a tragic example of how important it is to win. ...
Statement of Educational Goals Essay -- Philosophy of Education Teachi
Statement of Educational Goals The role of the teacher has changed, perhaps evolved is a better word, since students left the atmosphere of home schooling to that of the schoolroom. Im sure that in that respect contract always been innovative teachers, but lecture and paperwork (or slate board work) were at one time the norm. In some classes it still is. However, the fact that we have so many stu- dies concerning the development of learning skill, such as the four stages that Piaget ident- ified, and so many theories on the best way to teach a child, such as Constructivism versus Behavorialism, indicates that many educators have realized there have to be better ways, than exclusive lecture and paperwork, to evoke learning. We have learned in our educational courses there are several styles of learning that each of us use one or more of. This is a challenge to the teacher, because it means we cant con- struct all our lessons based on only one style (which is usually ou r own learning style). We, as teachers, must be willing to expand our own realm of thinking and bear witness new approaches. I love this concept, since I would get bored if I had to teach the same way every day. In my personal view, a classroom that is learning is not the one where seats are neatly in their rows, each child is busy completing a worksheet and no voices are heard. occur me clusters of desks, with students collaborating on projects and the air buzzing with the sound of excited voices. I feel that textbooks should be used as reference tools, not the sole amount of noesis we want to obtain on any particular subject. In fact, I believe that the true measure of the success of a teacher is when students endeavor to live on more. How can this be ac... ...bjects like Social Studies that require remembering facts and dates. What can you do in that situation? I truly believe that board games, devise up along the line of Sorry and using an ever expanding set of question and answer separate, could be an enjoyable and effective way for students to recall tender studies facts, if played on a regular basis. Other topics requiring memorization, such as the 50 states or the American presidents, could be dealt with by developing trading cards in which students strive to com- plete a set. I believe that my job as a teacher is not simply to place knowledge in my students heads. I must also help them understand that knowledge and show them how they can use it throughout their lives. To be truly successful at my job I must transfer my excitement for learning and curiosity to my students, so they will want to learn more.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Amy Tans Mother Tongue and Jimmy Santiago Bacas Coming Into Language
Amy common topazs Mother speech and Jimmy Santiago Bacas Coming Into LanguageIn the course of reading two separate texts it is chiefly possible to connect the two readings even if they do non necessarily seem to be trying to convey the same message. The two articles, Mother Tongue by Amy Tan, and Coming Into Language by Jimmy Santiago Baca, do have some very notable correspondingities. They are two articles from a fragment in a compilation about the construction of language. The fact that these two articles were put into this section take shapes it obvious that they will have some sort of connection. This turn up will first summarize the two articles and break them down so that they are easily comparable also, this essay will compare the two articles and channel similarities and differences the texts may have. The first article is Mother Tongue by Amy Tan. The author tells a story of her relationship with her fuck off whose English is poor in affinity to th at of most Americans. The author is well versed in English since she was schooled in the United States. (Tan 37) The author begins with an introduction to her mothers style of language. She explains that it is her language that she and her mother share, and it is a language of intimacy. (36) Tan makes sure to point out that it is not difficult for her to understand what her mother says. After this introduction Tan begins to tell the ratifier about stories of how her mothers limited English had affected her. She writes that she had been ashamed of her mothers unintelligible English. Her story is about a time when she had to make a phone call for her mother and how she had noticed the way others passed her mother off as a nuisance. Her next story had a similar... ...eers slightly when he goes back to when he was seven after describing a time when he was seventeen. He also tells the story completely through his own eyes, while Tan attempts to see things as her mother does. This is the main difference between the two articles. The conclusions that can be drawn based on the two articles are similar as well. Both articles seem to conclude that language shouldnt be a barrier for those who do not have a complete achieve of it. Baca wishes that those who are illiterate would try to learn to write because writing can help unleash emotions, while Tan wants people to understand that her mother is not disabled, but rather enriched with her knowledge of English. Both arguments that are presented are convincing. These arguments can appeal to a wide range of people and motivate the general man to be more understanding.
Amy Tans Mother Tongue and Jimmy Santiago Bacas Coming Into Language
Amy Tans Mother Tongue and Jimmy Santiago Bacas Coming Into LanguageIn the course of recitation two separate texts it is generally possible to connect the two readings even if they do not necessarily seem to be trying to convey the alike message. The two articles, Mother Tongue by Amy Tan, and Coming Into Language by Jimmy Santiago Baca, do constitute some very notable similarities. They be two articles from a section in a compilation rough the construction of language. The fact that these two articles were put into this section makes it obvious that they lead go through some sort of connection. This essay will first summarize the two articles and break them down so that they are easily comparable also, this essay will compare the two articles and note similarities and differences the texts may have. The first article is Mother Tongue by Amy Tan. The author tells a account statement of her relationship with her mother whose English is poor in comparison to th at of most Americans. The author is well versed in English since she was schooled in the United States. (Tan 37) The author begins with an foundation garment to her mothers style of language. She explains that it is her language that she and her mother share, and it is a language of intimacy. (36) Tan makes sure to point out that it is not difficult for her to understand what her mother says. After this introduction Tan begins to tell the reader about stories of how her mothers limited English had affected her. She writes that she had been ashamed of her mothers unintelligible English. Her story is about a time when she had to make a phone call for her mother and how she had noticed the way others passed her mother off as a nuisance. Her next story had a similar... ...eers slightly when he goes back to when he was seven after describing a time when he was seventeen. He also tells the story completely done his own eyes, while Tan attempts to see things as her mother does. This is the main difference between the two articles. The conclusions that can be drawn based on the two articles are similar as well. Both articles seem to conclude that language shouldnt be a barrier for those who do not have a complete grasp of it. Baca wishes that those who are illiterate would try to learn to write because writing can help unleash emotions, while Tan wants throng to understand that her mother is not disabled, but rather enriched with her knowledge of English. Both arguments that are presented are convincing. These arguments can appeal to a wide range of mass and motivate the general public to be more understanding.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Sentence Structure
Sentence Structure and Avoiding Run-on Sentences Sentence Structure Depending on the number and type of clauses they contain, reprobates atomic number 18 classified as dim-witted, compound, complex, compound-complex. 1. Simple Sentences A simple sentence contains only one item-by-item clause. Without dancing, life would non be fun. A simple sentence can also contain compound elements (subject, verb, object). injustice enters like a needle and spreads like an oak. (compound verb) 2. Compound sentences A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses with no subordinate clauses.They ar joined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, so, for, yet) or with a semicolon. He wanted to join the group, but the other members wouldnt allow him. Most singers gain fame through hard work and dedication Evita, however, found another substance. 3. Complex sentences A complex sentence is composed of one independent clause with one or more subordinate cla uses. The fur that warms a monarch once warmed a bear. Home is the place where you slip in the tub and break your neck. Talent is what you possess. Dig a well before you ar thirsty.Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you. Juan can run faster than I can bicycle. When he adopts a creed, a scientist commits suicide. The receptionist knows that you are here. Subordinating Adverbs afterbeforerather thanthoughwherealthough even thoughsinceunlesswhetherasas if if howso thatuntilwhilethan whenwhybecausein order thatthatbecause although Relative Pronouns thatwhowhomwhosewhich Other words introducing subordinate clauses whoeverwhomeverwhateverwhicheverwheneverwherever The above is true in both Spanish and English (Hacker, 2009, 768-770).Run-On Sentences Run-on sentences are a serious problem because they indicate that the writer does not understand basic sentence structure either in Spanish or English. Run-ons are independent clauses (a word group that can stand alone as a fill in sent ence) that have not been joined counterbalancely. There are two types of run-on sentences. When a writer puts no punctuation and no coordinating conjunction amongst independent clauses, the sentence is said to be fused. EX Gestures are a means of conversation for everyone they are indispensable for the hearing paired.A more popular run-on sentence is the comma splicetwo independent clauses joined with a comma without a coordinating conjunction (and, so, but, for, yet, or, nor). EX Gestures are a means of communication for everyone, they are essential for the hearing impaired. In other comma splices, the comma is accompanied by a joining word that is not a coordinating conjunction. EX Gestures are a means of communication for everyone, however they are essential for the hearing impaired. There are four methods of stamping ground a run-on sentence 1.Use a comma and coordinating conjunction EX Gestures are a means of communication for everyone, but they are essential for the hear ing impaired. 2. Use a semi-colon (if the clauses are related) or a colon or a dash to separate the independent clauses. EX Gestures are a means of communication for everyone they are essential for the hearing impaired. Sometimes the semi-colon is accompanied by a transitional expression. EX Gestures are a means of communication for everyone however, they are essential for the hearing impaired. Other common transitions moreover, nevertheless, for example, in fact, etc. ). If appropriate you may also use a colon or a dash (less formal than the colon) EX Nuclear waste is hazardous This is an indisputable fact. 3. Make the clauses into separate sentences. EX Gestures are a means of communication for everyone. They are essential for the hearing impaired. 4. Restructure the sentence so that one of the clauses becomes subordinate. EX While gestures are a means of communication for everyone, they are essential for the hearing impaired (Hacker, 2009, 296-308).EXERCISE Revise any run-on sent ences using a technique that you find effective. If a sentence is correct write correct after it. 1. Carlos never drove the vintage cars his father left him, however, he wouldnt sell them. 2. The volunteers worked hard to clean up after the hurricane, in fact, umteen of them did not sleep for days. 3. The center of Monterrey is the Macroplaza, this plaza is one of the largest in the world. 4. I ran the three blocks as fast as I could I missed the bus. 5. We didnt trust her, she had lied before. 6.If you want to get good grades, consider this advice, dont wait until the end of the semester to start studying. 7. Juan is a top competitor he has been running for years. 8. The floor around the refreshment stand was sticky, I was lucky to make it away with both shoes on my feet. 9. The streets of Mexico City are dangerous, it is not safe to drive. 10. Are you able endure boredom, then this might be the right career for you. 11. We planned to spend our vacation at Padre Island, however, t he hurricane make us come home earlier than we had planned. 2. There was one major reason for his wealth, his grandfather had been a multi-millionaire. 13. President Fox was standing next to the podium, he was waiting for President Bush to introduce him to the press. 14. Mr. Romero is an excellent linguist, he speaks six languages. 15. Somedays I only have money for the bus, lunch is a luxury I cannot afford. 16. The building is being renovated we have no heat or water. 17. The next time an event is canceled because of rain, dont blame the weatherman, blame nature.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Evaluating Areas of Knowledge
Music can affect us in many behaviors. It can evoke sense or bring back a long-forgotten memory. It is present in nearly ever soy aspect of life. Anywhere you travel, you come into contact with practice of medicine. Whether it is on the radio in the car, in the supermarket, or on television, there is no escaping the constant presence of music. Music is composed for various reasons and purposes. Sometimes, composers are compelled to create a musical turn over to express their emotions, or even opinions. Music is also created to express the cultural aspects.Since there are so many reasons music is created and purposes it is used for, how is it possible to enjoy music and in what personal manners can music be get alongn? According to the International Baccalaureate Theory of Knowledge, there are several special(prenominal) ways of knowing that allow knowledge take ins to be evaluated. The infinitive, to know, can be evaluated by using reason, language, perception, and emotion. All of these ways can be utilized when evaluating the claim I know this music. Also, most of these mentioned ways of knowing can be applied to other areas of knowledge at any rate the arts.To begin, knowing music can be evaluated by using reason as logic. Obviously, if someone where to make this claim, he could simply be referring to the fact that he had heard it before. But logically, looking on a deeper level, the claim could mean that he had played through the music before. Often when musicians play a piece of music, or especially when it is performed, it has greater message to them and allows them to know it more intimately. When playing a piece of music, artists can put their own personal steping into it.They can vary reliable aspects such as tempo and phrasing. Not only does playing music speak to a listening audience, it speaks to the artist. This makes playing music a very psychological process, as it evokes certain feelings from listener and performer. Very gifted mus icians are sometimes able to merely look at a piece of music, to analyze each note and rhythm, and be able to claim they know the piece. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was able to know music in this way. He would compose entire symphonies and concertos entirely in his mind before ever writing them down.And when he did write them down, he never changed a note. Mozart never had to physically hear a piece of music to know what it sounded like he could hear it in his mind. Likewise, this was true for Beethoven, who composed and conducted his ninth symphony after becoming deaf. This process of knowing occurs on a much more quick-witted level then actually playing music. However, both methods present knowledge of music. Besides using reason as logic, one can also take aim the reason in the purpose of music in order to fully know it.Music is usually always created for some purpose. Composers are inspired and feel compelled to express their creativity. However, despite the composers initial purp ose for the music, its purpose to society may become completely different. For instance, many early classical composers were hired by courts and laboured to compose music for the king. Often they would scarce write so as to get paid and to save themselves from poverty or execution. They would never have imagined that their music would, hundreds of years later, be listened to in the homes of middle class amilies as their children fervently practice the current assignment from the piano teacher. Music can be scripted to express opinions of society, culture, and authority. The popular rapper Eminem, constantly criticized for his outspokenness, articulates his views through his controversial lyrics. Similarly, the members of the heavy metal band Rage Against the Machine are known for their radical views of governance and have even been arrested several times for protesting on the steps of the capital. Rage uses their music to communicate their opinions and speak to others who feel th e same.Altogether, the purpose of music can be used to evaluate how it is known. Next, the claim can also be evaluated by analyzing certain aspects of language. Semantics is a term often applied to the study of meaning in language. In order to study language, one needs to consider two aspects of language denotation and connotation. Denotation can be thought of as the way in which a record book is defined, as in the dictionary. Connotation, on the other hand, is thought of as the color of the word, or what it implies.Therefore, according to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, the definition of the verb to know is to perceive directly, or have direct cognition of, to have understanding of, to recognize the nature of, to recognize as being the same as something previously known, to be acquaint or familiar with, or to have experience of. The denotation of a word is very straightforward and differs from the connotation in that it lacks emotion. For example, when trying to explain i ssue to a child, it does no good to give them a dictionary definition. On the other hand, the connotation of knowing can be explained in countless ways.For example, the word can infer that there is a strong emotional connection, whether it be positive or negative. The connotation also involves many other areas other than just the word, such as the tone of voice it is said in, or the context in which it is placed. When evaluating a claim, one cannot fully depend on a superstar aspect of semantics. Both denotation and connotation need to be taken into account in order to evaluate knowledge claims. In addition, perception is another(prenominal) way of knowing. Perception varies between all individuals. Perception makes each person unique.Therefore, it is difficult to make a generalized statement about perception besides the fact that it can drastically change the way identical events are interpreted. Perception can be influenced by many different factors such as culture, economic stat us, and religion. These factors can be described as filters through which the world is perceived. When applied to a knowledge claim, perception mainly varies between individuals views of what it means to know something. Take, for instance, the individual making the knowledge claim, I know this music.One persons perception of what it means to know could vary from the perception of the person being told. The only way to bridge this gap in perception, is to become tolerant of others views. Applied to others areas of knowledge, these ways of analyzing knowledge claims are valid yet sometimes irrelevant. For instance, the methods work for theoretical, language, and creativity found areas such as politics and the arts. However, when applied to more factual areas like mathematics and the natural sciences, the above methods are not suitable. For these areas, processes such as proofs and the scientific method are used.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Why does Hamlet delay avenging his father’s death?
Why crossroads is non carry out immediately, thinking why he posed. It is a great question. Firstly village need to make sure that the ghost is a good spirit or a dad spirit and his story is good and to carry that it is a good reason to pose and delay his fulfill of visit. hamlet has a doubt his perceptions of the ghost and its veracity, the ghost introduces the idea of retribution justice into the play the idea that acts of darkness must not go unpunished and it is up to Hamlet to take it Hamlet was shocked initially with his yields death and his mothers remarriage to his uncle, so after the meeting of the ghost he starts ruminating on the murder, keeps returning to the thoughts of the ghost and hiding his furious feelings every time he see his mum and her husband Hamlet is loyal to his paternity and in the same time he had doubts about acting on the words of the ghost, it is a problem so he speak aloud his soughts to himself and to the audiences screening a modern world vi ew. If his acculted guiltDo not itself unkennel in one speech, It is a damned ghost that we have seen, And my imaginations are as foolAs Vulcans stithy. (Act 3 Scene 2) lines 73-77, pg 63. Hamlet ask Horatio to observe his uncle re put through to proof that the ghosts story is good and it is a great reason to think that revenge is right to take it tooth for tooth.Secondly Hamlet is not sure if Claudius kills his render and in the same time Claudius is t untouchable because his the king and cannot be brought to justice, so hamlet posed and found that the truth that his father was mudded by his uncle than he will avenge his father if it is right thing to do and showing reason to use his moral to think carry his fathers revenge so he set up a play in the castle in the same way his father died to make sure that claudios killed his father by observing his uncles reaction which he stood up shakily making Hamlet certain that he is the murder of his father. Hamlet Now might I do it. But nowa is a-praying.And now Ill dot. And soa goes to heaven, And so am I revenged. That would be scanned A villain kills my father and for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain charge To heaven.(Act 3, Scene 3) lines 73-78, pg 76.Why does Hamlet delay avenging his fathers death again. Hamlet find a reason not to kill his uncle while he was kneed with his reach clasped up praying and asking for forgiveness. Hamlets rational make his human nature to pose his action asked himself is it right to do again showing moral course of action which is contrasted to deal by acting evil towards the good back to tradition and convention when Hamlet decided to revenge but when his uncle penitent (in drunk or in his rage) so Hamlet can feels relish of salvation, Hamlet showing modern way of thinking individually. (Act 3 Scene 4) lines 89- 92, page 77. Thirdly Hamlet ask himself Am I a coward?(Act 3 Scene1)Hamlet is delaying and posing because he is a coward and he cannot do it. hamlet does not act quickly because the action of morality and simply he is a coward.ReferencesShakespeare, William. Hamlet, ed. Robert S. Miola (London Norton, 2011).
Friday, May 24, 2019
Is obesity a disease Essay
Is obesity a disease? Thirty tlve percent ot wad deliberate that obesity is a disease, still I believe that It Is a life choice. The reason I believe that obesity Is a life choice Is because there are many another(prenominal) ship canal to avoid obesity getung plenty of exercise, eaung right, and there are surgeries that can be performed to counter obesity and be healthy. Thirty eight of Americans are obese, due to that percentage, virtually doctors go intot consider being skinny healthy and believe that you should be c sustain to overweight but not obese.The average weight for a teenage girl that Is 5, 1 Is 100 pounds which is nderweight to doctors they believe that the average teen girl that is 5, 1 should be 125 pounds. In 1979 the average weight for a teen girl that is 5, 1 was 109 pounds and due to the increase of obesity and weight change that now would be considered underweight and you would be considered not healthy. Many people say that obesity is caused by thyroida l problems yet there are many ways to avoid this, there are fares that cant be avoided that can stop the thyroid problem, There are medicines that will eliminate or control the problem.The thyroid causes the body to ake too many proteins that the body does not need, and this can cause increased body weight and swelling. It as well as controls metabolism, and can cause you to lose weight too slowly or cause you to lose weight too fast. The thyroid is the number medical cause of weight gain but this can be completely avoided in many ways, the thyroid cannot be blamed for causing obesity. obesity Is caused by many things such as poverty and the society In which we live In. any fast food places angle advertising towards kids and show them toys and characters form their favorite hows to get them to eat there. Most parents allow them to eat there because It cook ups then happy and they want to gift them what they want because it Is very easy and very affordable. The percentage of kids that have obesity has risen since the kids meals were invented in 1987. Many fast food restraints have taken signalize of this and gotten rid of the toy and introduced books in kids meals The places that tried this noticed that kids brought fewer fast foods because there was no toy in their meal.I dont believe that kids meals make kids exposit but I believe Its the prices and how easy hey are to get causes not only kids but adults to gain weight and get obese, Obesity is a life choice even if you do have the medical condition hyperthyroidism there is no excuse for being fat because there are so many ways to avoid it. If obesity was a disease then that would mean something that requires medical treatment but that would also but someone doing heroin is a disease when in reality It is a life choice you either control the problem or you dont and obesity is something you can control obesity is just caused by an eating habits.Work cited is obesity a disease By Adrivatal Thirty cinqu e percent of people believe that obesity is a disease, but I believe that it is a life choice. The reason I believe that obesity is a life choice is because there are many ways to avoid obesity getting plenty of exercise, eating right, and obese. The average weight for a teen girl that is 5, 1 is 100 pounds which is are foods that cant be avoided that can stop the thyroid problem. There are Obesity is caused by many things such as poverty and the society in which we live in. any fast food places hows to get them to eat there. Most parents allow them to eat there because it makes then happy and they want to give them what they want because it is very easy gotten rid of the toy and introduced books in kids meals. The places that tried this dont believe that kids meals make kids fat but I believe its the prices and how easy they are to get causes not only kids but adults to gain weight and become obese. that would also but someone doing heroin is a disease when in reality it is a life control obesity is Just caused by an eating habits.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Clearly Comics Questions
Clearly Comics Questions Answer the following questions in full sentences. 1. W wear, screw you infer (guess), is the season? How do you k instantaneously? If I would have to guess, I would say that the season is summer because of the fact that one of them is wearing shorts and a tank top, and the other one is wearing a t shirt. Also they argon both(prenominal) outside playing basketb on the whole, it seems. 2. How does the boy in the baseball hat react to what the other boy has said about his family? How can you divide?The boy in the basketball hat thinks that the boy is strange because he lives with both his parents, which now a days many families are broken up, with both parents living in different places. You can tell this because of the fact that he estimable walks away after hearing that the other boy lives in an unbroken home. 3. How can you tell the difference between what is said and what is thought process? You can tell this because the words that are said appear as te xt bubbles but the single thought the boy in the basketball hat thinks is called a thought bubble. . How does the boy who has been left behind feel at the demolition? How do you know? You can say that he feels lest out about the fact that he is the 1% in that group of friends that has a stable home and his friends push him away for that because they are jealous, this could make the boy feel alone. 5. What can you infer is the cerebrate that the boy with the baseball hat is so surprised that the other boy lives with both parents?Socratic Seminar QuestionsMaybe because the people around the boy with the stable home all have broken families that dont live together and for the boy with the basketball hat thinks that findings some one that lives with both his parents is something weird to see now a days. 6. Nowadays there are many different types of families. Using your personal experiences and the ideas contained within the comic, write a paragraph about the reasons why families are c hanging.Now a days, families are changing specially because many parents arent ready to have the responsibility of having a child in their life, so at the end of the day, the couple fight between each other because of all the pressure involved in having a child to raise with, for example, low income or not enough maturity in behave of one or both parents. Before two people decide on having a child they should set-back decide if the relationship is strong enough to hold the weight of the responsibility of having to take care of another life.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Nucor Corporation Case Essay
SummaryFor more than 20 years the Nucor Corporation has been peerless of the leading manufacturers of steel and steel relate products in the world. With their technology advancement, low debt ratio, decentralized type of organization and many more, this company still thrives to achieve better goals in their company. Aside from the positive views of the company, it also set about problems like bankruptcy. (te pakidagdagan n lng)HistoryNucor traced its origins to auto manufacturer Ransom E. Olds, who founded Oldsmobile, and later, Reo Motor Cars. Through a series of transactions, the company eventually became the Nuclear Corporation of America, a company involved in the nuclear instrument and electronics business. In 1972, the firm changed its name to Nucor Corporation. By 1998, it had become Americas second-largest steel maker.OperationsNucor related its diverse facilities in rural areas across the United States, establishing strong ties to its local communities and its work force . As a leading employer with the ability to pay top wages, it attracted hard-working, devote employees. These factors also allowed Nucor to select from among competing locales, siting its operations in states with tax structures that encouraged business growth and regulatory policies that favored the companys commitment to remaining union-free. By mid-2008, Nucor operated 53 facilities throughout the United States and one in Point Lisas, Trinidad. The company also maintained operations through wholly owned subsidiaries, Harris Steel and the David J. Joseph connection (DJJ).StrategyNucors strategy focused on two major competencies building steel manufacturing facilities economically and operating them productively.Organization StructureCompared to the typical portion 500 company with 10 or more management layers, Nucors Structure was decentralized, with only the four managementlayers illustrated below lead / Vice Chairman / PresidentVice President / Plant General ManagerDepartmen t ManagerSupervisorHuman Resource PoliciesEmployee relations at Nucor were based on four principles 1. Management is obligated to manage Nucor in such a way that employee will have the opportunity to earn according to their productivity. 2. Employees should feel positive that if they do their jobs properly, they will have a job tomorrow. 3. Employees have the right to be treated fairly.4. Employees must have an avenue of appeal when they believe they are being treated unfairly.CompensationNucor provided employees with a performance-related compensation system. whole employees were covered under one of four compensation plan, each featuring motivators for meeting specific goals and targets.1. ware Incentive Plan* employees directly involved in manufacturing were paid weekly bonuses based on actual output in relation to anticipated achievement tonnages produced. The bonuses were paid only for work that met the quality standards and were pegged to work group, rather than individua l output. 2. Department Manager Incentive Plan* Department managers earned an annual incentive bonus based on the performance of the entire plan to which they belonged. The targeted performance criterion here was return on assets.3. Non-Production and Non-Department Manager Incentive Plan * All employees non in the Production Incentive Plan or Department ManagerIncentive Plan including accountants, engineers, secretaries, clerks, and receptionists received a bonus based in the beginning on each plants return on assets. It could total over 25% of an employees base salary.4. Senior Officers Incentive Plan* include all corporate executives and plant general managers. A portion of pre-tax earnings was placed into a pool that was divided among the officers. If Nucor did well, the officers bonuses, in the form of stock (about 60%) and cash (about 40%), could amount to several times their base salaries. If Nucor did poorly, an officers compensation was only base salary and, therefore, significantly below the bonnie pay for this level of responsibility.Information SystemsBenefitsNucor took an egalitarian approach toward employee benefits. Nucors benefit program also attested to the companys commitment to education.TechnologyNucor did not have a formal R&D department, a corporate engineering group, or a chief technology officer. Instead, it relied on equipment suppliers and other companies to do the R&D, and they adopted the technological advancements they developed whether in steel or iron making, or in fabrication. Teams composed of mangers, engineers, and machine operators decided what technology to adopt.time to comeThe companys biggest challenge (in the future) is to continue to grow the company at 15 20% per year, and to keep earnings parallel with its growth.AnalysisNucor Corporation became one of the top corporations in the steel industry because of their handwork and technology innovation. This company also sees and takes care of its employees needs, wh ich in return gives thema quality service in their work.ConclusionNucor, even though we can see it as a successful, almost perfect company, still faces problems like other businesses in the industry. puzzleThe company has lost one-third to one-half of its market value when the stock reached its peak value (mid-2008), and has not recovered as of 2012.RecommendationWe can advocate change in the companys technology, like getting more advance equipments in making steel and steel-related products. Or the company could make a merger to other company to utilize its resources to its maximum while keeping cost low.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Gender differences Essay
It could be verbalize that to some extent the view that processes within schools whitethorn lead to gender differences in educational exercise is true. The theory of Interactionist looks at the individual rather than ships company therefore it is a bottom up theory.Interactionist surround that the processes within the schools such as the hidden curriculum may lead students in gender differences in educational achievement, as what happens inside the school which is unwritten is what influences the individual in educational achievement, not the nut curriculum or what is written rule such as the subjects which is being studied influences the student to achieve. The sociologist Goffman explains that everyone in society is presenting the self in everyday life.What he means is that everyone is a puppet of society and not in control of what they say or do, but in fact they are devoted in strings and act for guinea pig in play, such as a female may play the theatrical role of a mothe r at home but play the role of a student at school. Some argue that the structure and settings of schools, generally creates gender differences in educational achievement, for example the socialisation aspect is that the students are socialised into tolerable forms of behaviour pupils are given drill in how to move about the school, sit in desk, raise handsthe puritan of hard work, sober life sentence and good manners is continuously urged upon them. This socialisation naturally created gender differences as males are seen or evaluate to manage in classrooms in the manner of masculine while females are seen or expected to behave in feminine behaviour or otherwise it could be considered mirthful, and therefore the students who do behave odd are looked at differently or called deviant.The sociologist Postman and Weingartner, studied that the hidden curriculum consisted of discovering that cognition is beyond the power of students and is in case none of their business secondly rec all is the highest form of happy achievement and therefore the collection of facts is the goal of education the voice of authority is to be trusted much than than independent judgement feelings are irrelevant in education passive acceptance is a more desirable response to predilections than active criticism.This study proves that the individual does not play in an important role but rather how to survive the school and just pass the exams was important and therefore not dainty on which gender is learning or how but on how they should just pass the time in school and move on as education is not about the self but on facts and memorising, and not understanding. As a result it could be said that the study of classroom interaction is the idea that the reality of the classroom is a negotiated reality. For students and teachers, the hidden curriculum consists of learning how to survive in the classroom.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Supreme court
Write a speech from your characters point of view about why they dont bid the radical Deal and what they think should happen instead. We, the Supreme Court are strongly opposed to the legislations of the virgin Deal we can declare that we will do everything in our power to stop President Roosevelt and his New Deal. As you may be aware, we have currently found two of President Roosevelt laws unconstitutional.The National industrial Recovery Act and the Agricultural Adjustment act but unfortunately by doing this we have furious President Roosevelt who is now a great threat to us. He sees us as a crowd of angry old republicans who have denied democracy by throwing out the laws that he was elected to pass. Unfortunately, he has tardily taken the matter so far as to ask congress to give him the power to make 6 more Supreme Judges who dare I say would have been more parliamentary and more sympathetic towards the New Deal.Thankfully, the American people caused an national outcry str ongly against Roosevelt intends as they apothegm him as attacking the American system of government, The rumors that we have heard also suggest that even many another(prenominal) of his close friends were strongly opposed to what he suggested and we are known pleased to say that yes, Roosevelt has realized that Hal plan to pack the court with his own allies does make him indeed appear to be a authoritarian and yes, he has backed down.He obviously knew that Congress would never approve. We, the Judges of the Supreme Court have been move by Roosevelt actions and we will definitely be less obstructive In the future, and will definitely be more cautious in the way we Interpret our duties, so It does appear to us that Roosevelt efforts havent all bypast to waste. Although I hardly doubt hell be trying that again with us any time soon.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
A forecasting method Essay
1. Which of the following barometric indicators would be the most helpful for presage future sales for an industry?2. The use of quarterly data to develop the forecasting model Yt = a +bYt1 is an example of which forecasting technique?3. Consumer expenditure plans is an example of a forecasting method. Which of the general categories outstrip described this example?4. The type of economic indicator that can best be employ for affair forecasting is the5. An example of a time series data set is one for which the6. If two option economic models are offered, other things equal, we would7. European Union mash costs exceed U.S. and British labor costs primarily because8. If Ben Bernanke, Chair of the Federal Reserve Board, begins to tighten monetary policy by lift US interest rates next year, what is the likely impact on the value of the dollar?9. If the British pound () appreciates by 10% against the dollar10. An appreciation of the U.S. dollar has what impact on Harley-Davidson (H D), a U.S. shaper of motorcycles?11. Companies that reduce their margins on export products in the face of appreciation of their home currency may be motivated by a desire to12. In an open economy with few capital restrictions and comfortingimport-export trade, a rise in interest rates and a decline in the producer charge index of inflation will13. Trading partners should specialize in producing goods in accordance with comparative advantage, consequently trade and diversify in consumption because14. Marginal revenue product is be as the nub that an additional unit of the variable input adds to ____.15. The marginal product is specify as16. Which of the following is neer negative?17. The combinations of inputs costing a constant C dollars is called18. The marginal rate of technical substitution may be defined as all of the following except 19. Marginal factor cost is defined as the amount that an additional unit of the variable input adds to ____.20. If TC = 321 + 55Q 5Q2, then average total cost at Q = 10 is21. The cost function is22. What method of inventory valuation should be used for economic decision-making problems?23. For a short-run cost function which of the following statements is (are) not true?24. According to the speculation of cost, specialization in the use of variable resources in the short-run results initially in25. ____ are defined as costs which are incurred regardless of the alternative action chosen in a decision-making problem.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Embarrassing Moment
In fiat today students in general become lazier and procrastinate more than they have in the past. This laziness could bm the student to bolt a course, and perhaps not graduate. However, if the appropriate time and effort is made toward anything and in particular studying, success has become a realistic goal. In my case, it all occurred on Tuesday, June 9th, 2009, it was suppose to be one of the happiest days of my life, but in fact, it turned out to be the sourest experiences I had to go through. qualifying back through the memories, I began the day as usual, waking up in the morning, having breakfast, and getting devise to go to school with all my friends to collect the results of the baccalaureate. I remember encountering the door bell, my friend Simon has solely arrived to pick me up and give me a ride to school. I remember how excited we all were, singing, chanting, and exchanging ideas on how we were exit to spend our summer vacation, not knowing what was going to happen next.When arriving to school there was a gathering in front of the principals office, the school administrative team was getting take a leak to post the results on the board in alphabetical order at noon. I could feel the oscillation everyone around me was happy, anxious, and exited for the event. Thirty minutes later, the principal walked right by us holding a mint of papers in his hand. At the moment the only thing that could catch my full attention was to stop my grades.Trying to push my way through the front of the crowd, I recall seeing the facial fount my friend Karim had. He had passed and was jumping and celebrating in the middle of the crowd. Still not knowing my results, I already had gone through different emotions in a very short time. I was happy, exited and sense a little bit dizzy not until one of my school mates gave me a pitiful look, in which you know deep inside that something is wrong, I tried to convince myself that it is all in my head and that it wasnt true.Finally, there I was standing in front of the list going through the names I see my name and a Failed next to it. Refusing to believe the outcome, I blinked my eyes and read it again to ca-ca sure that It was me not somebody else. A big moment of silence followed, I couldnt hear anything else except my heart beating at an unusual rapid pace. I became extremely nervous, I started sweating, my legs started shaking and I felt dizzier than before.I felt upset, unmotivated, shameful, sad, angry, and jealous. All what I could think about is how did I fail? And most strategicly, how I am going to convey the news to my parents? What explanations and excuses l have to come up with? Is it typical teenager behavior? There could have been many things to blame for my failure, such as feeling of helplessness, lack of personal responsibility, inadequacy of my parents, TV, and video games and especially the influence of bad friends.I have the goal of not letting go of things, which is why I simply accepted the facts and commenced immediately at lottery an action plan so that it never occurs again. As Professor Robert Sutton stated ((Stanford University)), when failure happens, the most important thing is to have an after event review to provoke sufficiently deep thinking whether you gurgle about successes or failures is less important Learning from Success and Failure, Monday June 4, 2007.Although, I couldnt help noticing communitys expression when telling them that I failed, I battled very hard, I always felt ashamed. I entered the house and requested a serious talk with my parents about the results. They got mad. I couldnt stand watch the disappointment on my mothers eyes as they watered. Although, they made sure to punish me for the full summer I made sure to appeal my case and expressed that I absolutely took crinkle what I made them go through.It didnt take me long to realize that I had all what I needed to succeed in my life and wonderful supportive paren ts. That helps me in every step of my flourishing life. It is true, everything is a learning experience regardless if it is good or bad. There is always something to be learned. solely all learnings are not equal. I have found that if someone is going to spend his or her time pondering the past, focus on the wins not the losses. In conclusion, I am confident that lessons learned from doing well arms you with a better chance at continuing toward your racecourse of success.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Complementary and Alternative Medicine
The number of Complementary and Alterative medicine (CAM) consumer is constantly increasing. According to the field of study Health In phaseation survey in 2004, nearly 40% of Ameri force out adults used some form of ersatz therapies and spend around 30 billion dollars per year on unestablished medicine (Kayne 2008, p. 93). The marge alternative medicine refers to all the therapeutic come that is non part of the conventional medicine such(prenominal) as herbal medicine, acupuncture and yoga (Hirsch, 2009).Allopathic medicine is based on scientific knowledge that has already been proved efficient whereas most of homeopathic sermons are based on tradition and beliefs in spiritual energies. It allow be argued that although logical issues and concerns switching with the unconventional therapy, the various advantages of homeopathic methods outweigh any potential inconveniences if it is sanitary practiced and complementary.This is essay will examine the various drawbacks and be nefits of this therapeutical approach. First of all, on the disadvantage status alternative medicine usually does not heal the patient instantly. Indeed herbal treatments for instance nates take weeks before a real improvement appeared. Sometimes numerous acupuncture sessions or massages are required for a long lasting result. As a consequence the one concerned depose get impatient and decided to switch to a more conventional better.Moreoer, according to Dr. Hirsch (2009) to adopt CAM it demands to invest a considerable amount of time, energy and money (as it is rarely covered by health insurance). Furthermore, affect denounces the fact that some people choose to treat some severe disease primarily with alternative therapies whereas it should notwithstanding be in addition to conventional medicine. Under those circumstances, damage can be make beyond repair by the time the patient realize that the treatment do not carry at all.Besides, CAM practices can meddle with convent ional medication, for example herbal supplements can interfere with treatments like birth-control pills. supra all, Dr. Hirsch (2009) states that CAM users must keep in mind that contrary to conventional medical doctors, there is only hardly a(prenominal) trained and licensed CAM practitioners. As an illustration, practice such as yoga can be dangerous if the political campaign are not done properly with a professional. Finally few scientists like Kaptchuk. (2002) note that placebo ready whitethorn enhance results from alternative remedy.As the CAM users believe for instance, that healing ritual such as acupuncture is solid for their mind and body it will then meet true benefits on the patients for some specific unsoundness as emotional state can influence the immune system. Although this may be true that CAM practice must be done with carefulness and awareness it is not true that the demerits brought by CAM prevail over the merits. First thing to remember in the advantage sid e, as stated by Buzescu (2011, p. 130) alternative therapies have almost no side effects as it works with the body instead of eliminating symptoms like the conventional medicine.The scientist also holds the views that it is a green friendly practice inwrought substances are applied and the modus operandi is quiet simple. In the same way this searcher believes that users may feel reassured that they will probably not free-base dangerous and polluted chemicals in their products. In addition, it is important to realize that millions of underprivileged families heal themselves and rely only on unconventional medicine thanks to the fact that it not expensive, contrarily to the modern drugs.Moreover the complementary healing approach is neat increasingly successful for its aptitude to diagnosticate and focus on the real nature of the disease. It pays more attention to the mental and emotional symptoms. As a matter of fact practitioners have the knowledge and are engaged to encourage th e mind-body connection. Consequently they give to other(a)s the aptitude to bear their sickness through various resources, techniques and natural remedies. Buzescu (2011, p. 30) goes on to say that the main goal of complementary medicine is to help or complete unstained treatment methods. In other words CAM is used in addition to conventional healing treatments, to deal with symptoms or side effects that had not been yet cured. In this case, it has been suggested to patients to discuss with the conventional doctor some their intentions to add complementary healing techniques to their previous treatment and more especially if it involves herbal therapies Malbley(1998).Likewise, this practice is becoming more accepted and approved by the conventional doctors, but keep in mind that it can only works as a complement and not as an alternative, a complement should not lead to a total replacement Dawson (2008). Indeed there is finally a theory that CAM treatment can be use for disease l ike cancer, as it procures some reliefs from signs and symptoms (Tovey, Chatwin and Broom, 2007). To conclude, in recent old age CAM healing approach have risen in popularity among industrialized countries.One the one hand, it shows some disadvantages as it may be a long-term treatment that demand a lot of personal investment and which is sometimes taken without a full knowledge of the facts that it may only rely on the placebo effect. On the other hand it merits such as the fact that there is no side effect, it is a cost in effect(p) and green approach that focus on the core of the disease to heal, largely compensate the demerits if it is used as a complement. However it is obvious that in order to avoid any abuse, governments should implement laws and regulations toward CAM practice.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Interview protocol asginment for communication interviewing class, Coursework - 1
Interview protocol asginment for communication interviewing class, - Coursework ExampleMy duties as an advertiser designer will include planning and organizing events of different words, photos and illustrations in the Independent. This must be eye contractable to attract a wide audience to read the daily. I will also be complex in putting the portfolios together in the Newspaper to provide a presentable outline to the readers. Finally, I will be required to brook excellent persuasive communication and social skills that will be essential in presenting a good storyline of adverts to the readers.Other positions that I will highly gent with to produce presentable adverts to the audience include the multimedia department in providing me with better images or photos for the advertisement. The newspaper column staff for providing a good story storyline for the advertisements. The staff photographer is also important in advertising and will be useful in providing me with information relating to different products being put on ads. I will also be associated with type consultant to provide a credible framework to the audience where he will give reasonable advice on the advertisements. The webmaster will also help me in uploading my adverts on the web, and will need to communicate with him regularly on completion of my work. Finally and most important, is the publicizing director who will have to review my work after completion before presenting to the editors, and the webmaster for publication of the secular to the audience.My greatest accomplishment so far, is that during my University education, I managed to qualify with an AA, which places me in a better position in the job market. I have also attended internship opportunities while in college meaning I have gained some experience in the job position. During my University life, I was the president of the journalism club and thus gained a lot in communication skills. In the club, we managed to write articles some of them have been published and recognized which was a great achievement with other
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Obesity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Obesity - Research Paper ExampleThe physical disadvantages of beingness obese are even more(prenominal) severe. The condition significantly lowers life expectancy and is linked to at least 300,000 deaths of in the U.S. alone each year. It similarly diminishes the quality of life. Obese persons suffer many more types of physical problem than others including bones and joints and the back region. They also are more lethargic than persons who are non obese. Approaching pandemic proportions, obesity is the source of many varied and hazardous health consequences thus intelligence the factors that cause the condition and understanding the most feasible treatment options offered are of paramount importance in the fight against this crippling condition.Genetics significantly influences the chances of a person becoming obese. Those who are genetically predispose to being obese have more difficulty losing weight and sustaining a healthy body mass. Inactivity, gorge and eating foods high in fat content, in addition to socioeconomic and metabolic circumstances, endocrine ailments, diseases, and certain medications can also contribute appreciably to obesity. Some people are just born to be big. Studies have confirmed that about half of overweight kids have parents who are or were overweight. Heredity also plays a role as to where a person carries their excess weight on their body, whether on the hips or belly. A persons metabolism is a term that describes to how efficiently a persons body uses energy. hormonal balances and metabolic levels vary widely among individuals. Both factor considerably in controlling weight. Recent studies build that levels of ghrelin, a peptide hormone known to regulate appetite, and other peptides in the stomach, play a role in triggering hunger and producing a feeling of fullness (Overview of Obesity, 2009).Studies have also
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Preliminary Research Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Preliminary Research Design - Assignment slipHowever, once a barter has been operating for an amount of time, they begin to rely on their nodes to help their business organisation continue to strive. Of course, customers are only a small part of the business, but the path that customers are treated will have a direct impact on the way that the business grows. Many businesses check the relationship of customers to loyalty, but many do not see that it makes much difference in the way they do business. In the old days, in that respect was a phrase that everyone seemed to use The customer is always right. barely today, this may not be the case for every business. Customer satisfaction will automatically take place to customer loyalty if customers are treated well. Theoretical Framework Most business people date that the relationship that they build with their customers will either bring them back to the business or make them go to someone else. The most important factor for them to remember is that there is a relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. The idea of customer satisfaction can be defined in many dissimilar ways. ... Some researchers suggest that defining customer satisfaction means that quality of the product is important to customer satisfaction. Although this is one component that points to customer satisfaction, it is not the only one that can be seen in ontogenesis this concept. In order to define customer satisfaction, a research must look a several(prenominal) issues that create good customer service. Roethlein and Wicks (2009) suggest that one of those components is quality. Whether it is a product or a service, there are certain elements of quality service that most customers will expect. Customers satisfaction connects to customer loyalty which in turn connects to costumer retention. In each situation, customers are the major part of why a business or service works well and continues to thrive, especially in difficul t economic times. According to Dubrovski (as cited in Roethlein and Wicks, 2009), consumer satisfaction is the most important aspect of profit because it is through customer satisfaction that profits are made. In other words, the more fulfill customers are, the more they want to purchase from the company. Kumar, Petersen, and Leone (2010) suggest that when customers are satisfied with a product or service, they will tell other people about it and they will think of them to the business. They devised a formula to decide what customers had the highest value for referrals and applied it to their research. They found that customers who had a high level of referral incident only needed to have one form of advertising come to them because if they liked the business enough, they would automatically refer people to it. These different theories of how researchers see customer satisfaction makes it difficult to devise a knockout independent or dependent variable for what
Monday, May 13, 2019
To introduce learners to the concept of business ethics and to examine Essay
To introduce learners to the concept of bloodline ethics and to examine its relevance when considering business objectives and responsibilities - Essay ExampleThe family wants to make itself an integrated global organisation. But for its business evolution & achieving its objectives the come with took some major wrong steps which involved the company into a scandal in1996. This affected the respectable issues of the company also. Pfizer introduced a drug named Trovan. At that time a large outbreak was spread in Nigeria and the company tested the drug on infected children under hasty concision. The company did not aver their parents about the experimental drugs. The adverse effect of this drug killed fifty children & disabled many children. This action affected the estimable issues of the company like individualism, Kantianism, utilitarianism. The company disobeyed the government laws & ethical standards to maximize its profit. Pfizer only considered its business growth withou t focusing on its customer happiness. The goodwill of the company was hampered as it only focused on bills making and ignored the value of people life. The company neither executed the trial for good bring in nor did it create happiness. Without evaluation the problems associated with the results of the trial Pfizer implemented it and ended with lawsuits. Pfizer did not respect its customers and took irrational actions (Altier 64-67). The company behaved in an inhuman way with the Nigerians and produced fake letter. As a results of this ethical issues Pfizer was deceitful to the US as the company did not informed the country about this incident for a long time. The company showed its coward nature by not admitting the facts that unethical standard was followed during the time of its medicine testing. It did not consider about the correct ethical guideline which should be followed. This is how the business objectives of Pfizer affected the ethical considerations (Baier 88-89).A per son who invests in the company is cognize as stakeholder. They contribute a
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Econ Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Econ Assignment - Essay ExampleThe dip in income get by the consumers in the U.S. could be viewed as its impact on the circulating(prenominal) account. It is estimated that almost 10% of all Dollar washed-out by U.S. customers is on purchase of imported goods (Kaplan) however as the income falls in the U.S. the customers demand for imported goods will surely be affected. As consumers spend less on goods and service the proportion they spend on imports will reduce. The exertion would be rising current account prodigality and positive balance of payments.If the inflation in the foreign country increases it will have an upward effect on the cost of production in that country and making its exports to the U.S. more expensive than its imports. This suggests that U.S. consumers would end up paying more for imported goods that will provoke them to switch over to less costly goods produced domestically (Kaplan). This can also have a reverse effect on the U.S. exports thereby increasin g the current account surplus with that country in the short run till inflation remains relatively higher in the foreign country.The interest regularize fall in the U.S. has its impact on the great account of the country. The decline in interest rates in the U.S. implies the reduction in the return on savings and relative return in the financial markets of the U.S. This suggests that foreign seators will be reluctant to invest in the financial markets who will be seeking greater returns in other foreign markets. This makes the local financial markets unattractive and may lead to outflow of funds through capital markets.The supervene upon rate is the relative price of a currency against other currencies. The exchange rate is typically driven by the demand and supply of the currency. As consumers will use less of the local currency due to fall in their income it suggests a lower demand for it as less money will be spent on imported goods and services therefore its supply dampens . The net result is decline in the exchange rate against
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Human Relations Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human Relations Case Study - Essay Example mental home Organizations are very important in the day to day life. One of the most basic and unfathomed aspects of agreements is that it involves human resources. The word organisation comes from the word organize. This word suggests a sense of order and guidance of human resources to bring about or achieve an intended result. Literature review Management is an comprehensive word. It means controlling and harmonizing resources so that the organization can achieve its goals and targets. The word management clearly points to lead of the organization. This is where the human resource begins. Leadership determines the quality of the organization almost directly. This is because it is charged with the responsibility of coming up with decisions that shall lift the quality of the organization. Poor leadership leads to unnecessary mistakes which end up in costing the organization a lot of resources. The quality of leadership is reflected thr ough the organizational leadership social system. Under the leadership structure various managers are assigned with different responsibilities which are viewed as pillars to the organization. This is to make sure that the growth of an organization is all round and evenly distributed. ... This includes coming up with the required standard of qualifications of the prospective clearers. This also includes develop skills through training and creation of incentives. The aim of these activities is to come up with a strong workforce that shall work with high level of professionalism. The reward system of the organization is one of the most sensitive areas to the workers. This is because it can nurture talent or even demoralize the workers. This plane section does not exclude wangleing with the cases of indiscipline among workers. In some large organizations, the human resource department is divided into many other smaller departments. These departments deal with specific matters with in the organization. While still having a look at the human resource department of an organization, there are times when highly trained workers become involved in cases of indiscipline. These manifest in multiple ways. Some workers are fond of over drinking. This causes many of them to come to work when they are drunk. To adorn this, our case involves a management trainee called Gary. Although he has full potential, he is not able to be in full helpful to the organization because of his drinking habit. Those who know Gary when he was studying at the university, say he was employ to drinking a little too much. He was always late for classes and sometimes never showed up for classes at all. When called upon to be accountable, he had convincing excuses that left the lecturers and other concerned people with satisfaction. Somehow, that was able to cushion him from trouble as long as he was a student. However, when he joined the professional domain of a function as a management trai nee, he initially thought the same excuses would work in the newborn work place. However, his bosses became
Friday, May 10, 2019
Continuum Professional Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Continuum Professional Development - Essay ExampleLike some(prenominal) other coiffeivity I developed a working plan that would dish out me achieve my goals and objectives. The achieve plan was mainly based on gaining put through and learning from go through practitioners. According to Plunket (2008) creating pricy dealings with experience practitioners is the best way to gain effectively from continuum development practices. In the action plan, I centre on the location of my placement as a junior practitioner, the skills ask from me, being in good terms with my tutors and supervisors and having the best academic qualifications. In continuum practice development an action plan should have a mandatory requirement of acquiring maximum skills from the academic side and skills in practice development (Jasper, 2006). The seed further argues that as a student, academic qualification is the most important requirement to build ones skills in their career. In the academic level st udents are advised to also create relationship with their tutors and other experienced instructors who may guide them as amateur nursing practitioners. In the paper, I will discuss my experience in continuum paid development in terms of communication and working with others. Additionally, there will be an inclusion of my strong and weak areas as a learning nursing practitioner. ... In my academic life, I developed my communication skills by research and by creating relationships with my instructors. Like a requirement in continuum professional development, one should create a healthy relationship with tutors and instructors. In this way, the experienced practitioners aid students in intellectual the requirements of the practice. In terms of communication I indulged in practical lessons in gaining experience and getting use to the terms involved. In the practical lessons, there were programs which we participated in that doed our tutors evaluate and promote our progress. The progr ams were based on special(prenominal) requirements from our tutors. The programs enhanced our communicating skills with patients, taking notes from practical lessons, analyzing the trends in communication in the practice and learning from experienced practitioners how to relate to the practice situations. Communication in the academic level is also enhanced through creating groups that help formulate communication strategies (OFarell & Evans, 2008). In these groups, tutors and instructors provide instructions on how to create communication programs and trends to suit the field. Additionally, the groups act as support mechanisms to slow learners who require more attention when learning. According to Hansen (2013) communication in groups help students have confidence and enough self esteem to face patient and experienced practitioners. In groups, any person is ranked an amateur regardless of their sharpness and level of understanding. This helps students feel comfortable when learni ng and experimenting peeled communication skills. Academically, students also learn how to work in groups. In every class level tutors created groups which required working together to
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Postmodernity and Five Fundamental Theological Issues Essay
Postmodernity and Five Fundamental Theological Issues - Essay ExamplePost-modernism developed as a apprehension in the mid-1980s and has received increased following over the years. As a concept, post-modernism defies definition because in this hour it means different things to different observers. (Guarino, Thomas, 2009). Postmodernism is hard to define, because it is a concept that appears in a wide revolution of disciplines or areas of study, including art, architecture, music, film, literature, sociology, communications, fashion, and technology. Its hard to locate it temporally or historically, because its not clear exactly when postmodernism begins. Perhaps the easiest style to start thinking about postmodernism is by thinking about modernism, the movement from which postmodernism seems to grow or emerge. modernity has two facets, or two modes of definition, both of which are relevant to understanding postmodernism. The first facet or definition of modernism comes from the aesthetic movement broadly labeled modernism. This movement is roughly coterminous with twentieth century Western ideas about art (though traces of it in emergent forms can be found in the nineteenth century as well). Modernism is the movement in visual arts, music, literature, and drama which rejected the sometime(a) Victorian standards of how art should be made, consumed, and what it should mean.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Econ assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Econ - Assignment manikina. Increase in capital in country A will lead to gain in issue of the goods x and y hence, the country thereby poignant its importation of the same goods thus, affecting the export on the same goods by country B since A shall have increased its mathematical product on the same goods.c. Increase in capital in country B will lead to increase in production of the goods x and y hence, the country thereby affecting its importation of the same goods thus, affecting the exportation on the same goods by country A since B shall have increased its production on the same goods.10. The reasons that led to the decline in the import due to industrialization included the production through processing and manufacturing by diverse nations hence, creating self-reliance of nations. Additionally, it is worth noting that this factor promoted free trade since nations produces different items at different times thus, it was only through trade especially free that products fr om different nations could be acquired by other
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Administrative Law (Australia) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
administrative Law (Australia) - Research Paper ExampleAccording to Mark Tunshets,( Jones, Ian. The anisminic revolution in Australian administrative law an analysis of extended legal poweral error. Turramurra, N.S.W. Local Legal, 1998. Print.)Judicial revue in Australia has a lot of berth since it is only the high court that can interpret the constitution. Judicial check into in Australia is complicated by clause 5 of the constitution. This clause provides that all the amendments done by the commonwealth parliament are rachis to Australia. This is because the courts mandated to interpret the law must decide if the law is binding to Australia (Canberra, 2005). The chief justice Marshall maintain that juridic suss out is incredibly paramount in the Australian legal system(Fordham, Michael. Judicial review handbook. fifth ed. Oxford Portland, OR , 2008. Print.). In 1951, justice Fellugar proposed that the article of belief of Madison v. Marbury is adopted as axiomatic(Johnston, Richard E.. The effect of judicial review on federal-state relations in Australia, Canada, and the United States. Baton Rouge Louisiana State University Press, 1969. Print.). This is because the many criticisms of the principle were accepted and justified. Despite an express implication in the constitution of Australia, judges and scholars have proposed that judicial review is paramount and has immense effects on the legal system. Judicial review is mostly done by the high courts since it is at the top of the legal structure. Though the another(prenominal) courts can deal with around ingrained issues, they are under the supervision by the high court. The essential jurisdiction which is conferred to juicy coquette in section 75 is to issue prerogative and constitutional writs. This has been expanded in section75(iii) whereby a soul suing on behalf of the Commonwealth, is bonafied party. Section 33 in the judiciary Act 1901 extends the authority of High Court to research public law (Le?tourneau 1976). A chief factor that has affected the levels of court review in High Court is the alternative remedies available which are not subject to the same limitations. Declarations and injunctions are the key illustrations. For instance, the closure made by the high court that the commission on Queensland Justice did not observe pretty procedures where mandamus was not appropriate and that certiorari did not mislead. Judicial decision reviews in Australia and other nations has seen the ontogeny of the legal systems. This is characterized by fair judgments, timely judgments, and equitable treatment of individuals by the judicature (Leon 1951). Though the other courts can deal with some constitutional issues, they are bound by the high court. The essential jurisdiction which is conferred in the High Court in section 75 is to issue prerogative and constitutional writs. The judicial reviews should be done with a lot of integrity because it might lead to a constitution al crisis as well as violence. No party should be biased or favored by a judicial review. The parties involved should be treated equally (Kanigsberg 1952). A) Compare the breadth and flexibility of ADJR order of review remedy with prerogative writs plus injunction and declaration. The judicial review remedies can be classified into tierce categories. These are prerogative writs, equitable remedies of injunction and declaration, and the statutory remedies. Though the other courts can deal with some constitutional issues, they are under supervision by the high court. The essential jurisdiction of the High Court in section75 (v) is to issue prero
Monday, May 6, 2019
Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Religion - Essay ExampleThese religions assure people to show kindness to fellow valet macrocosms as well as to animals. MORALS, PERFECTION The chase of the three East Asian religions, Confucianism, Taoism, and Shinto, concentrate mainly on being a perfect human being and upholding moral behavior. Each of these has a humanist philosophy. MONOTHEISM, BOOK The common features of the religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam be that both foresee in one God and both argon religions of the book. The latter means that a book was send to the people of all these religions through their prophets. Generally speaking, with time people are only becoming lesser and lesser interested in religion. The number of atheists is increasing. People are getting further from religion and thither may be several reasons behind this phenomenon. Man is always attracted to shiny, happy and fun aspects of life. Many religions are not all about fun. They are about being kind to the fellow human beings, percentage differents raze if you deal to go out of your way, and being average no matter what. Not everyone jubilantly complies with these rules. For instance, many feel that they could be much more successful in life if they dont follow the humanity rules they dont work honestly to earn they cheat on their customers to see their personal profit they indulge in illegal work such as smuggling and coin laundering. The list is endless. But that is not to say, however, that good people are no longer there today. there still are several good people out there who prefer to be honest over being rich illegally. They treat others nicely and take care of the animals too. They remove moral set which they hold on to and uphold. However, one important involvement to meditate is that we cannot really relate religion to being good or bad. Nowadays there is more to being spiritual than being religious. There are good Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc., and bad too. So we cannot really say that being religious means being good. A person may be ritualistically following a religion without really putting any implication to it. He may have been brought up in such an environment while his perceptions might be different. There are good and bad atheists too around the creative activity. Coming back to the original discussion, after a century religion would still be there only it would have few followers, and even less of the really true followers. Also, from research it has been concluded that the less religious countries are happier and also have lower crime rates. With the progress of science and technology the people have been more depending on it and going away religion in the air. It is said that science has been debunking several religious claims. If this is how it goes on and if people consider science to be more reliable what with all the logical and valid reasons laid down it is unavoidable that more and more people would look up to science and consider relig ion as unimportant. It is full of life to note, however, that though science can take us till the moon, going to heaven is another thing all together, and only religion is what will get us there. Even in todays world we see there are so many religious conflicts all over the world some places more than the other, but they are there. People have become intolerant of each other if someones views do not match theirs, they are wrong. This is the general perception. Of course, not everyone acts this way but those who do are enough to bring about violence and conflict as we have seen. We have heard about religious institutions being bombed and attacked and we have heard of people being persecuted because of their chosen religion. This is not limited to a single religion conflicts exist in every religion. Churches as well as mosques are attacked
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Walker Evans photographs in the book Let Us Now Praise Famous Men Essay
Walker Evans photographs in the book allow Us Now Praise Famous Men - Essay ExampleMost of Walkers work were in the 1930s and were even incorporated in some of the documents of the Great Depression. However, these issues did not besides concern the 1930s tribulations but also reflected on modern films, literature and traditional visual arts.Although this grouchy book is presented as documentary and true critics say that the pictures were somewhat sicd for technical and aesthetic reasons. This has take to number of controersies over the truth of historical records (Kaja, 2008).Evans pictures are photographic, very direct and even appear to be literal. Perhaps the most remarkable picture in this book is the third, the picture of Mrs Gudger. It shows a woman with a beautifully bony face, thinning black hair, sunken or perhaps bitten-in mouth and sun-narrowed eyes. The face is a single concentrated phrase of suffering you are bound to have an immediate outgoing relish toward it, bu t this is at once hemmed in, at once made careful and respectful, by what the camera does. It is remarkable that, like all the pictures in the book, this is a portrait it was sat for and posed and not only does the pose tell more than could be told by unconsciousness of the camera but the sitter gains in self-respect when allowed to defend herself against the lens. The gaze of the woman returning our gaze checks our pity and it is further checked by the cameras notification of the strands of jetty hair, of the sharp horizontals of eyebrows, eyes and mouth which are repeated in the three parallel shadows of the to windward wall behind, and by the cameras light emphasis on the early wrinkles and the puckered forehead, which are delicately repeated in the grain of the wood. And this is true of all of Evans pictures of the Gudger, Woods and Ricketts families.The entire hullaballoo about the photos the rocking chair being moved, about the meter on the clock, about the time the photos , about objects being added or removed is much fuss over
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Globalization and Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Globalization and Culture - Essay ExampleIt is feared that as globalisation spreads, it will defeat local cultures everywhere by homogenizing societies across the globe. In fact, this is probably the only point on which most(prenominal) countries, except America, agree. The French, the Germans, even the British, have problems accepting American cultural penetration that globalization entails. The loyal transnational clientele, cutting across segments of class, society and population, of big American multinationals such as Coca-Cola is evidence of the immense supply of corporations to spread a global consumer culture. Expanding the geographic footprint of any business in the era of globalization is not at all a perilous and costly job as it has been in the past. To extend competitive in todays scenario aggressive measures should be implemented to expand business. Through globalization businesses are adequate to meet demands on the international trade easier than ever. Through this phenomenon they are better able to gain market share, utilize their raw(a) resources and provide competition to competitors for the benefit for consumers. Impacts of globalization on international businesses include natural advantages, trade opportunities and outsourcing and procurement opportunities.
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